Chapter 21: Thanksgiving

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Pov Hannah

It was Monday night, we were laying in bed after an extremely awkward dinner with my parents. My dad tried to keep it light and talk but my mom wasn't having it.
"Baby I think it's about to start" Kylie said moving her head off my chest. She laid down straight, kicking the blanket off her right leg. I bent over and kissed her cheek as she closed her eyes.
"You're okay, just relax, I'm right here" she nodded then opened her eyes.
"Is it over already cause it doesn't hurt that bad" she asked looking at me. I felt around her thigh it was still tense and it was shaking a little bit, "I mean it's still tense, but it doesn't hurt you anymore?" I asked getting excited.
"No, period cramps hurt more than this" she said laughing and sitting up and kissing me.
I felt my phone buzz it was Emma she was facetiming me. I opened it and they were laying in bed.
"Hey we just wanted to check on you guys" Emma said, Rachel looked like she wanted to sleep.
"We are actually pretty good," I answered
"Pretty good we are amazing" Kylie said laughing.
"That good" Rachel said sitting up a little and pulling Emma closer to her.
"I had a muscle spasm and it hurt for like two seconds and I can't even feel it now. Just a little uncomfy" Kylie said. I could help but just watch her with my every ounce of admiration. I kissed her and we heard "Ewwwww kisses" from the other side of the phone and laughing.
"Huh" Kylie said
"Summer, every time we kiss that's what she says" Emma said with a laugh.

We talked for about half an hour about everything, then eventually Emma fell asleep so Rachel hung up. I cuddled close to Kylie as she put her arms around me.
"I love you my Hannah Banana"
"And I love you Kylie Bear" I said into her chest.
Right here, I wanted this to last forever. This feeling, this moment, I wanted to never leave.

(Time Skip to Thursday Afternoon which is Thanksgiving)

Pov Emma:

I walked down the stairs with Summer on my shoulders and I saw Peyton outside she was with Quinn. They were fighting I think about volleyball, I hadn't really had a chance to get to know Peyton because she was always at practice or friends. Quinn and I had a few things in common and she was super sweet. I plopped Summer on the couch beside Rachel who started tickling her. I smiled at the sight of them playing. I walked to the front putting on my running shoes. I was wearing a tight long sleeve shirt and leggings so I was dressed okay to play. I walked out and the twins looked at me. They both smiled
"Can I join" I asked walking down the porch
"You can take my spot she's crazy" Quinn said laughing and walking away.
"Yeah I'd like that" Peyton said
Peyton and I peppered for a while in silence until she said, "Why don't you play in college you are really good"
"Thanks, I just didn't want go professional and I wanted to have free time." I said setting the ball high for her to hit.
She hit a down ball but somehow I passed it. She laugh at my squat to save the ball, so I didn't get covered in the grass. She set me and I hit it back. We kept going until she hit it and I shanked. I went to go get the ball as I heard the front door close.

POV Rachel:
I heard laughing coming from outside so I walked to the front door where I saw Emma and Peyton passing a ball. They were both laughing. I quietly opened the door right as Emma squatted to save a ball throwing Peyton into a fit of laughter. She tried to pay attention but she was laughing to hard and she hit the ball way off of Emma's platform. Emma laughed and ran to get the ball. Peyton looked up at me and mouthed "I like this one don't fuck it up" I laughed and sat down on the swing. Emma came back and smiled at me and they went back to playing. They couldn't really stay serious and just kept laughing.
About 15 mins later my mom came out on the porch and waived at Emma and Peyton who waved back. She sat down beside my on the swing and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I laid my head down on her should, "You ok darling" she asked kissing the top of my head.
"More than okay, I don't think I've ever been happier" I smiled. It was true, I wasn't really sad before Emma but she just complete me. She was the missing puzzle piece.
"I'm happy for you Rachel, I'm happy you found her" she said with her sweet tone. I could hear my mom's voice for hours and it'll never get old. She had a slight rasp but everything else was a smooth as butter with her ever so often southern charm.
"Thanks mom" I said smiling as we swung watching peyton and Emma.

