Time skip

I woke up the next morning,I checked my phone,maybe I could ask to hang out with (Y/N) today.I got up and got ready for the day,I got out my phone and texted (Her/Him) about hanging out later today,I didn't get a response for about 10 minutes,they're probably were just busy.

3rd person:

There was loud noises of vomiting coming from the bathroom,that was you,you were throwing up your breakfast from a few minutes ago.When you were done throwing up,you flushed the toilet and sighed,your throat was hurting like lava was inside it,you got up your weak skinny legs and washed out your mouth to get rid of the trace of vomit leaving your body.

You walked to your cell phone,Angel texted you awhile ago,they asked if you wanted to hang out,you sighed and responded to them,apologizing for not responding for so long,thank gosh you were able to make up some excuse why you didn't say anything for a bit,then accepted the offer.You checked the time,10am,you both planned it to be around 1pm,you sighed and put down phone,you really didn't want to eat anything,you could tell you would probably be skipping lunch.

Time skip

You heard a knock at the door,you brushed out your (Y/H/C) hair,just as you were putting your hair brush down,you saw a lot more hair came off your head then usual,thank god it wasn't that noticeable.You quickly got rid of the hair on your brush and dashed to the door,it was Angel waiting to be with you,hope they didn't get to impatient."Hi,Angel,come in,you're just in time"You said opening the door,Angel smiled and walked inside your home,you had to leave a dirty dish in the dish washer so they wouldn't think you skipped lunch like last week.

You both knew you wanted to pick out a movie to watch,"Alright,Angel,what movie do you wanna see?"You asked sitting on the couch,"Hmmm,well,I'm thinking a bit more of a classical movie"Angel said getting out a movie that looked like it was from the 90's,you remembered watching that movie with Craig a while ago,a few hours before he gave you those noodles to eat,that you then threw up when you left.Angel put the DVD in and walked to the couch to sit next to you,you were relieved no bags were under your eyes this time.

Time skip

You opened up your eyes a bit more,you looked around.You saw Angel sleeping with their arms wrapped around you,and the movie still going on,you saw that your head must've rested on their shoulder.You felt a big pain in your stomach,you flinched a little due to it,you rubbed your eyes putting your other hand around your stomach in pain,you looked at the movie again,oh no...

You remembered that scene,the restaurant scene,you saw one of the characters eat some noodles from their plate,they were the same noodles Craig made you,you remembered throwing them up and how much your throat was burning.You gagged a little,you tried to be quiet,you didn't want to wake up Angel.You felt your eyes shrink in horror,you covered up your mouth and held your stomach tightly getting up,your stomach had a large pain in it.You rushed yourself to the bathroom,you could feel vomit coming up your throat,you ran even faster to the bathroom as the pain in your stomach got bigger and bigger.

You were finally able to get the door open,you fell to your knees,you took a look at your forearm,was that a bone? What the heck did you do to yourself? You could see the bone from inside your arm.You got the toilet seat up,put your hair back away from your face,and began hurling out what was inside you loudly,at first you tried to be quiet while you closed your eyes as tightly as possible,but it just kept on getting louder,so you just gave up and threw everything up.

You were finally done,thank god you didn't wake up Angel.You blinked your eyes a few times seeing if it was over,you flushed the toilet and put the seat down.You got yourself up using the toilet to help you up as you covered your mouth,you looked in the mirror,awful looking bags were under your (E/C) eyes,your hair was a mess and you looked so darn pale.You could feel that agony in your stomach get larger by the second,it was so bad you almost screamed,you weakly opened up the door,you covered your mouth as you set your foot outside the bathroom.

You got your hand from around your dry mouth and tightly put your arms around your sore stomach,your back was bend over almost like the number seven,you closed your eyes for a second as the agony in your stomach got bigger you panted heavily and fast letting the pain get bigger,this was the worst cramp in world.You opened up your eyes,your vision was getting dizzy and blurry,you could barely walk straight,your arms were all the way around your aching belly,"What the heck is this pain? Just go away..."You mumbled trying your best to walk.

Then,just as you were half way down the hallway,your legs got shaker than an earthquake,then,out of no where,your body just couldn't take it anymore,you passed out right there,in your home.You landed right on your side,your pale body was right on the floor.

Time Skip(2 hours later)

Angels POV:
I woke up and looked around,the movie had ended,I looked to where (Y/N) was,I got up and stretched my legs,(he/she) must've went to their bedroom since I fell asleep.I yawned walking to their bedroom,when I entered the hallway,I felt like I was in a horror movie...

(Y/N) was passed out on the floor,(She/He) looked so pale and skinny,I could even see their bones through their soft skin! Panicked I ran to them as fast as I could,I put them on their back and moved (his/her) hair out their face,"(Y/N)?! C-Come on...enough with your silly prank! Wake up! Come on!"I said panicking shaking (Her/Him) awake,I can't see my crush like this! Really! They have to be okay,I reached in my pocket and dialed 911 quickly."911,what is your emergency?"The lady on the phone said,"Hey,my friend just passed out,I-I don't think they have much time left,just come quick! I want them back in one piece!"I said on the phone as I put (Y/N)'s head to my chest,"Alright,just please calm down,I'll need the address to send an ambulance over"The lady said,I told her (Y/N)'s address then hung up.

I looked back at (Y/N),I sighed,they had terrible bags under their once shimmering eyes,I just hope I can tell them how I feel,I'm not ready for them to go.Thank god the ambulance was able to get here in time,I handed over (Y/N),I watched (Her/Him) get put on a stretcher and into an ambulance.

Time skip

3rd person

You woke in a room all white and clean,you blinked your eyes a few times then got up a bit.Before you could do anything else you felt someone hug you quickly,you looked and saw it was Angel hugging you."Thank gosh you're awake! Don't ever scare me like that!"Angel said letting go of you,you could tell what happened,you must've passed out in the hall way and Angel found you."What happened,(Y/N)?"Angel asked sitting beside you,you really didn't want to say anything,but,look at you,you looked terrible,you had to do it.

You told them everything and what you have been doing,even though you didn't want to at first,it felt nice to just let your feelings out."(Y/N)...You've had an eating disorder this whole time? I can't believe I was so stupid not to notice...Gosh I'm such a idiot..."Angel said once you were done talking."Angel...It's not your fault...I should've even started in the first place..."You said placing a hand on Angels shoulder."We're get through this whole mess together alright?"Angel asked looking pretty serious,you nodded."I love you..."Angel confessed hugging your pale body,you blushed a little at those words,you smiled a little bit and hugged him back,"I love you too...".

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