Chapter 29: Christmas Baby P3

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Pov Rachel

I woke up and Emma was tucked neatly into my arms. Pancake was licking my nose slightly using the tip as a chew toy. He was so small and wobbly, he had one paw on the back of Emma's head. I don't think she could feel it. I moved my face and Pancake tried to bark at it but it was just a small woof. I laughed and kissed Pancake's cheek. And he licked my nose again.
I played quietly with pancake still snuggled around Emma, somehow Pancake ended up on Emma's head, sliding down her face and onto the bed.
"mmm" Emma said moving the back of her head closer to my chest.
"Sorry honey" I said kissing the top of her head. I didn't know how Pancake ended up on her face. He was now try to jump back over her body by her legs. I patted the bed gently to where my hands were wrapped around Emma.
"Hmm" Emma said turning her body around so her chest was to mine. She snuggled her face close to my chest, as I kissed her cheek. Pancake came bounding towards my hand that I patted on the bed. I wiggled my fingers while he tried jumping on them to eat them.
Emma's face was buried in my chest, my chin laid on the top of her head laying down. Pancake woofed again and jumped on Emma's side. sliding in between us then licking Emma's nose then mine.  I tried to move him to stop licking her but she opened her eyes and looked at Pancake and smiled.
"Aww who's a cute boy" she said rubbing the top of his head.
I kissed her, "Good morning" she said.
"Honey it's 3:50pm, we have dinner in like 40 mins" I said smiling at the fact she thought it was early morning.
"Oh yeah okay" she said snuggling back closer to me. I brushed her hair behind her ear, "Baby we have to get up and get dressed"
"Mmmm" she said groaned
"It'll be okay, if anything happens we can just leave" I said kissed her forehead.
"Ok" she said rolling out of my arms and sitting up. She was sleepy so I got up, "I'm plugging your straightener in, it'll be warm in a few mins, your clothing is laid out on the chair" I said pulling off my shirt. She smiled at me and nodded.

Pov Emma

I watched Rachel get ready for dinner, we had picked matching outfits before we left Michigan. I have a tight black dress and white booties, she had a white strapless shirt with lace touches tucked into black dress pants and a black blazer. I sat watching her get ready, I pulled out my makeup and did it sitting on the bed looking at my hand held mirror. The bed buzzed, text from Tally:

Just found out mom planned a church then dinner. Just wanted to let you know, I'll be there it'll be okay, and so should Iz .

"Uhh" I said looking at the ceiling.
"What hun" Rachel said walking out of the closet completely dressed.
"Holy shit, oh uh we have to go to church. But god you're gorgeous" I said looking her up and down.
"Thank you my love" she said unplugging my straightener then plugging it in by the bed.
"What are you doing" I asked. I like Rachel's hair wavy it was gorgeous.
"Helping" she said picking a small chunk of my hair.
"We have to look the best tonight and show them who the power couple really is". She said straightening my hair.
"Aw baby thank you" I said finishing my makeup.

We both walked down stairs completely dressed,
"Oh my god, I've never seen a more gorgeous couple" Gracie said with her mouth open
"oooo let me see" Carrie said running out of her office, "Oh my god, holy shit. You ladies clean up nice" She said with her mouth open.
"Photo time" Carrie said taking photos in front of the door.

We got in the car and we drove to my mom's house which was like 10mins away. I knocked on the door,
"Emma!" Tally said hugging my as she opened the door.
"Hi you must be Rachel, I'm Tallulah or Tally" she said shaking Rachel's hand.
"Emma how wonderful to see you darling"
Christopher said from behind Tally, "You must be Rachel it's very nice to meet you" he said to Rach.
We walked in the door and it felt so weird to be back here.
"Hi Emma" My mom said from the kitchen, her lips pursed when she saw me and Rachel.
I turned to see where Ollie was as he came down the stairs.
"Hey" I said
"Hey" he said back. I knew he hated going to church too so he wasn't in the best mood.
"No they look to lesbian for church" I heard my mom whisper to christopher who chuckled but paid no mind to it. Rachel slipped her hand in mine and squeezed it.
"Austin, Jonathan please come down stairs" Christopher called.
They were my step brothers, they came down the stairs both in pastel colored suits. A very yeehaw southern way to go.
"Who's the hottie" Austin said coming down the stairs
"Emma's girlfriend" Tally snapped quickly.
"Two hot chicks together" He said standing beside us. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back towards my mom and christopher.
"Ok let's head over" Christopher said walking towards the front door.
"Emma why don't y'all come with us" my mom said.
I looked at Rachel and she shrugged, "Yeah ok" I said walking behind them. Rachel and I sat in the back seat. Ollie and Tally went together and Jonathan and Austin went together.
"So Emma how are you" Christopher asked looking back at me.
"Great thank you, and you?" I said making eye contact with him in the mirror.
"Pretty good" he smiled.
The car was silent, my mom typed on her phone and Rachel and I held hands in the back.
"So Rachel I heard you play soccer." Christopher said trying to lessen the silence.
"I do" she said with a smile at his attempt of conversation.
"I don't know if you know but Emma's dad loved soccer, didn't he honey" he said turning towards my mom who looked annoyed.
"Yes he did" she said
"We should go see a game one day" he smiled at Rachel who returned the smile, "that would be cool" she said looking at me.

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