Chapter 6: Well...

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Pov Rachel:

"Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my ma and pa," Emma sang along to Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
"Not that way that I do love you" We both sang turning towards each other. Smiling big, we were singing on the top of our lungs.
Emma continued to sing as I turned back to look at the road "Well, holy moley, me oh my, You're the apple of my eye" Her hands on her chest singing, man she wasn't good but she was so dang cute. I took one hand off the wheel and placed it on her mid thigh, "Girl, I've never loved one like you" I sang turning to look at her as we stopped at a stop light.
Emma smiled at me, as I continued to sing the song. I looked back at the road, one hand on the wheel and the other on her thigh. We both continued to sing out loud. But something about the beginning of home just felt right, almost like it was meant for us. I kept my eyes on the road stealing glances at Emma as she sang her heart out to my playlist. I pulled into the parking spot of my apartment and turned the car off, the music turned off with it, Emma turned and stuck her bottom lip out pouting. Deciding I was just going to be flirty "Careful with that face, it makes me want to kiss you". I smirked and opened my door to leave, Emma got out seconds later and caught up with my walking towards my apartment. She followed behind me up the stairs and down the hallway. I opened the door, and let Emma in. We walked into the kitchen, "Do you want anything to drink, we have everything literally everything.",
"I'll just have water thanks though"
I got a water bottle out of the fridge and tossed it too her left. She caught it with a swift motion in left hand, my mouth opened.
"Don't you be making that face it makes me want to kiss you" she mocked as she turned and walked over to my couch.
"Pinky is butter popcorn good"
"mm yes please" she called from the couch. I threw the bag in the micro wave and walked towards her. I sat down beside her and leaned forward to grab the remote. I turned the tv on, "What movie will it be pinky"
"Hmm how about stick it"
"Don't say another thing" I turned the movie on just as I heard the popcorn. I ran over to the kitchen and pulled out the popcorn and dumped it into a big bowl, I could feel Emma's eyes roaming all down my back. Maybe I was just making this up in my head, but I hoped deep down she was. I turned to see Emma watching the movie starting titles. I walked back over to her and placed the bowl between us. I sat down and put my arm on the back of the couch. We were about an arms length away, I wished we were closer but I didn't want to push anything, I wanted it all to be natural. We were about 5 minutes into the movie and half the popcorn was down when Emma picked up the bowl and held it for a few seconds. I thought she was just messing with me but then she scooted closer me and took off her shoes, then undid her messy bun allowing her long hair to lay down her back. She put her glasses on the coffee table. What in the world was she doing? She placed a pillow on my knees then laid her head down. She put the bowl behind her back so I could still reach it. She then turned back to the movie. She hasn't said anything, she just did it. Maybe she was sad and needed to be comforted, I mean I loved it, I thought she was the cutest beyond words. A few moments passed and I reach down and began to comb her hair down with my fingers. We stayed like this the entire movie, laughing at the funny parts, tearing up at the emotional parts, all the way till end. It felt so right having Emma here with me. The movie ended and Emma sat up, the right side of her face was red from laying on the pillow for so long. She turned and sat crisscross apple sauce on the couch looking towards me. I turned and did the same, we just looked at each other until
"Rach I want to know more about you"
"Ok, hmm my moms name is Lucy, dad Kurt. I have an older sister name Luna, an older brother Casey. Then I have twin younger sisters Quinn and Peyton."
Emma nodded her head, I could tell she was taking mental notes.
"What else" she stared at me wanting to know more.
"Well I grew up in the same house my parents own in Boone North Carolina. I play soccer for the school, my dad was my soccer coach till 9th grade, hmm" I sat thinking. "Pinky you tell me something while I think for more stuff" She nodded.
"Ok, my mom's name is Allison, my dad Erik, a few years after my dad died my mom remarried to Christopher. And he's the one who called me this morning. I have an older sister Talulah or Tally and then a little brother Oliver, or Ollie. Oh and Christopher has two sons Austin and Logan." She looked at me out of breathe from explaining her family.
"So Rach what else, tell me everything, I want to know everything." Aw she was so cute but I felt the same way I wanted to know absolutely everything.
I laughed, "This feels like middle school with the ask 10 questions",
"Oh my god you are right it does" she said laughing.
