Chapter 51: What Did You Say?

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Pov Emma

I was home with Libby today. She was feeling better but was still tired and weak. And her stomach was sore to the touch so she didn't like doing anything scared to hurt it. Oakley came over everyday after school which I thought was sweet.

"Mom" I heard Libby call from upstairs. She didn't sound frantic of in pain so I walked up the stairs.
"Yes" I said opening the door.
Her eyes were teared up,
"Oh honey what's wrong" I said sitting on the side of the bed.
"I just really need a hug" she said and I nodded hugging her.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked
"Not really" she said.
"Ok" I said still hugging her. It broke my heart knowing she didn't want to tell me what was wrong. I just hoped maybe she would tell Rachel later tonight. I finished hugging her and stood up.
"You going to be okay?" I asked and she nodded.
"Ok sweetheart" I said walking down the stairs.

I went back to typing on my computer a paper for volleyball. I was looking at schools I was visiting in February. I normally would travel that entire month so I could have my scholarships figured out by March. Cam started crying I could hear her on the monitor so I walked in there to figure out what was wrong. She was just fussy, I think she's starting to get teeth so I grabbed a cold chew toy from the fridge and gave it to her setting her in the play area. Lj had started preschool and Emmie was at school so the house was pretty quiet.

Around 2, Oakley came over after school and went upstairs. She was helping Libby stay caught up in school and then would tell her all the drama at school. Christi came in and sat down beside me.
"God I miss you at dance" she said with a laugh
"Uh oh what did Kim say" I said jokingly.
"Don't get me started on that bitch, god she is so excited her little precious Mel can take Libby's spot. Saying things like she wasn't even that good. But luckily Aidan is so fast to correct her that Mel's spot is until Libby can dance again" Christi said and I laughed. I knew Libby was good, her and Oakley were the unstoppable duo. I really just ignored dance moms like Kim because I don't care.

At 3 Libby came downstairs with Oakley, I told her she had to walk everyday just to stretch and get used to it. She had on a little tank top and leggings. Her lower right abdomen was still a little swollen.
"Hey honey" I said turning around.
"Hey" she said.
"You okay" I asked and she nodded coming over to me and leaned against the chair.
"Still hurt to walk" I asked
"A little but not as bad" she said. Oakley watched her carefully. Honestly I saw myself and Madison in them.
"You are such a strong little thing" Christi said then made a joke which made Libby laugh.
"No don't make me laugh" she said holding her stomach and trying to suppress her laughs.
"How's the homework?" I asked looking at them and they both laughed.
"We haven't started today's" they both said giggling.
I laughed "well better get on that" I said jokingly.
"We will, I just needed a new ice pack" Libby said about to go to the kitchen.
"I've got it" Oakley said running in front of her. and to the freezer. She came back with an ice pack and a paper towel around the outside.
"Thank you" Libby said putting in on her incision.
"Alright, you girls go have fun. Don't laugh to much" I said and they giggled before they went back upstairs.

"God your girl is strong. I know for a fact Oakley would milk the shit out of it" Christi said.
"She's trying to get better faster so she can dance next week. I already told her 3 weeks out minimum." I said and Christi nodded.
"Does she move around a lot?"
"I mean she either comes down like that or sometimes she walked with me or Rachel to get Emmie from the bus stop" I said
"That's good. Poor little sweetheart, man my heart dropped when she fell during the dance" she said
"Mine too" I answered.
"I can't imagine. Well I should get going I have a date tonight" she said laughing.
"Oooo with Rob?" J said
"Have fun, Rach or I can bring Oakley home" I said
"You sure"
"Yeah, she keeps Libby busy and happy" I said and Christi nodded.
"Thank you, Love you lots" she said and I said it back waving as she walked to her car.

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