New Book, New Faces

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I wanted to write a quick Hello to all my new readers! I hope you are enjoying this book so far and I just wanted to say welcome. Also I just published a new book called One Day.

I have received a few messages asking why all of my books revolve around the same type of people and lives. The answer is super simple, when I was figuring my sexuality out in highschool I remember searching high and low for books I could relate too. Books were women who love women grew old together and fell in love like it was normal, had drama and had some kids. I've always wanted children but with little representation of LGBTQ+ (specifically wlw) having children or lots of children I thought to myself there is no way I'm gay cause I want kids. So anyways that's why I have lots of kids in my stories to maybe reach a young girl like me who always dreamt of these lives, minus the drama that's just for your entertainment.

Anywaysss love you all!!

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