*time skip to Thanksgiving dinner*

We all sat down at the table, we served our food and everyone was settled.
"Why don't we go around and say what we are thankful for" my mom said finishing her bite.
"Of course, I'll start" my dad said wiping his mouth, "I thank the world everyday for bringing your mother into my life and my very beautiful children that I love with all my heart. I am thankful for my amazing family, I am thankful that we are all in wonderful health, I am thankful for our happiness, for Luna's and Will's oh and Summer's new baby. I am thankful the world brought us Emma who fits with us like a glove, I am-"
"Honey let someone else had a turn" my mom laughed. I felt Emma's hand on my thigh, I turned and looked at her she was smiling then blew me a kiss.
"Ok I am thankful for our new baby, for our healthy little dancer and for my most amazing family who is always there" Luna said kissing Will.
"I second that, but I have to add food too cause I love it a lot. Not as much as I love you but a lot" Will said taking a bite of his turkey.
"Pey your turn" Luna said tapping peyton.
"I am thankful for my privilege and for my ability to play sport. I am thankful for a very supportive family who is always there for me. Oh and I'm thankful for a new passing buddy cause Quinn gets in my nerves" she said laughing at Quinn and smiling at Emma who returned the smile.
"I am thankful for such an amazing wonderful twin sister" Quinn said sarcastically while laughing, "I'm thankful for my privilege and how it has given me a platform to help those without, I am thankful for a family who helps whenever I need it. I am thankful for our happiness and our love" Quinn said sipping her sprite.
She turned to me because it was now my turn.
"I am thankful for a family who I know always has my back. I am thankful for the amount of love I receive. I am thankful I found someone who finished my puzzle." I said tapping Emma's leg, "I am thankful for the happiness I am feeling, and all my amazing strong friends". I finished turning towards Emma and smiling. My family cheersed to that.
"I am thankful for this feeling of love I've been wrapped in. I am thankful for the amazing friends I've found, I am thankful for everything I've been given and everything I've worked for. I am so thankful for my health and those around me. I am thankful I finally found people who stand with me and support me" As she said this I put my hand on her back, I could tell she was kinda getting teared up. The rest of the family said we love you and stuff like that.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly, actually it was amazing. I'd never been so happy and complete.

Pov Hannah

We all sat around the dinner table, Me, Kylie, Cam, and Bryce. It was awkward silence, until my dad started talking,
"You know what this is ridiculous" he turned to my mom, "You need to get over yourself, both our daughter have found their person, they are both happy. Why can't you just be happy for them? I don't know about you but I still want to walk them down the isle, or hold my first grand baby. I want that Lena. I want that so bad but you are ruining it. And you need to get over it" he said in all one sentence staring at her. Kylie covered her mouth with her napkin. Everyone was in shock, my mom wasn't though she was mad.
"Don't you ever speak to me like that again. I had plans, and now one is gay and one is having a child out of wedlock. What is good about that? Huh? Real quiet now aren't y'all" she said standing up and then walking away and slamming her door.
My dad sighed "well at least she's gone" he giggled. God I loved my dad.
"So what is everyone thankful for" he asked. Everyone was still in shock to answer, "I'll start then" he said smiling. "I am thankful for your happiness which translates to mine. I am happy about a new baby. I am happy for our health, and how strong Kylie and Hannah are as they battle together" he said with a smile.
"I'll go next, I am thankful for your kindness"Kylie said looking at my dad, "I am thankful for finding someone who understands me, fights for me, and loves me with everything in her"
"I am thankful for your love dad, I am thankful for Kylie, and how strong she is, how caring and supportive she is. I am thankful for her getting better. I am thankful for Cam and Bryce's new baby" I said clapping.
"I am thankful for my health and all yours, I am thankful for the best sister and dad. I am thankful for the best friend Kylie has become. I am thankful for my most amazing supportive boyfriend and baby daddy" Cam said leaning over to kiss Bryce.
"My turn, I am soooo freaking thankful for that wonderful lady" he said point to Cam, "for being so loving, smart, kind, and brave. I am thankful for her health and the babies, and the coolest sister-in-laws ever." Bryce said with the biggest smile.

Things started to look up. I liked the vibe we had created it was good and loving and it kinda almost felt like home.

Author note: I am so sorry for the late upload as well as the short kinda fluffy chapter. I have big plans. Would you guys care if I skipped to the beach because the rest of their trip will be boring days, shopping etc. Also I have plans for when the couples have families, jobs, medical drama etc. So stay tuned!!!

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