Chapter 41: The Game

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Pov Emma

Mckenzie told me right when I got there to follow the signs towards the locker room so I did. I was wearing a gray tank top that and black leggings with running shoes. Rachel was wearing running shorts and a shirt, Libby had on leggings and a rainbow heart tshirt. Rachel was carrying Libby because she got tired of crutches. I held her hand and we walked towards the signs. I was extremely nervous, what if I wasn't good anymore and they were better. From a distance I could see a group of coaches and Ted I could hear his voice
"This is a big deal, your girls have to go out there and be absolutely fantastic so we get Emma. So you get Emma" he said frantically
"Is she that good?" one of them said
"Is she that good" Ted mocked him, "yes she is the most sought after volleyball athlete that just disappeared" he said.
"Hey" I said with a laugh walking behind them.
"Emma" he said hugging me, Rachel he said nodding at her. He looked at Libby's foot,
"That's wasn't there yesterday" he said
"No, broken heel" I said looking at Libby realizing no one did her hair.
"Rach can you squat really fast" I said, then pointed and Libby's hair and she did that so I could reach Libby's hair.
"Hi I'm Coach Luisa Wilson" a girl said while I put her hair into a ponytail.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Emma Norten" I said finishing then shaking her hand
"Oh everyone knows who you are" she said with a chuckle
"Brandon Cross Head coach" he said shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you as well" I said shaking his hand. Rachel's arm was softly on my back and she was standing behind me with Libby.
"So I know you aren't dressed to really play, but would you mind warming up and then hitting a few balls for us?" he asked
"Sure" I said getting butterflies and my hands sweat when I'm nervous.
"Alright, so you guys just follow Ted here he will get you up to the sides, and Emma you come with me" he said
I turned and kissed Rachel then Libby's cheek and I walked away.
"So how come you stopped?" he asked as I followed him
"I had other wants and I love volleyball don't get me wrong but all I wanted was to have a good job and kids. And I have a kid now and playing here makes it easier for her and me to graduate" I said.
"Ok" he said nodding, "Right in here" he said opening a door.
"Alright Ladies this Is Emma Norten, she is a right-side and setter and we are trying to get her to play here" he said and everyone looked at me
"EMMA" I heard for behind me as Mak's arms wrapped around almost sending me flying. I turned out of her arms and hugged her properly.
"Guys she's actually amazing" Mak said looking at everyone who wasn't really sure what was happening.
"Ok Emma can you play in that or do you want anything?" he asked
"I'll be fine, thank you though" I said.
"Play?" Mckenzie whispered jumping up and down holding my shoulder.
"They want me to warm up then hit" I said
"Love" Mak said looking at a girl
"I'm going to partner with Emma just for today is that okay?"
Love I guess is her name and she nodded with a smile.

A few mins later they all were on the court. The stands were full of students and my stomach flipped around. I stood beside Mak and she got a ball and we warmed up together. I actually did really good. I wasn't too rusty and that amazed me.
"They are watching you" Mak said as we peppered.
"I'm so nervous" I said hitting it
"Don't be" she said passing it back
I set the ball perfectly right in front of her and she hit it. My pass was amazing and honestly shocked me.
"Let's hit" brandon cross said
"Emma go rightside please" Coach Wilson said
I nodded and went in line to hit rightside. I waited then it was my turn,
"7..7..7" I called and the setter set a perfect ball right off the tape. I got up and swung. It hit straight down in 3.
"Damn" I heard from behind me
The girls in line for rightside gave me a high-five as I ran by.
"Do you want me to go again?" I asked Wilson
"Uh I think he wants you to set once this rotation is done" she said.
"Setters switch" Brandon called. I stepped in and set perfect balls to the pins and middle hitter.
Both coaches nodded and wrote stuff down. The team was cheering loud and just having fun. I didn't realize how much I missed it.
Wilson came running towards me
"Go change, you're starting, if you want" she said handing me stuff. I ran off the court and into the bathroom. I changed into a jersey.... 13. My number, they knew. I put on the knee pads and I was just going to play in my running shoes I guess.

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