Chapter 47: Dealing With Pain and Opportunities

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Pov Rachel

Emma gave birth a week ago and I think the thought that this was her last baby had finally set in. She laid in bed quietly rubbing her stomach which was slowly shrinking back down. She took in every moment with LJ, never slept while she breastfed. I wanted her to talk to me but I don't think she had gathered her thoughts enough to want to share them. She knows I would always carry for her if she couldn't. I walked up stairs with breakfast and Emma was sobbing into her hands. I put the plate on the dresser and crawled into bed beside her and leaned her against me. She cried into my chest and I sat quietly holding her while she cried. Her cries slowed and her arms were wrapped around my body. I pulled her head from my chest, her beautiful face was streaked with tears. I wiped them with my thumb.
"Baby please tell me what's going on in your head?"
"I'm broken and this time it can't be fixed" she said. I rubbed her arm, "What do you mean you're broken?"
"LJ will be my last baby that I get to carry and feed, I don't get that anymore and it's not fair" she said moving more into my lap. I rest my chin on her head.
"Well they said it's a risk, it can still happen we just have to watch it more closely" I said.
"I'm just being selfish you could have a full term and very healthy pregnancy" she said.
"I could, but you never know. Baby if you want to carry again and that's what works for us at a time for another baby then that's what we will do." I said. She nodded and sat up. She wiped under her eyes of tears and I got up and gave her the eggs and bacon I made kissing her.
"I have to get Libby to school, and I have a practice weight training so about an hour tonight" I said.
"I'll get Libby from school and go dance" she said.
"Really, Oakley's mom said she's got it" I said
"I'll do it I need to get out of the house and the moms would love to meet LJ" she said. I nodded and walked out to get Libby to school. I walked past Emmie's room and she was crying. I picked her out of her room,
"Libby are you ready?" I called down the hallway
"Can I just take the bus?" she called back.
"Uh Yeah if you want. text me as soon as you get on" I said. She was now 10 and in 7th grade and so we got her a phone to communicate with us and he friends cause everyone in her grade asked for her number.
Well that mean I have the morning off. I carried Emmie in the bedroom with me and Emma gave me a look of don't you have somewhere to be. LJ was sleeping beside Emma.
I laid down on the other side of LJ and laid Emmie on my chest while I fed her a apple sauce squeeze. Emma handed me a small portion of eggs and I handed it to Emmie who put it in her mouth.

Pov Emma
I was feeling better in the afternoon, because Rachel was right I could still have another baby and even if I couldn't she could. I pulled into carline and Libby was talking to a group of girls. I waved to her and she came running over. and jumped into the front. I still wasn't used to her being in the front but she was tall enough. I reached back and grabbed her dance bag and handed to her. She pulled out her snack and ate and told me about her day.

I drove to dance and I pulled to the front and she got out. I parked and got LJ's car seat undone so I could carry her in that. I had LJ's carrier by my feet and I was unstrapping Emmie's car seat. When I felt this sharp contacting pain through my abdomen I bent over and waited for it to pass but it didn't. I started to get dizzy so I sat down on the step into my car.

Pov Libby
I got into the studio and I realized I forgot my water bottle so I walked back to the car. I turned and my mom was sitting on the car and she was looking down. Her body lightly swayed.
"mom?" I said touching her shoulder, she didn't answer , "Mom" I said a little louder. She looked at me slightly and she looked like she was about to pass out.
"Go get Christi" she said and I ran back to the studio and up the stairs.
"Hey Libby is you mom here" one of the moms asked. I was out of breathe and terrified.
"Somethings wrong and she asked me to get you" I said to Christi.
"Honey what?" she said
"mY mom she's in the parking lot and she doesn't look good" I said
"She's here?" Christi said and I nodded, Christi jumped up and ran down the stairs past Adian,
"Is everything okay?"
"It's Emma, follow me with a phone in case we have to call someone" she said and we ran into the parking lot. My mom was leaning against the seat and Emmie was crying. I got into the car from the other side and unstrapped Emmie and grabbed Mom's phone from the seat. Christi was talking to my mom.

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