Chapter 15: Let the Festivities Begin

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*Time skip to the day before Rach and Emma leave. But let me catch you up on a few things: Kylie is doing great and is walking better and for longer times, Jensen and Reid already left and so did Preston and Madison.*

Pov Emma

I was so excited, my suitcase was packed laying on the floor. It was full of fun fall outfits for meeting Rachel's family as well as a new bathing suit for the beach. It was probably midnight but I was too excited to sleep. I got a text:

Pinky I can't sleep, I'm way to excited for tomorrow

Me too but we need sleep so we can drive.

You're right. I'll see you tomorrow😘

I closed my phone. My room was quiet, Madison had left 2 days prior with Preston, Reid and Jensen. She called me everyday telling me about everything, but they cheated they flew. I was driving from Michigan to North Carolina. I laid my head back and slowly fell asleep.

Pov Hannah:

My heart was pounding, I had never been more afraid in my life. Kylie was my everything, she has been my everything for almost 4 years. The picture replayed in my head over and over again. Breathe Hannah, she was okay, she was okay, I couldnt calm down, it kept playing over and over in my head.

I got out of class early so I unlocked the front door of our apartment. It was around lunch time, something smelt like grilled cheese. Mmmm I love grilled cheese. I walked in the door,
"Baby I'm home" I said locking the door behind me.
"Yeah baby" I said taking my shoes off, "Where are you Ky" I couldn't tell where her voice was coming from.
"Kitchen" she said, but something was off, her voice was off. I don't know how but it was. I fast walked into the kitchen, she was sitting on the ground, her back to the wall. She was holding her leg, she had tears streaming down her face. I ran to her side and sat down on my knee.
"Baby what happened" she took a deep breathe in,
"I was making you grilled cheese and then my leg tense up so I stepped back and then I just fell, and then this one" she said pointing at her outer leg muscle "it started spazzing and it hurt like a bitch so I cried and" she closed her eyes "Hannah I was so scared". Tears started streaming again, I wrapped her arms around me and rubbed her back. "I'm here now, you're okay", she cried leaving my shirt stained with her tears.
"I feel so hopeless, useless"
"Baby you're not" I said holding her tighter,
"I can't even make my girlfriend a grilled cheese without falling, and probably bruising my ass". My heart broke for her, she loved helping, she loved doing so many things and right now she couldn't do any of them.
"Does it still hurt" she nodded into my shoulder.
"Just breathe and then we are going to the hospital" I kissed her cheek.
She had her arms locked around my body, I felt her chest tense with the spasm. But why was this happening, she hadn't had a bad one in almost a week. I pulled my head away to looking at her,
"Ky did you take all your medications"
"Yeah I think so" she answered with a thinking face.
"Ok, well we will figure this out" I said putting my hand on her thigh. The inner part wasn't to tense but I could tell she was tense up into her hip.
"Ky relax you hip" I said holding my hand against it, she took a deep breathe in and slowly relaxed it. The spasm stopped but her thigh was still tense. I leaned over her body and kissed her, "You are so strong, love you" I said wiping her tears from under her eyes.
I stood up and walked to the counter so I could to make sure she'd taken all the medication, "Baby no you didn't it all" there was a small white pill in the bottom, she probably just didn't see it.
I picked it up grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Her thigh was still tense. "Take it" I said handing it to her.
She swallowed the pill then the water, her face was red from crying and her arms were around her body hugging herself. I sat with my back to the wall right beside her, she laid her head down on my shoulder, "it'll be over in a second just relax your body". I said stroking the side of her head, I didn't know what to do. I had to wait it out, I wasn't strong enough to carry her down the stairs. I just had to sit there and wait.

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