"Ok I am really close with my mom and call her every other night, I love going home but I still love it here." Emma was nodding and smiling.
"I like to cook, but sometimes it's an epic fail, I want kids when I'm older, which you know" Emma nodded smiling, "Yes of course"
"Pinky now more about you", I smiled and tapped her knees with my index finger like a drum.
"I grew up in a tiny yeehaw town of Florida called Oviedo. I love science and math, I want to be a Child Trauma Psychologist, and then one day teach everyday people how they can be a support through trauma or even how to manage their own. I want to live in a very pretty house, farmhouse modern type style but style cute. I love dogs but not so much rodents and reptiles. I hate vomit with everything in me, also my food can't touch in certain meals." When she said that she started looking down at her hands and nodding her head up and down, I could recognize when she did this, it was whenever she was embarrassed or not sure how I was going to answer. "Um I'm not sure what else",
"Ok Pinky my turn, I am not afraid of any kind of bug but I can't stand frogs" I laughed at myself trying to brighten her mood. She laughed "Frogs, you are kidding me", I shook my head and she threw her head back and laughed. Uhh her laugh was enchanting, "Omg Rach I might have peed my pants a little, I used to throw frogs in my pool and swim with them on my head when I was a kid" she said through tears of laughter. My face went red, she did what, "Eww gross, do you actually need to the bathroom" Emma nodded through the laughing fit of tears. I pointed her down the hallway and she jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I could hear her slightly giggling in the bathroom. Omg everything about her made me happy, made me want to spend more and more time with her. She came out and her face was red from laughing. She took once glance at me and held her hand over her mouth and tried to not to laugh. I mean as much as I found it funny, my face turned pink at how funny she thought it was. Don't get me wrong she was so cute, but then I think she could tell and she walked over to me as I was still criss cross on the couch, she sat down right in front me. She took my hands in hers, and she looked up at me "Rach you are just as weird as me", Fuck this i slipped my hands from out of her and grabbed her face, our lips crashed together and I pushed her down so her back was now against the couch. I was straddling over her body and we passionately made out on my couch. I moved down to her jawline, planting kisses all the way. I kissed her neck till I found her sweet spot, she moaned right beside my ear. Fuck this girl made feel things I had never felt before. I bit down leaving a mark, but her hoodie was no blocking my way, when Emma put her elbows under her to prop herself up. She looked into my eyes, uh oh here it comes. "Rach I really really like you, Like I don't even know how to put into words what I am feeling. But i want our first time to be special not a source of the moment thing on your shared apartment couch". I was a little defeated but hey she likes me and she wanted to do it with me eventually. "Ok Pinky, what do you want to do?"
"Fuck Rach" She said as she sat up so she was completely straight and i was in front of her "I just confessed how I felt about you and that's what you say".
"Emma no, I love being around you, I really do" I paused, why the fuck did I pause.
"No Pinky not Buts, I love being around you, everything you do gives me butterflies. Your laugh makes me want to have your babies, your eyes are unlike anything i've ever seen, and the way you can just be yourself makes me want to love you more than I love myself. I walked into your dorm this morning and saw all the photos of you and friends, and I just dreamt of learning all your stories" Emma's face had gone read, she was slightly smiling and looking around my face.
"Pinky you make me want to be better, you make me feel good. And I really really really like you too".
"Aw Rach, you made me blush" she said before she planted a small kiss on my upper lip. She looked down at her watch.
"I should go, Madison and I have dinner plans" Man I wish she could stay forever. I didn't want to be away from her sweet smile.
"Pinky should I drive you?"
"No Madison said she can be here in 5" she said typing at her phone. Nooo Madison drive slow, I wanted to take in every piece of her. Every speck of elegance and enchanting feature.
"I'm going to miss you pinky" I said sticking my bottom lip out.
"Aww don't worry I'll facetime you when we finish dinner" She said poking my nose
"Pinky Promise" I said holding out my pinky, she intertwined our fingers. She got up and kissed my forehead and walked out my front door. Man how did I get so lucky. I was only in the cafeteria because my annoying roommates were having sex and it mad me feel single so I went down to the cafeteria to get some food. There, that decision, would change who I was.

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