Chapter 56: Found

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Pov Emma

I ran to her and held her face in my hands, I pulled her to my body and hugged her. I turned back to Rachel who was smiling sheepishly at me.

"How could you keep this from me" I said holding Libby to my body. My little girl was home and I had no idea. Well I knew she was coming home for break but she told me she wouldn't be home till next week.

"It was her not me" Rachel said and I turned back to Libby who was laughing.

"Uhh I missed you so much" I said hugging her tighter swaying from side to side.

"How long are you home?" I asked

"About a week" she said and I was over the moon.

I took her hand in mine snd led her to the back where she was met with screams and then wet hugs from kids running from the trampoline.

"Holy moly, you guys grew so much" she said picking up May. She hugged everyone and I could tell Emmie was on the verge of tears. Emmie and Libby were the closest, and I knew it was going to be hard for her when Libby left for Louisiana.

Libby got to Emmie and hugged her tight and Emmie held on like it was their last hug. Libby put Emmie down on the ground and turned back to me. I had a tear rolling down my cheek, god I missed her a lot. She laughed then walked over to me hugging me again.

"Did oakley come back too?" I asked
"Yeah she's coming home tomorrow" she said and I nodded excited to have both girls. I saw a ring on her hand that I didn't recognize, and I held her hand in mine.

"Oh shit, I was supposed to take it off so Oakley could tell you" she said and I looked back at her. As much as I love Oakley and Libby together they were 19 and 18.

"It's a promise ring, not and engagement ring" and I took a deep breathe.

"Ok, it's very pretty, I'll pretend I didn't see it" I said with a smile and Libby nodded,

"Thank you" she said before heading up stairs to unpack.

Pov Libby

I went upstairs to my room and it felt amazing to be home, to hug my mom. Honestly her hugs I missed the most, just being able to hug her when I was sad.

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I must've fallen asleep cause when I woke up and walked down stairs everyone had gone home and it was just my family down stairs.

Mama was in the kitchen and it smelt amazing.
"Goodmorning" she said with her iconic laugh and smile, god I missed it here.
"How long was I asleep?" I asked sitting down at a bar stool.
"A good three hours" she said, "Mom checked on you just to make sure you were okay" she said flipping bacon.
"Whatcha makin" Emmie said coming in the room and peaking over Mama's shoulder, Mama squatted jokingly so Emmie could see. Emmie smacked Mama's shoulder lightly, "Hey I'm not that short" she said laughing.
I laughed cause she was right for a 7th grader she was quite tall. She was like Mom, exactly like Mom.
Emmie sat down in the stool next to me and opened her phone,
"A phone" I said looking shocked.
"I got it for my birthday" she said proudly.
"And I wasn't aware, so I'm going to need your number" I said.
"Well I got it last week cause it came late" she said
"Oh speaking of that I do have your present so remind me and I'll give it to you" I said and she smiled really big and got excited.
"Ok" she said.

"Where's mom?" I asked Mama
"With Lj" she said
"Is Lj okay?" I asked considering the tone Mama used.
"You should go talk to her" Mama said turning to me with a, she needs you face. I nodded and got up. I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and walked to Lj's room upstairs. I knocked on the door.
"Come in" it was my mom's voice. I creaked the door open and popped my head in and Lj wiped her face and lightly smiled.
"Can I?" I asked, asking for permission to come in. Lj nodded and I walked in and sat down beside her.
"Lj why don't you talk to Libby, and I'll be right back" my mom said standing up and Lj nodded then turned to me.
I looked at her with the what's wrong face. I scooted closer to her and moved my legs criss-cross.
"Lj you don't have to hide her tears from me" I said putting my hand on her knee and she dropped her head to look at her hands.
"Did you go to therapy?" she asked and I was shocked at the question, but I had always been open about it with everyone so I answered.
"Yeah" I said
"Did they put you in it?" she asked.
"Well, one day I felt stuck, like the world just landed on my chest. I couldn't breathe and I felt trapped by myself. I held it to myself for awhile, just cause I was nervous about what people would say. I even broke up with Oakley." I said and Lj looked up at me with wide eyes.
"Till one day I broke and I cried and I cried, and tore apart my room looking for what was making me hurt. Mama walked in, and she hugged me, and told me everything was okay. Then I asked if I could see someone to help me. Mama and Mom they loved me so much but they couldn't do anything right then to help me. So I got a professional and she helped me get control of my anxiety and panic attacks" I said and Lj nodded.
"Why do you ask?" I asked.
"I felt like that, I thought I was just getting sick or something and that's why my chest hurt, but then this morning I couldn't breathe, I felt stuck like you said. And I, well Mama took me to the doctors and they said I have anxiety or soemthing and that it cause an anxiety attack which triggered my asthma and caused an asthma attack" she said and my heart broke. I wouldn't wish what I had gone through on anyone. I nodded and looked at Lj who looked back up with me.
"I felt like I was going crazy because Brian at school said people that go to therapy are crazy" she said and I was shocked.
"Well he is wrong. Therapy really helped me" I said and she nodded.
"come here" I said pulling her into a hug. I couldn't imagine how she was feeling. I was around 16 when I was diagnosed, she is only in the 4th grade.
"You know how many people love you right" I said and she nodded in the hug.
"Good, cause I don't know what I was do without my Lj" I said and I stood up holding her. I kissed her cheek and set her on the ground.
"Now how about we go down stairs and eat some dinner, or smell it while Mama makes it" I said and Lj giggled and I opened the door just as Mom came up the stairs.

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