Chapter 55: Nothing Goes As Expected

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Pov Emma

It's been about a month since Libby left for college and it's been so weird. Not having that second hand for everything. I missed her a lot but she seemed very happy with her decision. She called Rachel and I every night like a sweet mama's girl.

Emmie was now in 8th grade, Lj was in 5th grade and Cam was in the 2nd grade. Emmie decided she wanted to try softball last year and has been loving it, she is a pitcher. Lj was in soccer and loved it just as much as Rachel did. Watching them play in the yard was my all time favorite pass time, Cameron wasn't really sure what sport she liked. She tried softball, soccer, lacrosse but she was pretty good at volleyball and I would be very happy if she followed through with it.

I was sitting on the porch watching Rachel and Lj play soccer, Emmie was throwing a ball into a net in the corner and Cam was swimming when I got a call.

"Hey" I said picking it up
"hey guess what?" it was Hannah
"I'm pregnant" she said and I nearly choked on my lemonade.
"What?!?" I said
"Yeha I got tested this morning" she said
"Oh my god congrats" i said
"Thanks, how should I tell Ky?" she asked I could tell she was over the moon.
"You haven't told Ky?" I asked
"No not yet" she said.
"Ok, um I don't know, I say you get her back for what she did to propose" J said laughing
"You are right I should, make her think I like died or something" she said laughing.
"Well if you need my help convincing her let me know" I said and Hannah laughed.
"I think I've got an idea, thank Em, love you bye" she said hanging up.
I shook my head and went back to watching my beautiful family. No actually the girls were gorgeous, it beat me cause I sure didn't look like them when I was 8.
"who was it baby" Rachel asked
"Hannah" I said
"Everything okay?" she asked
"Yeah" I said nodding.

Pov Hananh

I sat in front of the toilet and then called Kylie who I knew would be home in about 10mins. The boys were playing downstairs so I knew this had to be good.

I rang her phone till she answered,
"Hi My love" she said
"Ky baby I don't feel good" I said sounding in distress.
"Ok, I'm almost home where are you?" she asked
"In the bathroom upstairs I feel like dizzy and lightheaded" I said
"Baby did you eat or drink enough today?"
"I... *deep inhale*" I went quiet.
"hannah?" she said
"Hannah baby are you okay?"
"Shit" she said and J had to hold in my laughter. God I was evil. I had hid all the home phones so she couldn't call the boys.  I heard the door downstairs open and then running up the stairs. I propped up the sign that said I'm pregnant beside me and waited crisscross applesauce and until she opened the door.
"Baby are you okay?" she asked completely missing the sign and sitting beside me.
I smiled then pointed and she fell into her butt from her knees and leaned her head back against the wall.
"Really?" she said with a smile and I nodded and a tear ran down her cheek.
"I'm still mad at you for pranking me like that but how can i stay mad at my beautiful pregnant wife." she said hugging me then kissing my stomach.

We had been trying for a third for almost 3 years, with no luck this was our last try before we looked into other options. Anderson was in 6th grade with Emmie and River was the same age as Cam so 2nd grade.

I kissed her and she kissed me back. Her heart was pounding and J giggled,
"I scared you that bad huh?" I said and she nodded,
"Uh yeah I thought you fainted or something" she said and it made me laugh.
"sorry" I said again kissing her.
"Ahh I am so excited another baby" she said with the biggest smile.

*2 months later*

Pov Rachel

Tonight we are having a barbecue with Kylie and Hannah, and Rose and Alex and of course their families.

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