Redmond, Washington.

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Jc's p.o.v

I really screwed up. I can't believe I did that. I hurt my daughter. She's never gonna forgive me. I feel so bad. She told me that being a dad should be more important than being with your girlfriend, and she's 100% right.

I have been questioning my relationship with Lia lately. Being a dad should be my #1 priority and it hasn't been lately. I need to step my game up, and I need to apologize to Carter.

Carter's p.o.v

"Wake up." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes, and saw Bradley standing there. I am on my tour bus, and I have rehersals. I got up, and put my shoes on. "I'm so tired." I said as Brad and I walked out of the tour bus.

We went over and met the fans. "I love you babies! See you later!" I said before we began to head inside. "You're so great with the fans." Bradley said kissing the side of my head. "Well, thank you." I smiled.

We headed to the practice room and began practicing the songs and dances we were doing. I took a picture of all of us, and posted it.

'@CarterCaylen: tour fun!❤️'

I locked my phone and rehearsed more. "How are you feeling?" Austin asked me. "I'm fine." I said smiling. "Carter, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Okay? Anytime you need anything, I'm here." He said. I hugged him.

"Thanks, Austin. That really means a lot." I said smiling. We played basketball for a while. I have my leg brace off, so I was pretty good. "You're terrible!" Tristan teased as he put his arm around my shoulders. "Oh shut up! You're worse than I am! You're such a buttercup!" I teased.

"How rude, Carter. And to think I actually liked you!" Tristan said faking being sad. "Oh, Tris! You know I love you." I said as we walked around. "Oh, Carter! I love you too!" He said laughing.

We walked around for a bit. "Time to hit the shower, Carter." Scooter said. I simply nodded. I headed to the shower room, and quickly showered. I put my sweats on, and one of Bradley's shirts on, then went and sat down in the practice room.

"You're really strong." Shawn said. "Thanks Shawn." I said smiling. "We need to get ready for the show, let's go!" Scooter shouted. I got up and went over to get my hair/makeup done. I then changed. I am wearing a high waisted jeans, a pink crop top and pink ankle platform booties.

After, I walked around for a bit. "babe! Let's take a picture." I told Brad. He simply nodded and came over to me. He kissed my cheek while I simply smiled. I took the picture and posted it.

'@CarterCaylen: OMG OMG LOOK AT WHO I MET TODAY YOU GUYS! LOOK!😍😍😍 BRADLEY SIMPSON!❤️😂 ily bae😘💕 @thevampsbrad'

I locked my phone. "Bradley, I love you so much." I said smiling. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you too, baby." He said smiling. "Hold me." I said. I jumped on him and I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he walked with me.

We went outside and he smiled at me. There were fans yelling and screaming. we waved and smiled at them. Brad ran around with me. "You're gonna drop me, Bradley!" I said screaming and laughing. "Then I drop you." He said laughing. "Brad!!" I screamed. He stop and kissed me.

Bradley is seriously the love of my life. I love him so much. "Bradley! I love you so much." I said as he put my down. He held my hand, and we walked around.

"Concert time!" Scooter yelled. We ran inside and he handed me my phone. I went on Twitter and saw that dad tweeted.

'@jccaylen: being a dad should be my main priority and lately it hasn't been.'

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