Chapter 45: The Start of the Rest of Our Lives

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Pov Rachel

I sat with Emma at the table and we were talking to one of her favorite teachers from middle school. My arm wrapped around her back and onto her side, her hand was on my thigh.
"Well.. Emma I am very proud of everything you've completed and done" she said before waving and walking back to her seat.

A few minutes later a lady handed me a mic

Pov Emma

The coordinator handed Rachel a mic and she kissed me before getting up to the center area.
"Hi Everyone I'm Rachel Parker, and if you don't know I'm one out of 2 of the brides. Today I got the joy of marrying my best friend. I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the best day of my life. So one thing Emma doesn't know is that I was actually a trained in musical theater till my sophmore year of college. Why haven't I told her you may be asked. Well it's because I wanted that reaction today" she said pointing at me and everyone looked and laughed at my shock.
"So I have something for you Emma, our song" she said turning towards the band who began playing the music to Home. My eyes filled with tears and she began to sing. I swear I gasped and just watched her with all my love and admiration. All those times she let me belt the high notes in the car she could've actually hit them? She put one hand towards me as she sang and I got up walking to her. I took her hand in mine and she twirled me into her arms all while singing. I was beyond shocked and in love. I laid my head on her shoulder as she finished the song and everyone cheered. I lifted my head and looked at her with the "How tf did you keep that from me" she kissed me.
"So now these are some of the most important people in our lives, first Hannah "
Everyone clapped and we sat back down. Hannah stood up and walked to the front.

"Hi Everyone I am Hannah, I am friend of both Rachel and Emma's. Just about 3 years ago Emma stepped into my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. She came when Rachel and I needed her most. My wife, girlfriend at the time was in the hospital and Emma had known Rachel for a total of 48 hours but she was at the hospital everyday helping, helping me with paperwork, helping Kylie stay positive, or just keeping our minds off the scary facts. Emma has this bright light to her, when she's around you feel warm and safe, it's like the blankets when you were younger with the monsters in the closet. I watched as Emma and Rachel fell in love, they fell so gracefully into each other's arms. I can truly say you two fit each other like a puzzle. I am so thankful to have you both in my life and I am wishing you guys many years of love, understanding and many adventures." She said as everyone raised their glasses. I stood up and hugged Hannah and Rachel did the same. Hannah passed the mic to Madison who stood up.

"Hi I'm Madison, Emma and I go back to middle school. Which. is funny cause I was a mess in 6th grade. Man I cried if I got a single B, but Emma still asked me to sit with her. We had three classes in a row together, first science with our crazy teacher, then Interior design with Mr. Chapman who probably gave us the best advice that anyone who has ever tried. Then lastly computer science, in the freezing cold room. Emma was the best friend every girl in the school wanted, she was smart, athletic, funny and caring. She made sure everyday that I had a good day, she made sure I laughed or smiled even if I was in the middle of eating and she made me almost choke on a chicken nugget. One memory I will always have was after a long day of tubing at my house we came back inside and we laid down in my bed. I turned my computer on and we watched Glee. She was the one who told me to watch and I was on the episode where Santana came out. At the end of the episode Emma turned towards me and said Madison I like girls. I just remember how scared but also free she looked, I remember nodding and saying Ok. She smiled and turned back to the computer and then we watched another episode. Nothing changed between us except I stopped pointing out cute guys and instead cute girls. And I am more then happy to take credit for this" she said pointing at us.
"Guys you see I spotted Rachel and I was like ooo a lesbian. So I gave her Emma's number and seeing Emma fall in love with Rachel was the most amazing and terrifying thing I've ever experienced. Emma is like my twin sister, with one glance I can tell you how she's feeling or what she wants. Watching her become a hopeless romantic was more then hilarious. She loves with her whole heart and I'm glad she found someone who can do the same. I love you both so much and I am so excited to see where the future takes you" she said winking at me I blew her a kiss and wiped my tears as I hugged her.

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