Chapter 34: Are We okay?

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Pov Hannah

Kylie and I were driving to Emma and Madison's house because we were having a movie night. I was a little confused as to what was going on because like 16 hours ago Rachel told Kylie she messed up or something.
"I am so confused" Kylie said just staring out the front window.
"Me too me too, but let's just go with it" I sat tapping her leg. She nodded.

We drove up and got out walking to Emma's dorm. We knocked and Preston opened the door.
"Hey" he said opening it.
"Hey" we both said at the same time walking in. Madison was sitting on her bed and Preston jumped back up and snuggled close to her. Rachel was on what I am guessing is Emma's bed, but she wasn't there. Kylie made a "what's going on" face at Rachel who just smiled at us and said "Ooo popcorn".
We handed everyone the popcorn we brought and sat on the window seat. I heard the toilet flush and Emma walked out. She smiled at both of us and waved.
She got up on her bed with the help of Rachel and laid down on her.
"So what are we watching" Madison said
"Disney, Disney,Disney" Emma said laughing.
"I agree" I said
"perfect how about Tangled?" Rachel said flicking around her phone which I'm guessing was connected to the projector.

I was beyond confused. Just last night Rachel thought Emma was breaking up with her but Emma was curled in a ball laying on her lap. I still had no context of what was happening because Kylie said I shouldn't know because she understands I like being friends with Emma and if they were to break up she didn't want me to have to pick sides. I understand but that means I was in the dark compared to everyone else. Rachel hit play and Kylie snuggled close to me and I put my arms around her kissing her forehead.

Pov Emma
I was laying in a ball with Rachel. I had the heat pad on my abdomen. It was helping a little bit not a whole lot. I felt myself start to cramp and snuggled closer to Rachel she rubbed my arm up and down, kissing my cheek. After about a minute it was over and I relaxed and went back to watching the movie.
"Is it still happening" Rachel whispered. I shook my head and she kissed my forehead. I knew Madison was looking over at me every few minutes making sure I was okay. I honestly was okay, yeah they hurt but I had a lot of people there for me. My phone buzzed from behind me, 

Hey Em you feeling better?

Eh okay, I'm on my period right now so it is super sore, but I'm getting there

tell me if you need anything😽😽

thank you, ly

I put my phone down and I realized how mad and sad I was that my mom could care less. The movie was almost over, but I couldn't pay attention, I was sad just thinking about how someone could hate me so much that she just doesn't care anymore. I felt a lump grow in my throat and a tear rolled out of my eye onto my cheek. I wiped it quickly and Rachel looked at me.
"What's wrong" she asked quietly.
"I'll tell you later" I said smiling at her. She stared at me for a second searching my face for an answer. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it

You okay? What happened?

I laughed slightly that Madison could literally feel my feeling and she was 200ft from me.

Just mad at my mom

What did she do?

Nothing, that's the point. She doesn't care anymore

As I texted it I felt the lump grow. Just saying it out in a text made it feel real and hurt just that much more.
I put my phone down and laid my head back down on Rachel's chest. I put my hand in her shirt and drew circles on her stomach giving her goosebumps.
The movie ended and then the screen went black. Rachel leaned over turning on the light. I sat up, and Hannah gave me a weird look. She mouthed "you okay?"
I shook my head because I wasn't. She turned and looked at Madison who was looking at us. Hannah turned towards the bathroom and nodded towards the door. I nodded and looked at Madison who nodded as well. We all got up and walked into the bathroom. I could feel everyone else's stares on our backs. I sat down on the toilet and they sat on the floor in front of me. Madison put her hand on my knee
"What's wrong" she said
"My mom, Rachel called her when I was in the hospital and she didn't even care" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. Madison didn't say anything, Hannah rubbed my leg,
"Hey hey, I know it hurts bad, but you don't need her. You have so many people that love you"
"I know and I feel so stupid but the entire time I was in the hospital I just wanted a hug from my mom. But I don't know why, she hasn't given me a a genuine hug since junior year of highschool" I said crying a little more, "It's so dumb, and then when Rachel's mom showed up, her daughter wasn't even in the hospital and she came"
Hannah nodded and Madison was mad I could tell she wiped a tear rolling down her cheek. I put my elbows on my knees and held my head in my hands trying to cry. Hannah and Madison stood up rubbing my back and hugging me.

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