Chapter 4: The Plan

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Pov Rachel

Emma looked so upset, she walked back into the coffee shop. She made eye contact with me and put on a smile. But it wasn't the same one she had the hours we had been talking. She sat down in front of me and took the last sip of her coffee. I continued to look at her, I wanted to know what hurt her but I didn't want to push. Emma looked up and made eye contact with me, I reached out and put my hand on top of hers, a small tear rolled slowly out of her eye. She took her hand out from under mine and wiped it away quickly. My heart broke for her, something was obviously not okay. I stood up and I could see the confusion in Emma's face as she watched me. I walked around the table holding out my hand to her. She took it and stood up, I wrapped her into a hug. All of a sudden I felt her body relax and fall, I could feel her shaking from crying, as her face stayed hidden in my neck. I rubbed my hand down her long hair. Combing it slightly and rubbing her back. Her shaking came to a stop and she pulled out of the lug and looked at me. Her face was red and under her eyes were puffy, I still had no idea what happened but it obviously was pretty big. I wiped under her eyes to remove her smudged mascara when she leaned forward, taking her hands and placing them on my cheeks. Butterflies flew around my stomach, my heart rate began to quicken. I felt her lips touch mine. My body relaxed at her touch, I felt safe again. She pulled away and then looked at her watch. Her eyes growing big at the time. She picked up all her stuff and then placed a quick kiss on my lips before she ran out the door. I just stood there watching her run out the door and back down the street. Man I really liked this girl but what was it about her. I picked up my stuff and stood up to leave. The lady behind the register said "She's a keeper, have a great day" as I walked out the door.

(time jump to that night)

I was laying in my room, I could hear my roommates in the next room listening to music. I stared at the ceiling replaying the events with Emma in my head. Her lips, her warmth, her laugh, her smile, the way she walked to throw her trash away, the way she held my hand in line. Everything, I loved everything about her. I was about to drift off to sleep when my phone began to buzz, my heart jumped. I turned to look at who was calling, I hoped it was Emma but it was my mom. I answered the phone to talk to my mom.
"Hey honey, how was this week?"
"It was amazing, well today was amazing"
"Really what was so amazing about it"
"Emma, this girl I went on a date with"
"ooooo tell me more"
"Well we went and got coffee and we talked for 2 hours"
"She randomly got this phone call and it shook her up a bit, I'm not sure what it was about but then we hugged and she cried on my shoulder. And I had never been so heart broken for someone before. And then she kissed me"
"yeah and it wasn't like any other kids I've had before"
"Really why"
"I don't know I feel good when I'm with her like I can be myself"
"aw well she sounds lovely"
"And she is so pretty"
"That's great sweetie, you father wants to know what you plan to do for thanksgiving break and Christmas"
"Oh I'm not sure, break is in like a month"
"Oh you know your father he must know in advanced"
"Yeah, uh let me think it over this week and I'll let you know"
"Sounds good, well I should get going, I have an early meeting"
"Alright night mom"
"Night love you"
"Love you"
With that I hung up. I looked at my phone and while I was talking to my mom I had gotten a text from an unknown number. I opened it

hey, It's Madison Emma's friend. The matchmaker

I was confused but I answered

Hey Madison, What's up?

I waited for an answer, 10 mins pass and nothing but then she answered

Emma really likes you, and she got a call from Tom today, anyways normally when Tom calls it takes her days to snap out of it, and you somehow fixed it in minutes. And I just wanted to thank you

Hmm who was Tom. Oh probably that call she got, I wonder who he is.

She didn't tell me what it was about, I just knew something was off

Well he's a dick and in Emme's life for good but she'd rather he wasn't


Anyways so tomorrow is actually Emma's dad's birthday and he died when she was 13. Anyways is always a hard day so I was wondering if you would want to surprise her with something.

Hmm, Emma's dad died. Why hadn't she said anything? Maybe it's not something she shares on the first date. Surprise her what does that mean?

I'd love to what do you have in mind?

She isn't going to her classes tomorrow, she never does on this day. So I was thinking you come get her while she isn't expecting it and do something fun.

Hmm sounds good so what time should I pick her up?


Damn that's early, the sun is barely up then in Michigan

That's the point, Emma loves the sunrise and sunset

Oh ok, what dorm?

Madison and I continued texting until I had my final plans. I was going to make sure Emma had a good day to celebrate her dad. I laid my phone down thinking about how excited I was for tomorrow. I got to spend it all with Emma. I closed my eyes and let my body relax into the bed.


Sorry for the short chapter, next one will be more exciting and super cute.

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