Eloise was seething and Lily, Alice and Marlene sent worried looks towards each other. But before they could stop her Eloise was storming over to the table where they sat. 

Eloise tapped on the girls shoulder sending her a sickly sweet smile at her. "You're in my seat" she seethed with faux amusement to cover up her anger.

Sirius and the boys sent amused looks to each other. James grinned at his sister knowing that the Hufflepuff was in for it. 

"Erm hi?" said the Hufflepuff confused. 

"Whats your name?" the girl opened her mouth to answer but Eloise cut her off her malicious grin widening "It was a rhetorical question I don't actually care"


"Do you mind moving off of my boyfriends lap?" Eloise said still smiling with raised eyebrows. 

"I'm quite comfortable actually" smirked the Hufflepuff "And he doesn't seem to be complaining" 

People across the Hall took sharp intakes of breath upon hearing this. Regulus spat out his orange juice from the Slytherin table soaking the boy in front of him. Lily cautiously took steps towards Eloise. James stifled a laugh and Peter didn't even try to conceal his snort. Remus however hid his face behind the newspaper that he was holding upside down. 

"Oh is that right?" Laughed Eloise "How about this? I'm gonna give you five seconds to fuck off. Or the only thing you'll be eating for breakfast, is a knuckle sandwich and a few of your own teeth on the side." The Potter grinned devilishly. But the Hufflepuff didn't move assuming she was bluffing. Until.

"No? Alright..five" Eloise started the countdown

the Hufflepuff remained seated 


fear was evident on her features 


Marlene mouthed a 'run' to the girl 


The Hufflepuff scrambled to get her bags.


The girl scurried out of the great hall in fear for her life, Eloise glaring daggers into her back noticing the boys eyes on her she shrugged "What?" her happy composure reappearing as she started walking to her friends. But Sirius grabbed her wrist pulling her down onto his lap.

"You're hot when you're jealous" he smirked 

"I'm a Potter. I'm hot all the time" she said high giving her brother across the table. 

"Must you ruin the mood"

"Yes." said James and Eloise in unison

"Thats creepy" Stated Peter 

"Whats creepy?" They said again

"That!" exclaimed the mousy boy 

"What!" They chorused once more 

"Just- Argh!"


The marauders were making their way to potions laughing and joking, planning the next prank that they intended on pulling on the Slytherins. 

"Yeah and then we could slip Malfoy a love potion so he falls in love with Filch!" wheezed James at the thought 

"Or we could slip him polyjuice potion so he turns into filch!" suggested Peter 

"Why not do both?" added Remus with a shrug 

"Yeah and then-" But Sirius couldn't finish his sentence as they rounded the corner and he was pulled into a closet.

1976- Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now