Chapter 52: You Too

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Pov Emma

Libby starts junior year tomorrow, she turned 16 last month and she is driving herself around. She was getting so big. Lj started 1st grade in August and now we only had one in their last year of preschool. Rach had officially started hours at the hospital and was on call a lot so it was me and Libby most nights. Most days I drop Emmie at soccer meet Libby at dance to watch with Cam then leave to get Emmie then dinner at Dance. Then we head home and sleep. I was also in season so Cam was with me at practice and everyone else was at school.

"Everyone packed?" I asked and they all nodded,
"Perfect" Libby had a dance competition in New York this weekend. I was going and Emmie was staying with her best friend Paisley, Lj and Cam were headed to Madison and her bf's house. Plus Cam and her daughter were the same age.

Libby and I got in the car and Rachel facetimed her from a call room.
"Sorry I can't see you off Love Bug" she said,
"It's all good, my mama is going to be a doctor" she said with a smile.
"Baby we are pulling into the airport, we will call you when we land" I said parking and getting out. We met Christi snd Oakley in the lobby snd the girls walked together and Christi and J behind them.
"God the fact that they will have been dating for a year and a half next month is crazy" she said and I laughed it was crazy.

*at the dance competition*

I sat down with the group. Libby and Oakley's duo was next. It was about love and the girls were beautiful in it. They both walked on and Christi and I held hands hoping everything went well. The began dancing and it went amazing, about halfway through Libby was to role over Oakley, it just moved weird and then I looked at Christi who had already stood up. Oakley was hurt I could tell, but they kept dancing and I could see libby whisper something. They had a big trick next but instead Oakley fell to the ground and Libby laid over her and did a trick that went perfectly and then dragged Oakley off the stage, almost as if she had died. The entire room erupted with applause and Christi Adian and I ran to the backstage.
"It hurts" Oakley cried and she was in a chair surrounded by dancers and techs and Libby was standing beside her.
"What happened?" Christi asked.
"I turned it weird and we both heard this pop noise and it hurt really bad" she said.
"I am so sorry" Libby said and oakley shook her head,
"It's not your fault" she said and a medic came over and felt around and Oakley cried in pain.
"It feels fine, no popped bone or dislocation" she said and Christi shook her head.
"How bad does it hurt?" she asked
"Pretty bad" Oakley said letting her arm hang.
"Girl you are killing me" Christi said laughing but I could also see she was worried.
"take her to the ER down the road" Aidan said
"No Ill stay for awards cause I hope to God I didn't just ruin that dance" she said.
"You had a standing ovation plus if J hadn't done the choreographing for that dance i'd say it was right" Aidan said which made both Libby and Oakley smiled.
The girls went out for the awards. Libby held oakley's hand and around her back.
"In second place Lorena and Milo with Heaven" everyone clapped and I could feel the girls disappointment.
"And in first place with a perfect score, Elizabeth and Oakley with Love is Everything," he announced and it took a second for the girls to realize before they stood up and Libby carefully hugged Oakley. Christi and I were screaming and cheering and crying, Rach was on facetime and she was crying too.
"Would you girls like to say anything?" the announcer asked.
"Thank you to our coach Adian for always believing in us. To our moms for always being here, and I'd like to thank Libby for helping me." Oakley said and the announcer smiled, and they sat back down.
"God your kid is amazing" Christi and I said to each other. The judges were talking to Libby and Oakley when we walked over.
"Hi are you their mothers?" a judge asked
"Yes we are, but we need to get Oakley to the ER" Christi said.
"Oh my are you okay" the same one asked as the others were intrigued to what was about tk happen.
"Yeah during a trick I hurt my arm and that's why we had to do a random ending" Oakley said  holding her arm at a 90 degree angle trying to lessen her obvious pain
"A random ending?" another judge asked.
"Yeha Libby saw I was hurt so told me to do the end to a different dance we did together instead so I didn't have to lift her. The story was supposed to end with me dipping her into a kiss but I couldn't so that how it ended" Oakley said laughing and the judges looked amazed
"You switched choreography on stage at a seconds notice?" they asked and Libby nodded.
"I have a video of the original I would be glad to share with you all, but I need them to get her check out" Aidan said coming up behind us.

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