Chapter 5: Opening Up

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Pov Rachel

I woke up to my alarm going off, I flipped over fast. I had actually been awake for like 30 mins but was waiting to get up. I was so excited for today, I get to spend it all with Emma. I jumped out of bed and I'd exuded to go casual. I put on a loose black tank top from my high school soccer team, that I had cut the sides opening. Under I wore a white sports bra, and basketball shorts. I brushed out my long brunette hair and but into a low bun. I grabbed my keys and all the supplies needed for today, and walked out of my apartment. In my car I listened to my early morning playlist, after all it was 7:00am. I pulled up to Emma's dorm house, it was 7:15. I stopped to pick up Wild Tiger Coffee House, I ordered what she got yesterday because she seemed to like it. I headed upstairs to her dorm. I looked at my phone to make sure I had the right dorm room and then I knocked on the door. Madison opened it, she was already dressed and looks like she has a class early this morning.
"Hey Rachel, I'm Madison"
"Nice to meet you again Madison"
Madison smiled "She is still kinda sleeping, and just warning she can be bitchy in the morning"
"Got it"
Madison patted my shoulder smiled and left. I walked into the room and saw the room carefully decorated, photos of friends along her wall. Man how I dreamed to learn about all her memories. I walked over to Emma's bed. Man what do I do, I'll just go for it. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Hey Pinky, wakey wakey". Emma kinda groaned but stayed sleeping. I ran my hand up and down her exposed arm, "Come on sleepy head", Emma groaned louder and said what I think was "I'm not a sleepy head", but again half her face was in her pillow. Man I hated waking her she looked so peaceful and happy. I put my hand on her warm cheek, my hands freezing from outside, I rubbed my thumb down her cheek bone. She opened her eyes slightly, and turned her face towards me, her body still faced away from me.
"Rach what are you doing here?
"Pinky I'm here because I have something super fun to do today"
"Hmm what? Did we have a date? Did I forget something?"
"What no this was a surprise, but you have to get up quickly. Also I brought you food and coffee"
With that she sat straight up, "wow food and coffee that's the way to my heart". I laughed and how cute she was sitting up barely awake. Her eyes still glazed with sleep, her body still warm from being under so many blankets. Our faces were inches apart and I sat on the side of the bed with my feet dangling. She was cross cross under her blankets. I jumped down and put out my hand, she grabbed it and jumped down. She was wearing a bra and rainbow boxers, J don't think she remembered she was barely dressed until her warm skin hit the cold when she jumped out of bed. She looked down at her self and ran towards her dresser pulling out a hoodie and leggings. She went into the bathroom for a few minutes and came out, her hair in a messy bun, her glasses on, and her perfect smile. "I didn't feel like putting in my contacts", I smiled, "I like the glasses pinky". I put out my hand wanting her to take it, Emma took my hand in hers, her hand was cold, so when she interlaced our fingers I took our conjoined hands and put them in the pocket of my hoodie. Emma smiled at me, and my heart melted all over again, that smile was amazing, something I wished to see everyday. We walked down the stairs of her dorm and to my car. In the car, Emma sat rubbing her hands together, I turned the heat on high. I said "you ready" smiling super big. "I mean I guess, J have no idea what's going on. We drove for about 10 mins before I pulled off onto my favorite trail. I grabbed my bag in the back and then told Emma to follow me. Michigan without sun was very cold, so when Emma got out of the car I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. We stayed together trying to stay warm, she laid her head down on my shoulder as we walked. After 5 mins of walking we ended up in my favorite field, a grass land that was silent. The sun was just about to rise. I took my hand form around Emma, she stood and watched me pull out a blanket. I laid it down on the ground. I waved her over to sit down. She sat down, I sat down beside her and laid back, placing a fluffy blanket over top of us. Emma laid back beside me and stared at the sky as the sun began to rise. Emma moves closer to me, trying to stay warm. Her head in between my arm and body, my arm rubbing her arm, my head laying above hers. After