Chapter 27:Christmas Baby Pt1

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Pov Rachel

I woke up with a pounding headache, I was probably hung over from the beach yesterday. Yesterday was the last day Kylie, Hannah, Jensen and Reid were down here before they left to go back to Tennessee for Christmas. We definitely all had a lot to drink during the day before they left. I opened the blankets and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to get Tylenol.
"Baby you okay" I heard from the bedroom
"Yeah I'm okay" I said back popping 2 pills into my mouth.
I walked out of the bathroom and Emma was looking at me sitting up in bed. I ran and jumped into bed-beside her and cuddled close. She kissed my cheek, "Ready for a crazy busy week of Christmas?" she laughed combing my hair out of my face.
I nodded, "Remind me of all the things"
"Ok Today we have dinner with Mckenzie and her family, tomorrow we leave for Madison's house and we have Christmas lights from my childhood-" She said
"Ooo Christmas lights" I said smiling.
"I've seen these ones every year since I was 5" she said with a smile. I could tell they were special to her.
"Then the day after we are making gingerbreads with Madison's family, then Christmas morning at Madison's but Christmas dinner with my family" I could feel her tense anxiety for dinner. I squeezed her tight "But you have Christopher, Tally, and Ollie on your side" I said.
She nodded, "Then the day after Christmas we have a triple date with Tally and Isobel."
"And Isobel is a childhood friend?"
"Yeah like another older sister to me"She said.
I was excited for this week, I knew she was a little nervous but I was excited to meet everyone.
"What time is it" I asked putting my chin on chest.
"Shit it's 2:30" she said laughing getting out bed. She turned back at me, "we are going straight from dinner to Madison's house so we have to pack and get ready before 4:30".
I smiled at her hurriedness.
"Ok my love what can I do to help" I said stepping out of bed.
"Uh put good music on then help me re pack all these bags" she said.
"Baby why don't you put all the clothes we need for this Christmas week in mine and then all the other stuff in that suitcase so we only have to take one in" I said. It just seemed easier.
"Ooo my girlfriend is smart" she said kissing me.

Pov Hannah

We were about an hour away from Kylie's mom's house. I knew she was so excited to see her mom, they had a really good relationship and her mom was very supportive.
I put my hand on Kylie's knee, and rubbed it back and fourth. Jensen and Reid were in the back seat cause we just decided to carpool cause why not. And at least now I didn't have to drive the entire time.

I pulled into Jensen's driveway it was about a 10min drive from Kylie's house.
"Love ya" Jensen said closing her door then walking to Kylie's window.
"See y'all christmas eve" she said kissing Kylie's cheek then walking away with Reid.

We pulled out and to Kylie's house we went. I pulled in the driveway and I barely put the car in park before Kylie jumped out of the car and ran at her mom who was running out the front door.
I parked and got out of the car, they were both crying.
"Hannah honey get in here" her mom said waving me over.
We all were now in a group hug.

Pov Emma

I rang the doorbell and Melissa(Mckenzie's mom) opened the door.
"Ahhhh Emma honey I am so happy to see you"she said hugging me.
"I missed you too" I said in the hug.
"EMMA" I heard from in the house, it was Ro.
"Oh come in come in, and you must be Rachel" she said holding out her hand to shake Rachel's. 
"Yes ma'am thank you for inviting me" Rachel said handing her flowers.
"Aw of course" she said then turned to me and whispered "I like this one"
I smiled and followed her into the house followed by Rachel who's arm was around my back.
I saw little Rowan and her bright red hair come running down the stairs. She had like nine barbies in her hand and she jumped into my arms.
"I missed you" she said hugging me. "Who are you?" She asked turning to Rachel.
"I'm Rachel" she said. I knew she didn't know if she was allowed to say I was her girlfriend in front of someone so small.
"Rachel is Emma's girlfriend" Mckenzie said walking out of the kitchen.
"ohhh well you are very pretty" Ro said to Rachel.
"Thank you, you are very pretty as well" Rachel said to Ro.
"Come on in here dinner should be ready soon. We made tacos because I know you love them" Stephanie said to me chopping some tomatoes.
"So Emma I heard you still don't want to go to UCLA" Bill mckenzie's dad asked.
"Nah I'm happy at MSU" I said sitting down with Ro on my lap.
"Well that's good, but I wish you played for them at least" Bill said turning towards me.
"Yeah I just don't see myself with a future in volleyball" I said. They nodded and we changed the subject to school and then me and Rachel.

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