Chapter 7: Happy Birthday

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Pov Emma

"Oh my god I'm stuffed" I said leaning back into the booth rubbing my stomach.
"Oh but we aren't done" Madison said smirking, all of a sudden there was singing from the corner of the restaurant.
"You didn't" I said sitting up smiling.
"Oh but I did" Madison said laughing.
We watched the singers come over and watched as they continued to sing. They placed a small chocolate cake right in front of me. Madison trying to hold back her laughs and I just smiled. She knew I hated this kind of thing cause I never knew what to do. Singing along was awkward, just sitting there awkward, dancing or swaying was awkward. I didn't like it. The staff finished singing along with almost the entire restaurant, I blew out the candles and everyone cheered. The staff dwindled away after each wishing me a very happy birthday. One of the waiters came over and said "Happy Birthday, take this" and slipped me a piece of paper, J opened it and it said
If you are turning over 18 you should call me
I laughed and before he could walk away I got his attention and handed him the paper back. "Sorry but you and I are playing for the same team". I don't think he got it but he walked away. Madison butted out laughing and she got a fork to help me eat the cake. I started eating the cake as we laughed about random things. Then after 10 minutes the cake was completely gone, I leaned back once again "uhhh now I am for real about being full", Madison laughed "yeah me too" patting her stomach. Madison and I split the bill and paid. We were walking out when it started to rain and so we grabbed each other's hand and stood on the sidewalk and danced together. People coming out the the neighboring restaurants stared as we dance together splashing in the rain. Finally it stared to lightning and thunder so we ran back to the car. We put two sheets madison had in the back of the car on our seats and began to drive home. Man I was so happy, I had a the best friend, and the best, uhh best Rachel. Man I was so happy. My dad wandered back into my head, and before I got sad, I told myself, I am deserving of happiness. That's right, i'm deserving of happiness.
"Emma you okay" Madison said glancing at me
"Huh what yeah" I said as I realized I was being overly quiet and smiling not very common for me.
"Mm ok" she said as she turned up the music.
I went back to thinking about Rachel, until I head Madison's voice again.
"I swear Emma, if you are going to be all mopey after leaving Rachel, I'm" she paused as she looked at me. Maybe J looked hurt, I mean I wasn't, I mean she was right I should be having fun with my best friend.
"Whatever just facetime her she can jam with us" Madison said as she face back at the road.

Pov Rachel

I love her, wait do I, I think I do, but I need to ask her to be my girlfriend first. I felt my phone buzzing and I looked down opening that it was Emma after her dinner, nope just my mom.

"Hey baby"
"Hey mom"
"why do you sound so glum"
"I thought you were Emma"
"Oh so now I am second"she said laughed in her deep laugh. Man how I missed that sound traveling around the house back home.
"No mom, I just really like this girl"
"I can tell, maybe you should invite her to thanksgiving"
"Maybe but I overheard her saying she wanted to go home for Christmas"
"And where is home for this very special lady"
"Uh central Florida"
"Hun she could come her for thanksgiving and make it to central florida by christmas"
"That's true-"
I paused because my phone started to get a second call. "Mom I've got to go it's Emma"
"Ok love you, think about thanksgiving"
"I will love you" I said as I hung up. I accepted Emma's facetime call and saw her beautiful green-hazel eyes and her sweet smile. I could hear the radio in the back.
"Hey beautiful"
"hey Rach" she said blushing
"y'all don't get too nasty I'm still here" Madison's voice came from off camera. Emma laughed as she looked off camera smiling. Man she was adorable. We all sang the lyrics out loud as they drove home.

Sorry for the short upload, next ones will be longer. Would you rather me interject with the different POVs throughout or do you like when I go all the way back to the beginning of each scene through each character?

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