Chapter 9: Welcome

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Pov: Kylie

Ow my right arm, it's numb, why is it numb? Also my head feels like it's floating is that weird. Maybe? I don't know. I opened my eye slowly the lights were dimmed and I wanted to know why the fuck my arm was numb. I looked down and saw Hannah's head laying down on my arm. What was going on, why wasn't she snuggling with me, in fact where the hell am I. I turned my head to the left, what in the world, my elbow was full of what I think are IVs. I don't know I just watch Grey's with Hannah. Is that Jensen? Huh, why is she laying on an old couch? Am in the hospital? Hm, I picked my left arm, ow that's sore, slowly moving it Hannah's cheek, she was so cold, she probably laid like that all night. I placed my hand on her cheek and rubbed it, why was her cheek so cold, I hope she hadn't slept like that. Her head moved slightly until her eyes opened wide and looked at my hand. She whipped her head around to look at me.
"Ky? Baby are you okay", her eyes were full of fear as well as happiness. I wanted to answer but my throat hurt, I managed to get out "I think so". She laid her head down on my chest, and started to cry. Why was she crying? What happened? I rubbed her back with my right arm which still had pins and needles.
"Do you need anything, water or ice chips, or food, or i don't know if you can eat" Hannah said into my chest.
"Right now I just need you" I moved myself over in the bed so she could squeeze right beside me. I was tall and around average size so Hannah and I fit perfectly fine. I patted the bed and she looked nervous
"Baby I don't want to hurt you, I don't think I should" she said with a tear rolling out of her eye.
"Please" I said sticking out my lower lip
"I can already tell you are going to be a pain" she said with a slight smile. She laid down next to me, her head on my shoulder and arms wrapped around my waist, my arm under her side and rubbing her back. I turned to face her "what happened?"
Hannah looked a little surprised, she took a deep breathe "Well what do you remember", Hmm what do I remember "Um I went outside to play soccer, I went to go get a ball I kicked to far, that's it that's all I remember", Hannah nodded as a tear feel out of her left eye.
"Well about 25 mins after you went out I came out to bring you hot chocolate and then I came out and you were laying in the snow unconscious. Blood was in the snow from the back of your head and so I called 911 and they brought you here." She said while chewing on her lip. It was a thing she did when she got nervous. i took a deep breathe, why couldn't I remember what happened, but something obviously did because here we are. I moved my left arm to under her chin, I pulled her in and gave her a kiss.
"Bubs what time is it?" I asked her,
"Um" She looked down to her watch, "6:30 in the morning".

As she finished talking a few doctor began to walk in.
"Good morning" he said quietly as he saw the other still sleeping. Hannah sat up, then rolled off the bed so she wasn't in the way. She picked up my hand and held it.
"Quite a party in here isn't it" I chuckled slightly as a few more doctors walked it. There was a old white guy, I'm guessing the head bitch. Then a younger lady maybe another doctor, then 3 people which I guess are interns or something. The old white guy turned towards the younger doctors "Dr. Stevens can you read the paper",
"Uh, yes sir, Kylie Sams, 22 year old female, came in with a lower brain bleed to cerebellum. We went in fixed the bleed and so far as shown no signs of complications". As he finished, I saw Jensen get up off the couch, she walked over from behind the doctors to beside Hannah, She grabbed our hands and put them in hers.
"Welcome back loser" she said with a smile, man I love that girl, she and I have been friends since sophomore year of high school. She has been then for me for everything. Then the old white dude started talking again
"So Kylie, you may get tired easily so don't over due anything, I'd say at most with moving, above the waist, but no sitting up yet." He smiled as I nodded, and Hannah looked at me "you hear that, no moving, no getting up, none", she looked at me with her serious face, don't Laugh Kylie, don't laugh Kylie. "Yes Ma'am", the doctors laughed at me obviously trying not to laugh.
"Ok well we will be back to check the wound later" the old guy said.

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