Chapter 14: Final Day

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Pov Rachel

"Hey baby are you finished" I said standing up to throw my garbage away.
"Yes thank you" she said looking up from her phone then looking back down at her phone. I picked up her garbage and threw it away. She had been texting someone for a few minutes now, she seemed a little stress so I didn't push anything out of her. I walked back to the table and held out my hand, "ready?" I asked. "Yes one sec" she said still looking at her phone then hitting send. She stood up taking my hand. We walked to my car then drove together to drive to see Kylie and Hannah. We got in the car and Emma kept checking her phone every few seconds. Something was definitely up, but she kept singing to the song that was on. It was Be my Forever by Christina Grimme and Ed Sheeran. She wasn't a great singer but she also wasn't too bad. I put my hand on her knee and sang with her. We pulled up to the hospital and I got out of the car. I waited for Emma on the other side but she didn't get out. I opened her door "Baby you ok" I said looking at her. She was texting again. A smile crept across her face, "Pinky what?" I asked getting annoyed with the constant texting.
"I got the beach house" she squealed with a big smile and jumped out of the car.
"Yay this is great, it's going to be so much fun".
"I can't wait to tell everyone, but also I need to mention it only has 3 bedrooms so we have to really squish in. Maybe air mattress down stairs or something. then each couple gets bed" She said with her thinking face. God she was pretty. I pulled her into a kiss dipping her down like in the movies. Her hand was on my cheek, her curled hair almost touched the ground. I pulled her back up, "Ready my love"
"For anything" she said gripping her hand in mine.

We walked into the hospital together and too Kylie's new room which was out of the ICU and just in a patient floor. I walked in and Jensen was laying in the bed and Kylie was standing with Hannah. There was music playing and they were dancing. We opened the door a little more, Jensen looked at us and smiled. "Do you see this" she said pointing at them dancing while laughing. Kylie looked pretty stable, and looked like she needed very little help standing up on her own. We walked all the way in grabbing Hannah and Kylie's attention.
"How you feeling Ky?" I said taking off my jacket
"Amazing, I can't wait to get out of here and then 6 days till holiday" she said with a big smile.
"Speaking of holiday, I have some news" Emma said standing beside me, I popped my hand around her back and inside her hoodie. Her back was so warm, I could tell she was surprised by the cool touch of my hand.
"so what's the news" Kylie said putting her arm around Hannah in a half hug.
"I made a deal with my mom for the beach house" She said with a small smirk.
What a deal, I am confused I didn't even know about this.
"And what's the deal" Jensen asked still laying on the bed.
"So basically my home life long story short my mom believes that I just like girls for attention, anyways she has this friend Pastor Tom. He calls me all the time telling me how my dad would disapprove whatever right?" She said super fast trying to catch everyone up.
"Right" everyone said sorta confused.
"Ok so I told my mom I wanted to have some college friends over at the beach house, she agreed but I didn't tell her that you two are very much gay" she said pointing towards Hannah and Kylie who chuckled at the last line but were also trying to keep up.
"Anyways she said that I had to bring my friends to meet Pastor Tom. Normally I would say hell no, but I really wanted the beach house, and plus I know y'all will stand behind me in kicking his ass. Not physically or whatever so.. are you guys in" Emma said looking around at all of them.
"So let me get this straight, your mom wants us to meet a homophobic family friend in exchange for the beach house for how ever long?" Hannah asked
"Yep basically" Emma replied
"Fuck I'm in" Jensen said,
"Yeah me too" Hannah also said
"Yeah Im going to show that man" Kylie said holding Hannah's hand.
"Oh I'm in for sure, I want to make out with you right in front of him". I answered smiling super big.
"Yay Thank you all so much, I can't tell you how happy this makes me." Emma said with a big smile, she turned towards me "and I'll have to take you up on that offer" she said sneaking a small kiss in. There was a knock at the door and In walked Reid and Preston.

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