about 30mins of laying there the sun was all the way up, but the silence of the sunrise with Emma was perfect. I looked down, and saw her chest raising and falling at a steady pace, she was probably asleep. My arm was asleep from her sleeping on it, but I didn't mind because this just felt right. I decided she was probably asleep so in a whisper "Pinky you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I hope by the end of the day I can call you my girlfriend". I kissed the top of her head beside her bun, I reached over and pulled off her glasses so she didn't break them sleeping. My hand on her back rubbing up and down. I watched the world come to life outside, birds began to sing and bugs came out of them holes. Chipmunks ran across the end of the blanket. Emma's coffee not even touched, but she would when she woke up. We laid there for what felt like forever, well I mean I wished it was forever. Around 9:05, I felt Emma's head move, I looked down to see her eyes slowly open. She looked up at me, her head still against my body. Her arm was on my stomach, she had moved it there while she slept. I smiled at how cute she was waking up again. "How long have I been sleeping?" She said scrunching her little nose. I picked up my phone with my hand that wasn't under her, "uhh about an hour and a half"
"Oh my god really I am so sorry"
"It's good, you are very cute when you sleep" Her nose scrunched again, and I leaned down and kissed the tip. She smiled and started to sit up, the bliss flowed back to my arm and it started tingling. I sat up beside her and she looked out at the field and took in its beauty in early November. I handed her, her coffee and food. I had planned to give it to her while watching the sunrise but she fell asleep, but luckily Michigan air kept the food cool. I touched the center of her back to get her attention, causing her to jump, she was so lost in thought that me touching her scared her. I handed her the food and coffee "Rach you didn't have to do this"
"Aw but I wanted"
She took the food and looked down at her hands. I scored closer to her, we were sitting inches apart. I lifted her chin with my finger so we were looking at each other. Emma looked away and out at the field. "Madison out you up to this didn't she" she said while looking out at the field.
"She asked me to do something with you today, but I gladly accepted. I was excited to see you today",
She turned back towards me, my eyes were searching hers for answer but there was a wall behind them, a wall that wasn't there yesterday.
"Mm well today he would've been 61" she said slightly shaking her head. I put my hand on her knee and she looked up at me with a tear rolling down her face. I was about to lean over and wrap her in a hug when her phone began to ring, I got a quick glimpse it said Christopher. Hmm I wonder who that is. She looked down at it and answered it, but she didn't leave she just sat in front of me looking down. I could only hear her end of the call but she seemed sad but not mad.
"Hey Chris"
"I'm okay, I'm actually with someone". YAYAY I am someone to her, okay maybe that means nothing but I like this girl so much.
"Yes tell her I love her, yes I'll be home for Christmas"
"okay, love you guys bye" She hung your and looked at me, and I looked into her eyes. She smiled and looked back at the field "Man he would've loved this, this adventure, this place, you. He would've loved all of it". Her eyes filled with tears and her last word she got choked up. I took her hand in mine and kissed it, she looked at me and stood up pulling her hand with her. She wiped her eyes and smiled. Why, why did she do this? I wanted to know everything about her, I wanted to help her, I wanted to love her, maybe I already did? What the actually Fuck I've only known her for 2 days, but something was just perfect about her. I stood up beside her, not wanting to push "Pinky you okay"
"Actually yes, when I'm with you yes, I am actually okay"
She put out her hand and I took it as we packed up our stuff and headed back to the car. It was around 9:45, when we turned the car on. She strapped in and looked at me "so where to now?" I smiled "My house", Emma looked at me weird and questioning. "Pinky don't worry, I bought a bunch of movies and popcorn" I said while laughing. Emma nodded her face going a light shade of pink. As much as I wanted to do everything with this girl, we had just met and were really not in a relationship. I turned on the car and pulled out of the dirt road and back onto the highway.

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