Chapter 50: Thank God

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Pov Emma:

It was a blur, I had never experienced the stress and pain of waiting to know what was wrong with your kid. I sat in the waiting room and the girls played with the toys around them. Rachel was talking to a nurse and the desk. I felt like a background character in a movie. Everything around me was blurred out, I couldn't hear what people were saying. The image of Libby falling to her knees in pain played over and over in my mind. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, it was Hannah. She was holding River and Kylie was behind her holding Anderson's hand. Anderson walked over to Emmie and they started playing.
"Hey she's a fighter, they will figure it out" Hannah said sitting down beside my. Kylie walked away, probably towards Rachel.

My heart was tense and I couldn't breathe. Hannah wrapped her arm around me and I laid my head on her shoulder.
"Relax, Emma" she said squeezing me. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes.
"Honey" I heard Rachel say and I opened my eyes. Her hand was out and there was a doctor by her. I wiped away my watering eyes and stood up taking her hand. Hannah stood up behind me.
"So we need to go ahead and talk to you guys to try and figure out what seems to be the problem" he said and we nodded.
"Hey we will take the kids home" Hannah whispered and I nodded.
"Thank you" I said hugging her. Kylie and Hannah now had our 3 and their 2 and they walked out. Rachel and I followed the doctor into a back room.
Libby opened her eye slightly when the door opened, she smiled a little and closed her eyes again.
I kissed her cheek, sitting down in the chairs with Rachel.
"So she has pain in her lower right abdomen and it hurts to the touch. Do you have a history of any kind of uterine problems?" he asked.
"I-I I don't know, she is adopted so I couldn't really tell you off the top of my head" I said.
Libby looked at me, her hand laid on her bad stomach.
"So I'm going to go ahead and say it's appendicitis, so we will schedule a surgery for tonight at 9:00pm. We will be back to get you then" he said and I nodded. He walked out and I turned back to Libby.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
"For what, Love bug" Rach asked sitting on the side of the bed rubbing her leg.
"I didn't feel good but I just really wanted to dance tonight" she said.
"Although you should've told us you didn't feel good, there is nothing you could've done to prevent appendicitis" I said and Libby nodded.
"Everyone is worried about you" I said and Libby laughed.
"Why?" she asked
"Cause you like died on the field" Rachel said laughing.
"Ohh right I remember" Libby said laughing slightly.
"Alright you two, honey get some sleep" I said kissing her forehead.
"Where are you guys going?" she asked
"I'm going to go sit in that couch with your Mama, and watch you sleep and maybe take a few photos for my facebook so no one thinks you died or something" I said which made her laugh again.
"Now close your eyes" Rach said sitting down beside me.

Coach Kate:
Hey how's Libby doing. The whole team is praying for her. Tell her we love her lots.

Hey, she is good. She has appendicitis so she will be out for 4-5 weeks after her surgery tonight

Coach Kate
I am glad it isn't something crazy bad, but we will miss her.

I closed out of that and went to Christi's messages.

Oak just told me what happened at the game is she okay? Are you okay?

Appendicitis and she will be okay. I'm calmer now that we know what's wrong.

Do you need any help with the girls?

Hannah and Kylie have them, but if you could take Lj and Cam so they can go to work tomorrow that would be amazing.

ofc, I'd love a little girls day.
When do they think she will be released from hospital?

Thank you so much! I'll let Hannah know. They are thinking tomorrow morning, so if your girl wants to come snuggle L I'm sure she'd love it.

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