Chapter 49: Elizabeth Grace Parker

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Pov Rach

Emma came back with Libby and my mouth dropped. Her arm was in a sling and her lip was busted.
"love bug what happened" I said holding her face in hands and looking at Emma. Emma shook her head and I nodded.
"Ill call Hannah to come look at that shoulder" I said walking into the bedroom with Emma following. I got out my phone, and turned to Emma.
"Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened to her" I said
Emma stood still, "a girl has been taunting Libby about have us for parents and uh she snapped and punched her then got shoved" she said with her hands over her face, I could tell she was stressed,
I didn't know what to say, Libby swung first, "Ok well the other girl had it coming I guess" I said
"No, she shouldn't have swung, she should've said something to someone" she said, her eyes were watering but I was mad I didn't know why
"Yeah and what would that have done just gotten her more names now none of those girls will bother her" I said getting annoyed.
"But, she caused a fight and that's not how we raised her" she said wiping under her eyes and staying calm I don't know how she was calm.
"Not how we raised her? How is this Libby's fault at all. She was being teased In glad she stuck up for herself" I said getting louder.
"stuck up for herself? we taught her to use her words, to use that vocabulary we all know she has. No this isn't how we raised her. I would've liked to punch that kid too but I didn't." she said.
"Emma are you joking our kid was being bullied. You need to get out of your fantasy where everything is okay." I yelled back
She looked stunned for a minute nodded and walked out of the room.
Fuck what did I just do. Emma and i only argued about small things, we've always promised to hear each other out. I laid back on the bed and took a deep breathe.
I dialed Hannah's number,
"hey, Libby got hurt at school today can you come look at her shoulder?" I said
"Yeah, you okay?" she asked
"Yeah, just messed up with Emma but I just need you to look at Libby" I said
"Ok" she answered and then I hung up.

Pov Emma

Rachel has never yelled at me like that, not since the night freshman year in her apartment. I walked out of the bedroom and my heart was racing and tears stung my eyes. I quickly pulled them back seeing Libby sitting on the couch and she just looked at me. She was biting her lip and we just looked at each other. She had heard everything that just happened.
"I'm sorry" she said.
I nodded, "I know you are. I'm just disappointed that you hit her" I said and she nodded.
"I'm not mad just a little sad about it. I'm mad at the other girl but not you" I said.
"But now Mama's mad at you" she said and I nodded.
"it's okay, she's allowed to be mad I just have to give her some space"
"Oakley's parents started fighting about her and now they are divorced and Mom I can't be the reason you " she said looking at me crying and I smiled at my sweet girl, she was so grown up now but I held her cheek,
"Well Mama and I just disagreed, we still love each other very much. But sometimes we just disagree" I said
"But she just yelled at you. She never yells" Libby said looking at me.
"I know but she just frustrated It'll be okay" I said.

Pov Rachel

I could hear talking coming from the living room. It was Libby and Emma's voice. I laid back on the bed and listened.
"But now Mama's mad at you" Libby said
"it's okay, she's allowed to be mad I just have to give her some space" Emma answered breaking my heart. How was she so full of grace and patience?
"Oakley's parents started fighting about her and now they are divorced" Libby said which instantly felt like my heart broke.
"Well Mama and I just disagreed, we still love each other very much. But sometimes we just disagree" Emma said
"But she just yelled at you. She never yells" Libby said.
"I know but she just frustrated It'll be okay" she said, I got up off the bed and walked to the door frame.
Emma looked up at me with a face of are you going to yell at me or apologize.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked and she nodded getting up. She walked into the bedroom and sat beside me on the bed.
I put my hand on her leg and she put hers on top.
"Baby I am so sorry for yelling at you. I'm not mad at you and I know you are right about Libby hitting those girls. I'm just mad that our personal lives are affect Libby at school" I said and Emma nodded.
"I accept your apology, but don't yell at me. Take a minute and calm down then if you still want to yell, yell into your pillow" she said and I nodded.
"Yes ma'am" I said and she kissed me.
"Ok now let's deal with our child" she said

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