Chapter 38: Bye

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Pov Emma

Rachel got an email a week ago saying she had to be in be in Carson, California by the end of this week. She left tomorrow so she had plenty of time to drive there and a day to get settled in the small apartment she bought. I woke up and she was sleeping beside me. I cuddled myself close to her crying.

She woke up and bushed my hair with her hand. She picked up under my arm and brought me closer to her.
"I'm going to miss you so much" I said crying.
"I'm going to miss you too, God more than you will ever know" She said
We just laid in silence holding each other. This would be the last time we woke up beside each other for at least 2 years, except for days we visited.
Around 9:20 Libby ran into our room. She jumped onto the bed and snuggled into rachel's other arm.
"I'm going to miss you Mama" Libby said kissing her cheek. Tears ran her cheek and I wiped them away.
"She's not gone yet so let's have the bestest day ever" I said sitting up.

Today was Sunday so Libby didn't have school. We were going to have one last day. We were going down to the lake for a swim and picnic, then we had dinner at Jensen's with everyone.

We sat in the car driving to the lake, we all where in our bath suits with USNWT soccer shirts over them in different colors. We blasted music and rolled down the window and we sang to the songs. We rolled up to the parking lot when Home came on. I instantly started crying and Rachel unstrapped kissing me. Holding me till the song was over, it was the song that had gotten us through everything in the last month, heck the last year. Libby sat quietly through the song in the back. I cried into Rachel's shoulder leaving tears all over her shirt. She laid her chin on the top of my head. The song ended and she pulled away a little and wiped the tears from under my eyes. She held my face in her hands and kissed me.
"Now who's ready for a good day" she said
"Meeeee" Libby said jumping out of the car. Rachel went to the back and grabbed our bags and the cooler then we walked to the grass in front of the lake. It was right bedside the stairs to the cliff but also by the swing to jump in there. She laid out a blanket with all out stuff.
"Swim or eat" she asked.
"Swimmm" Libby said jumping up and taking off her top. I pulled mine off and showed my bikini. Rachel smacked my butt discretely so no one around us heard or saw.
"God I'm going to miss that" she said kissing me.
I laughed as Libby turned to look at us. We were now at the top of the cliff. She held out her hands and we both took them,
"Ready?" she asked
"Yep" we both said
"1....2....3" and we all jumped into the water. I came up first followed by Rachel then Libby.
"It's cold" Libby shrieked laughing. She held onto Rachel's shoulders as we swam out of the way so the next person could jump.
"Again?" Rachel asked
"Yess yess yess"  Libby said
"Ok let's go" I said climbing out of the water.
Another group had arrive off all guys probably any age from 27-34. Rachel stood squared to my body because she knew I got uncomfortable in a bikini around people. Libby held my hand and Rachel put her hands on either side of my body.
I mean it was very obvious that Rachel was gay, she was wearing swim trunks and a sports bra.
We climbed up the cliff and waited for our turn. When from behind us there was whistling. Rachel turned around to face them, it was a group of maybe 5 or 6 guys. She shrugged and went to grab Libby's hand and I did the same.
"Damn mama's okay" I heard right as we jumped. Just seconds after we hit the water. I heard someone else hit the water. I came to the surface and Rachel was already up.
We both looked at each other panicked. We both went back underwater. Another splash landed near me and my heart sank, I came to the surface and yelled "Stop jumping my daughter hasn't come back up"
The guys who had already jumped all went under trying to find her. I swam down looking for her, I couldn't get to the bottom. I felt like I was going to throw up when someone grabbed me and pulled me up. It was Rachel "Baby she's over there" she said with tears in her eyes.
I was out of breathe and dizzy from swimming so deep. Sure enough she was standing near the edge.
I started crying and swam and ran over and hugged her. I held her on my knees crying, she started crying and saying she was sorry. Rachel bent beside us rubbing both our backs.
"Shh it's okay" she said quietly.
The guys had stopped jumping and talking. The world was quiet it was just us. My heart was pounding, I felt like I could pass out. I started cramping but I couldn't let go of Libby. Just seconds ago I thought she was gone.
"Let's go sit on our blanket" Rachel said realizing I was in pain.
I picked Libby up and held her walking back to the blanket. She sat down in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her chest. The back of her head laid on my chest. Rachel gave Libby a juice box and me some water. She held her hand over my knee, rubbing it with her thumb.
"I'm really sorry, I heard other people start jumping and I was scared they were going to jump on me so I swam away." She said. I kissed her cheek, "That was very smart, it just scared me a little" I said.

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