Chapter 26: The Beach pt2

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(time skips 2 weeks after the lunch, only a week till Christmas)

Pov Emma

I was sitting at the beach Madison and I were talking, Hannah was napping beside me and everyone else were kicking a soccer ball.
"Are you still going to your mom's Christmas thing" she asked
"I'm not sure depends on if anything else happens from now till then"
I felt my phone buzz on my lap and I picked it up, text from Mckenzie.

Mckenzie was one of my close friends in high school. We plaid volleyball together for club but we were at different high schools. She got a full ride to UCLA for indoor volleyball.

Hey babe I'm in Florida for the next week are you down here?

Yeah I'm here for about a week and a half. I'm at the beach house with some friends, you should come down.

Yayayyaya I'd love too meet them!!

I don't know if I told you but I brought my girlfriend

Could I bring my bf?

Yes ofc, Madison and Jensen brought their bfs

Aw yay I am so excited

Me too, see you tomorrow😘

I put my phone down and turned to Madison,
"Mak is coming to the beach tomorrow with Griff"
"Aww yay I miss her" Madison said turning back to watch Preston playing soccer. I could tell he wasn't a soccer kid, he was lacrosse and Reid was football. I looked back at Rachel who smiled at me then looking back to kick the ball.

After a few mins Hannah had woken up and we were cheering on everyone, it was 2 against 2. Preston was taking a break and eating. Reid kicked the ball off the goals so Rachel chased it down. We could all still see her as a guy walked up too her. She was over there for a few seconds and she looked uncomfortable. I made eye contact with Kylie before getting up and we walked over to them.

Pov Rachel
I chase after the ball and flipped it up with my foot.
I heard a whistle and I looked up as a boy walked down towards me, "Little missy has talent" he said flexing his abs. I looked back at my group, I was getting uncomfortable as he walked closer.
"So darling you have talent" he said looking me up and down I looked back over at my group and saw Emma and Kylie coming over.
"Not answering me huh" he said touching under my chin back towards him.
"Woah" I said pulling away.
"Hey what's going on here" Emma asked with Kylie behind her.
"Just telling her she's beautiful, but my god you you are out of a movie" he said turning towards me.
"Ok yeah no" Rachel said walking in between me and the boy.
"We should get back" Rachel said turning around to walk to the group.
"Damn mamas you all got ass" he yelled
We all just ignored him and kept walking back to the group.
"What was that about" Hannah asked when I sat back down.
"Some nasty guy" I answered going back to watching them play.

*The next morning*

"Baby wake up she will be here soon" I said kissing Rachel's forehead.
"mmmm" she said turning in bed.
"I'm going to make BLTs come down when you are hungry" I said walking out of the room.

Madison and Hannah were already down stairs in their swimsuits.
"Hannah that's a new one it's really cute" K said walking into the kitchen.
"It's Kylie's but she doesn't like normal bathing suits so I stole it." Hannah laughed.
"Hey" I said hugging madison from behind,
"Hey, what time are they getting here" she asked.
"Uh 9:30" I said pulling bacon out of the fridge.
"So like an hour that's not too bad" Madison said cleaning her smoothie bowl.

*time skip to after breakfast*

Pov Rachel

I don't know why but I am so nervous about meeting Mckenzie but I am. She means something to Emma, so I need her to like me. There was a doorbell and my heart flipped, I felt the butterflies grow in my stomach. Emma stood up and ran to the door.
"I missed you so much" I heard Emma squeal as I got up and walked towards the front door. Madison has joined the hug. I stood behind Emma and waited for them to be done.
"Oh my god it's been so long" Emma said letting out of the hug.

Mak was pretty she was a little taller than Emma with strawberry blonde hair and freckles. Her eyes were light blue and she had a contagious smile like Emma.

"Mak this is Rachel my girlfriend" Emma said turning towards me.
"Aww it's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you" Mak said hugging me.

Everyone had joined us down stairs so we introduced everyone and then headed to the beach.
"Honey could you spray my back" Emma asked holding out the sunscreen.
"Mhm" I said holding my phone in my mouth to take the sunscreen.
"Emma you know I have to ask" Mackenzie said turn towards Emma. Emma nodded,
"But I'm guessing it's still the same answer" Mak said.
"Man" Mckenzie said disappointed.
"I love you I do, but I just don't see myself there" Emma said. I was so confused about what was going on.
"I know but Coach told me to ask again" Mak said before standing up and with the help of griff putting on sunscreen.

A few mins later everyone was in the water and Mak and I were alone on the blankets.
"You make her happy, I'm glad she's happy" Mak said turning to me.
"Well she makes me happy" I said with a smile.
"Man I missed her, I mean she could come with me but I know she likes Michigan" Mak said tilting her head.
"What do you mean" I asked turning back towards the water to see Emma laughing in the waves.
"Come to UCLA, they still want her. I just don't get why she stopped, she's so good" Mak said shaking her head.
"She got into UCLA and didn't go?" I said shocked.
"Yeah full ride for indoor as a right side but just decided not to go" Mak answered.
Madison has run back up the beach and was laying beside Mak.
"Do you know why she didn't go" I asked.
Madison butt in and said "Tyler, tyler goes to UCLA"
"Ohh" I said understanding but also still sad that she let something go because of an awful guy.
"Mak you should just come play at MSU" Madison said pushing her shoulder.
Mckenzie laughed, everyone knew UCLA was the dream sport school.

Mckenzie went down to the water with Madison as Emma came back up and laid beside my wrapped in a towel. I kissed her cheek, "I love you" I said.
"I love you too, is everything okay?" she asked.
"Yeah baby just thinking" I answered. She turned towards me, "about what".
"Why don't you go to UCLA, it's a dream sport school" I asked.
"I just didn't see myself in California, that's not where I want to work or raise a family." She answered, I mean I understood that.
"Ok" I said turning back to face the water.
"Baby come here" Emma said opening her arms while laying on the blanket. I rolled closer, she held me close and kissed the top of my head.
"I don't like it in Cali, it's all the same. At MSU I have more opportunities, I have Madison, and then I have you." She whispered. I snuggled closer to her and slowly fell asleep.

Pov Emma
I held Rachel while laying on the blanket. Mak came running back up the beach.
She saw us and did a quiet dance in the sand, I covered my mouth so I didn't laugh. Mckenzie was always the life of the party, the funny one, she could always make you laugh even when you thought the world was going to come crashing down. She screamed silently.
She laid down beside us and looked at me, "Oh my god, you two are way to cute to be real" she whispered
I smiled at her excited "that's what I said"
"Emma I am so happy that you are happy, oh and my mom wants you to come to dinner one night. Rach could come if you wanted" she said
"Aww I'd love that, will Ro be there" I asked. Ro or Rowan was Mckenzie's younger sister. I was the 5th person to hold her, I used to watch her all the time before I left. Mak and I were a lot older than her though. She was 4 years old this year.
"Of course and she wants to see you too" Mak said looking back at the water.

We all ended up going out to dinner and everyone got to know each other. I was so happy my friends from high school meeting my friend from high school.

Author Note:
Sorry for the short chapter but I just needed to add a few things for the Christmas time. After the Christmas chapter I will be writing tiny snippets of the rest of their lives. It won't be a day by day basis more of highlights of the good, bad and important.

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