Chapter 44: Getting Better

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Pov Rachel

Today was Emma's first game back was I absolutely terrified, yes. Emma had left about an hour ago and Libby and I were just pulling into the lot. I got out of the car and Libby held my hand as we walked towards the doors. Libby had just turned 8 in May.

"Rachel Parker" someone called running to me. I recognized her. She was the one constantly trying to get Emma and I interviewed for the school. I turned towards her and smiled.
"Tera" I said
"So Rach, you excited for her to be back on the court?"
"I am" I said walking away
"What do you think will happen? Is her knee strong enough? Will she tear it again and if she does you know she's out right?" Tera said talking really fast.
I just ignored her cause yeah I was scared but she was so excited to get back on the court. She had gone back to practice about a month ago but that's different this was a game. The last game of the season.
I sat in the family seats with Libby beside me. We were both decked in UCLA volleyball merch. Alex's mom said beside me and she tapped my leg,
"I'm so happy she's back, we need her" she said. I smiled and turned to Rose who was behind me. Rose and Alex had been dating since last October so almost 2 years.

The girls came on the court and the national anthem was song by the choir. Then warm ups began. I watched Emma and she had the biggest smiled and everyone was cheering and playing really well. Emma had to play in a knee brace but she wasn't to bothered by it.

First set Emma set back row and then they took her out front, which I was grateful for because that means she got to rest and didn't overdue it. Second set she sat and the other setter set. We lost the second set and the coaches looked mad in the huddle. The third set line up was read and Emma was back on the court. She served first and god it was a good serve. She got an ace right down the line. She served for a few more points with the rally going on and on. She was now front row and they didn't take her out, I felt my throat twist, she was hitting. With setting she does minimal jumping and landing on her leg but now anything could happen. Emma was set rightside a 7, the entire gym went silent and we all watched her swing and hit straight into the donut. The crowd went wild. Libby and jumped in air as well as Rose and Alex's mom. Alex picked Emma up slightly in a hug. Brandon jumped when she hit it and landed. The game went on they won the third set now they just needed one more. Emma played all the way around again we were up 20-12. Emma was in serve receive, she stood on the outside but before the whistle was blown for the other team to serve, Emma turned to Brandon and he nodded. The other setter got up and ran to the side of the court and they subbed out. I couldn't really focus on the rest of the game I just watched Emma. She sat down on the bench with her knee out and one of the assistant coaches flagged over a trainer. My heart stopped and Rose leaned forward looking at me. She held her hand on my arm and we watched. Emma smiled at him and laughed which made me feel knowing she wasn't hurting too bad. He came back with and ice pack and undid her knee brace then tapping the ice pack around her knee. She smiled and he walked away, she leaned forward and cheered her team on. We won the set and Alex ran off the court and picked Emma up and held her up as everyone cheered in a circle.
"I hope she's just sore" Alex's mom said
"Me too" I said leaning back in my chair. People started to file out of the gym and Libby packed up her stuff. We walked down to the waiting room for families and friends. Libby grabbed a snack and sat down and read while we waited.

Pov Emma.

My knee stung a little, J think it was sore. It didn't feel like a tear or anything just pain. You can't do it Emma, don't make it worse. I turned to Brandon and said our code word. Chicken little. I don't know why that was our code word. Kara jumped off the bench and came to the sideline. I walked off the court, I was upset but I didn't want to hurt myself again. Brandon patted my back and said "good job kid, get some ice" he said. I smiled and walked to the end of the bench. Lilly leaned over someone and tapped my shoulder and looked at me with the you okay?  I nodded and she nodded turning back to the game. Luisa one of the assistant coaches got a trainers attention and he came over.
"Ice?" he asked and I nodded.
He came back and I laid my leg out and he unscrewed my knee brace. He twisted it slightly to wiggle it off because I was sweaty. It hurt a little bit but not too too bad. He tapped the ice to my knee wrapping it tightly. I leaned forward after thanking him and cheered everyone on. The last point was set outside to Alex, she went up and slammed the ball in the liberal face. I cheered but I wasn't allowed to jump up without my knee brace. Alex ran past everyone who came to her cheering and got me up, I held my arm around her shoulder and she got me to the group where we all cheered. Lilly grabbed my knee brace and Alex helped me to the locker room. I sat on the bench and the coaches came in.
"Ladies you played amazing tonight, we love having you back Emma. Alex damn go off." he said then continued to say good things about everyone.
"Practice tomorrow, make sure you watch the film so you can talk about it during the first hour" he said then left. I took off the ice and my knee was red from the water. Mak came over and sat beside me taking off her jersey then changing into a warm up shirt.
"You okay?" she asked
"Yeah" I said taking off my shirt.
"Ok" she said sitting beside me. We got changed and then I walked at with them into the family room.
"Mommy" Libby yelled running at me. She came to the side of my body because she knew not to hit my knee. I was able to walk without a knee brace but any other straining physical activity i had to have it on. Rachel came over and kissed me over Libby who was attached to my hip.
"You played amazing" she said
"Thanks baby" I said, my knee was red from the ice, but it looked swollen, probably from the ice.
"You need someone to look at that" Rachel said
"I'm fine I promise it's from the ice" I said slipping my hand in hers.
"I am starving we should get some food" I said making a please face.
She looked at her watch, "Ok, we have an hour then I have practice" she said. I kissed her again.

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