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Carter's p.o.v

It's been a couple of days. Brad is back on tour. I am currently hanging out with Justin at his house.

I brought Lily with me.

Lily is in my lap. I am watching tv with Justin on his couch. "I am so tired. I'm glad to be back in LA. I haven't been here since I've been doing promotional stuff." He told me.

"Yeah, I need to work on my album. I only have two songs." I said. "Oh, well technically three." He said.

"Oh, yeah. I need to go to the studio." I said. Scooter walked in. "Hey, I came to tell you your schedule for these next two weeks." He said sitting down.

"Tomorrow you leave to Florida, Monday you have a radio interview, then a photoshoot, Tuesday you have a meet and greet, and a mini performance, then you fly to New Jersey, Wednesday you you're filming a video with a youtuber, Thursday, you're going to surprise The Vamps on stage again, Friday you and The Vamps preform," he said reading from a notebook.

"Going on to two weeks from now, On Saturday you have a performance in Florida, Sunday night we leave for Montana, Monday, Tuesday, && Wednesday you have meet and greets, Thursday and Friday you have radio interviews." He told me.

"I understand if you don't want to do anything, I can cancel." He said as he closed the notebook.

"No, I wanna do them. I can bring Lily, right?" I asked him.

"Of course. I tried to get you to bring Hope, but I couldn't do it. I'm sorry." he said.

"It's fine, I'll just have to ask Kian if he can watch her." I said.

"I need to get home and pack for Lily and I." I said standing up and putting Lily in her baby carrier.

"Alright. See you tomorrow. Get some rest." Scooter said hugging me.

"Bye." Justin said. I got up and left with Lily. I made sure she was secure.

I then began driving home. My phone rang, and it was my dad.

I answered and put it on the car speakers.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey baby! When do you leave?" He asked me.

I stopped at a red light.

"I leave tomorrow morning. Well, at the ass crack of dawn. I leave at 4." I said.

"Oh, okay. Are you gonna Need someone to watch Hope?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm upset I can't take her. I really wanted her to come. Can you please find me someone to watch her?" I asked him as the light turned green.

I made a turn, and began to drive.

"Yeah, of course. Are you almost home?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna stop at Starbucks." I said.

"Okay." He told me.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him as I pulled up to a drive-thru Starbucks.

"No, I'm good. I'll talk to you when you get home, love you." He said.

"Love you too. bye." I said before I hung up. I rolled my window down, and ordered a large lemonade.

I got it and payed. I headed home. When I got home, Lily was fast asleep.

I got out with my purse and Lily and her baby carrier. I walked in the house and put my drink down.

"Hey babe." Lia said to me. I hugged her. "Hey." I said smiling.

"Where's my dad?" I asked as I put Lily in her swing.

"He is upstairs, editing a video." she told me. Hope came and ran to me.

"Hey baby." I said I petted her. "Can you watch Lily for a few minutes?" I asked Lia. "Yeah, of course." She told me.

I went upstairs into dad's room. "Hey." I said as I took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, are you gonna pack?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, just came to see you." I said as he hugged me.

"Alright, well I gotta go pack for Lily and I. I'll see you in a little." I said.

"Okay." He said smiling. I left and headed to get Lily. I took her to my room.

I then took 2 suitcases out. I packed all of Lily's clothes. I then packed two baby bags.

I packed formulas, baby bottles, diapers, and all that stuff. I then pulled out another two suitcases.

I put a whole bunch of my jeans in the suitcases. I only have skinny jeans.

Lily started crying so I picked her up. She layed her head on my shoulder and I continued to pack.

It was hard with her in my arms, but I managed to pack a lot of clothes. I then moved on to my shoes.

I put a few high heels and shoes in a suitcase. I need to put my makeup and stuff in a bag.

"You like being in my arms, don't you?" I asked Lily laughing.

She just played with my hair. I laughed as I put all my makeup, hair accessories and stuff in my makeup bag.

I don't need to take a curling iron or anything. Or shampoo. I put my toothbrush in a plastic baggie.

I put all my stuff in my room and decided to go visit Brenda. I quickly changed Lily and put her in her baby carrier.

I told dad I was leaving. I stopped by a shop and got Brenda some flowers.

When I got to the graveyard, and I parked close to her grave. I got Lily out and we sat by Brenda's grave.

"I miss you so much." I said as I cried. I saw that there were paps.

I put sunglasses on and set the flowers down. "I know that you're in a better place, but I miss you." I said as I covered Lily up with her blanket.

"Lily misses you. I came because we're gonna be gone for two weeks." I said crying.

Lily and I stayed for about 15 more minutes, then we left. I got in and drove home.

When I got home, I put Lily down for a nap. I then made sure everything we needed was packed.

I put my hair up in a bun. "I can't wait to leave." I told dad. "I'm gonna miss you." He said.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I said giving him a weak smile. Before I knew it, dad was driving me to the airport with Lily.

We got on out private plane.

~In Florida~

We just got to Florida and we are walking through the airport with my body guards.

Lily is in her baby carrier and I'm holding her. Scooter is already at the hotel.

"Hi Carter!" I heard fans yell. "Hello!" I smiled and waved. We finally made it outside and I was rushed into the van with Lily.

She is asleep. I smiled and they began to drive towards the hotel. I went and tweeted.

'@CarterCaylen: finally in Florida!😭😁'

I locked my phone and saw we were at the hotel. I got out with Lily and my body guards carried our stuff.

We walked into our room. My body guards brought everything in. "Thanks." I smiled.

They left the room.

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