Chapter 39 :Plane

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Pov Emma

"Libby baby you have to get up" I said turning on a light as I walked in grabbing her suit case.
"Mmm" she groaned into her pillow
"Come on sweetheart you don't have to get dressed just up" I said
She kicked off her blankets and grabbed the stuffed bear she slept with every night named Blue. It had Rachel's voice in the paw, it said "Love you Love bug" or "Goodnight Love bug". She held it in her hands and I saw what pjs she was wearing.
"No never mind, hands up" I said pulling the shirt over her head. She had spilt paint on them. I put on a pink sweatshirt that was a few sizes to big so it was cozy. I pulled down her pants and pulled on some black joggers. I slipped on some little pink fluffy crocs and then smoothed her shirt. I held her cheeks in my hand, she was half asleep. It was 11:30pm and our flight left at 2:30am. But, we had about an hour drive to Lansing Airport. I sat her on the couch and carried the bag down the stairs and into the car. We had three bags. 2 of stuff that went up top  and the third had some carry on items, like tissues snacks, a blanket.
I came back up and her eyes were closed on the couch, I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder. I locked the door behind me. I had her in one arm and Pancake in the other on a leash. Libby's legs wrapped around my waist and her arms held around her bear and my neck. I got down to my small car and put Libby into her car seat. I strapped her in and put Pancake beside her. She had automatically fallen asleep and I smiled and drove to the airport. I got to the airport and pulled out my luggage putting it on a cart. I pulled out Pancake's carrier, honestly he loved it, it had a fluffy little blanket in it and he would just sleep. I put it on the cart then put Pancake inside. I unstrapped Libby and she woke a little, but then clung to me when I held her. I handed my keys to the valet guy and thanked him giving him a tip. I pushed cart with one hand and held Libby in the other. I made it inside then headed towards security. I had gotten pre-check so it shouldn't take long. I got in line with about 15 other groups which wasn't too bad. I shifted Libby up in my arms more, I pulled out my phone texting Rachel to let her know we made it to the airport and we were about to go through security.

Hey baby, we are up and now in line for security. Libby is fast asleep in my arms hoping they won't make me wake her up. Love you lots see you soon.

Rach (ICE)
Great, hope they let my love bug sleep. Love you more be safe.

I put my phone back into my pocket. I was wearing a fluffy quarter zip, that said soccer mom on the side. Libby had started soccer with March and she loved it. I facetime Rachel when she was available so she could watch. Last game Libby scored and Rachel cried, it was the cutest thing. Anyways Marcy got me and Rach matching quarter zips embroidered with soccer mom and then Libby's name on the next line and her number which was 16, like her Mama.
I was wearing leggings and then running shoes because I knew I'd be walking and carrying little miss.
I made it to the front and they let me walk through holding her and then a lady behind me helped get everything back on my cart.
"Thank you so much" I said
"No problem, you are amazing. Dog and kid, and you look so young" she said quietly not wanting to wake libby.
"Going to see her Mama" I said smiling at the lady as she helped me.
"You're not the mom?"
"I am, I'm gay, so we are fly to see her other mom" I said
"Ohh got it ok" she said putting my last suitcase of the cart.
"Thank you again"
"No problem" she said as she waved as I walked away. I found our terminal and I sat down with Libby laying on my shoulder. It was around 1:30 ish now and we had about 30minutes till boarding time. I had found this folding seat that fits in planes so Libby can sleep in her seat. It was a row of three so I'll put her against the window.

I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel

Hey hun, we are through the security and now sitting in our terminal. Libby is getting heavy, we aren't going to be able to carry her for much longer

Once Upon a Drama LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora