Chapter 8: It Was Good For A While

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Pov Emma:

I laid down in my bed, I put my phone propped up against my pillow. Wrapped in my blanket I continued to talk to Rachel on facetime.
"I just sneezed and I swear rice from my dinner came out my nose" My face scrunched into a disgusted look then I bursted our laughing.
"That's nasty Rach, why would you tell me that. Now all I can think about is you shooting rice out of your nose." I continued laughing until I heard Rach's sent anymore. I looked up at her.
"Emma" she said, as she looked dead into the camera her smile had kinda faded
"Yes Rach" I was a little scared it was rarely that she was serious, or even said my name and not Pinky.
"Did you mean what you said earlier abt liking me" I smiled at Rach as she look down at her hands. She looks nervous.
"I meant every word, did you" Omg please say she did because what she said replayed and replayed in my head.
"I meant all of it" She smiled slightly
"Is something wrong" I asked quietly, she looked sad, or closed I don't know it was one of those.
"I don't know, I've bern with a lot of girls" she said, as I let out a quick snort of a laugh.
"Trust me a lot of girls, but none of them made me feel like you do. Like something feels unknowingly right. Like I'm supposed to be with you" She said looking down. A smile crept back onto my face as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Emma, it's weird and your going to think I'm insane cause we like just met" she was rambling, I could tell she as nervous but I let her finish as I smiled at her through the camera.
"So like this Thanksgiving I'm going to NC to see my family, and I know we just met and all or whatever but I want you to come with me" but before  could answer she kept talking.
"But like I know you want to go home for christmas so when thanksgiving is over you could drive or fly or something down to florida, but I would totally understand if you-"
"RACHEL" I yelled over her, she looked up into the camera
"I'd love to go, and who knows maybe you want to see Florida for christmas". I smiled. Omg I'm so happy, I've never been this happy I don't think.
"Yeah, why don't we drive to NC for Thanksgiving and then to florida for christmas? A big road trip together"
"Are you pranking me, pinky" she said with a smirk
"No, why would I ever do that"
"Also we go on break for Winter in 10 days and then you and I drive down to have the best holidays ever"
I laughed at her obvious excitement, but I also couldn't contain mine.
"I feel like I'm in a Hallmark movie" I laughed.

"Why do you feel like your in a hallmark movie" someone behind me said. I jumped and turned to see madison had returned from the bathrooms.
"My big holiday road trip" I said looking at her with the face of omg I'll explain later.
"Yeah ok" she nodded as she threw her dirty clothing into her hamper.
"Hey madison" Rach screamed from my phone.
Madison silently said "oooooohhhhhh" and nodded, she climbed onto my bed beside me and got under my blanket. We were both laying on our stomachs looking at my phone with Rachel on the other end who was laying upside down hanging off her bed for some reason. Madison laid her head down on my shoulder, and we snuggled closer because it was winter in Michigan.

"Heyyy watch it Madison" Rachel said sarcastically
Madison laughed and turned and kissed my cheek,
"Woah woah woah now now ladies, right in front of me"
I laughed at how Rachel had reacted. Madison looked at the screen,
"She was mine first Rach" she said laughing
"Hhmm" Rachel pouted from the other end of the phone.

Pov: Rachel

Yes I know Madison and Emma and like best friends, but I wanted to be the one there cuddling her. It made me think of when she feel asleep on my chest, her warmth was all I ever needed. But my heart was still pounding from her agreeing to go on holiday with me.
"Hmm" I poured sticking out my bottom lip
"I'm going to bed, you live birds have a nice night" Madison said as she got up and off the bed
"Night" I yelled from me phone
Emma and I facetimed for a while, I could tell she was sleepy. Ohh but she was so cute, I was hoping to watch her fall asleep, when I saw an incoming call. Hmm that's weird she never calls me.
"Hey Pinky I have a call coming in", no answer aww she's asleep. I took a quick screenshot then answered the call.

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