Any guys?

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Carter's p.o.v

I am at home, watching Lily play Legos with Frankie. "She is such a cutie." Frankie said smiling.

"Isn't she?" I asked him. Lily grabbed Frankie's face, and kissed his cheek. "Awe, baby, that was so sweet." Frankie smiled.

Lily giggled, and Hope came running in. "Hopey!" Lily shouted as she tried to chase Hope. "Be careful." I warned her.

She just ran around trying to get Hope, and Hope obviously enjoyed it. She wagged her tail fast. I smiled as Frankie sat next to me.

"How's everything?" He asked me. "Everything is going great. Honestly, things couldn't be better." I said smiling.

Things have been amazing, to be completely honest with you. I am very happy, and I wouldn't trade this for the world.

"I'm glad to hear that. You seem very happy, and that makes me really happy." Frankie said as he looked at me.

"Thanks, Frankie. That means a lot to me." I said. We talked for a little longer, until he had to go. Lily was exhausted, so I put her down for a nap.

Brad and I have been sexually active a lot lately. We are trying to have a kid, and I honestly hope we do have a kid soon.

We are ready, and this will be a big step in our relationship. Lily ran over to us, and gave me and Frankie princess stickers.

"Thank you, Lily." Frankie smiled. She hugged him, and kissed his cheek. "That's really sweet, babe." I told her as she smiled.

"She is so sweet." Frankie laughed. "I can't wait until she's older." I said. "Those teen years are the worst, I think." Frankie laughed.

"Yeah, they are. I really hope she's a good kid, I really don't want a teenager with attitude problems." I giggled.

"When does she go to school?" Frankie asked me. "Next month. They are letting her in early. She will be a whole year ahead, and I think that'll be good for her." I said.

I am kind of sad that she is going to school already, and growing up so fast, but it's such a beautiful thing.

"She's going to be very smart when she's older. I can already see it." Frankie told me. Lily came over to me, and I picked her up and put her on my lap.

"She will be." I said kissing her. She played with my hair. "I have to go now, but it was really nice hanging out with you and Ms. Lily," Frankie said as we all stood up.

"I'll see you beauties later." He said hugging us. Lily kissed her uncle Frankie before he left. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked Lily.

"Yeah!" She screamed loudly. I laughed. "How about we watch Frozen?" I asked her. She clapped as she sat on the couch.

She is obsessed with Frozen, and it's the cutest thing ever. I grabbed us some blankets and put some popcorn in the microwave.

Brad walked in. "Just in time. Lily and I are going to watch Frozen. do you want to join?" I asked Brad kissing him. "I'd love too." He said sitting next to Lily.

I got the popcorn, and turned all the lights off, and put the movie in. Lily clapped. I smiled.

Lily was in the middle, and we were on her sides. She held both of our hands, and looked up at us, then smiled. "You are the cutest." Brad said lightly kissing her cheek.

"I love you daddy." She said hugging his arm. That was literally the cutest thing ever. He smiled at her, then he kissed my cheek.

"My girls." He said smiling. The movie started, and Lily clapped once more.


Today, Me, Selena, & Lily are hanging out. It's been a while since me and Sel have hung out.

Me and Selena have gotten closer these past few months, and I am so thankful for that.

We are meeting up at Starbucks. I smiled as I walked in. Selena was already sitting down at a small table.

"Hey!" She said hugging me. "Hello, beautiful girl." I hugged her. We got in line and ordered what we wanted.

We finally sat down. "How have you been? It's been a while since we hung out!" Selena said. "Ive been great, how have you been?" I asked her.

"I'm great too." She said smiling. We talked for a bit longer, and laughed a lot. We talked about a lot of things, and just caught up.

"I can't believe Ms. Lily is going to be in preschool!" Selena said while she smiled at Lily. Lily clapped and smiled.

"school!" She yelled. "I really hope you like school." I laughed. "I think she will." Selena smiled as she sat Lily on her lap.

Lily grabbed Selena's face, and planted a small kiss on her cheek. "Awe, thank you Lily. That was very sweet." Selena smiled.

"Any guys?" I asked Selena, smirking a little. "Welllllll." She said laughing. Her face turned a bit red. "Who? spill!" I said excited.

A little too excited, I think. "You know Kian? stupid questi-" "you like Kian!! Oh my god! You like Kian!" I said smiling widely.

"Uncle Kiki?" Lily asked. "Yeah! Uncle Kiki!" I smiled. Selena's face turned a deep shade of red. "Carter!" She said burying her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry! But that's so cute! You guys should date!" I laughed. "I'm working on it." Selena smiled widely.

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