Back To Work.

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Carter's p.o.v

I am currently on my way to a few interviews. I am going back to work, because I miss it so much. I know that being a mother to Lily is important, but I want to go back to work.

"A lot of questions are going to be asked. Just answer them to the best of your ability." Scooter said as I gave Lily her a sippycup full of Apple juice.

"Okay, I will." I smiled. I saw that were at the building, and my driver tried to find a parking spot. There were already fans lined up outside.

"Lily, when we get out, be nice and wavy to all of mommy's fans, okay?" I asked her. She smiled widely. "Okay, mommy." She said.

Our driver finally found a parking spot, and my security guards got out. I got Lily out of her car seat, and our door opened.

I carried her in my arms, as we walked past all the fans. Lily waved and said 'hi' to all the fans as they called her name.

We made it in the building, and into my dressing room. I put Lily down, and she ran straight to the couch.

I was sat down and my makeup was retouched. "You go on in about 10 minutes." The producer said coming in. "Okay, thanks." I smiled.

When I go out, I'm singing One Last Time, and then I have my interview.


I am about to walk out on stage. I left my dressing room, and walked towards the stage. The 'curtains' were shut, the. Ellen announced me. "Here she is now, singing One Last Time, Carter Caylen Simpson!"

The doors began to open, and pretty soon, I saw the audience. I put my earpieces in, and the music started.

I was a liar. I gave into the fire. I know I should've fought it. At least I'm being honest. Feel like a failure, 'cause I know that I failed you.

I should've done you better. 'Cause you don't want a liar (come on) and I know, and I know, and I know. She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you.

And I know, and I know, and I know. That you got everything, but I got nothing here without you. So one last time. I need to be the one who takes you home. One more time. I'll promise after that, I'll let you go.

Baby I don't care if you got her in your arms. All I really care is you wake up in my arms. One last time. I need to be the one who takes you home.

I don't deserve it, I know I don't deserve it, but stay with me a minute. I'll swear I'll make it worth it. Can't you forgive me, at least just temporarily?

I know that this is my fault. I should have been more careful. (Come on) and I know, and I know, and I know. She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you.

And I know, and I know, and I know. That you got everything, but I got nothing here without you baby.

So one last time. I need to be the one who takes you home. One more time. I'll promise after that, I'll let you go.

Baby I don't care if you got her in your arms. All I really care is you wake up in my arms. One last time. I need to be the one who takes you home.

I know I shouldn't fight it. At least i
I'm being honest. Just stay with me a minute. I swear I'll make it worth it. 'Cause I don't wanna be without you.

So one last time. I need to be the one who takes you home. One more time. I'll promise after that, I'll let you go.

Baby I don't care if you got her in your arms. All I really care is you wake up in my arms. One last time. I need to be the one who takes you home.

One last time I need to be the one who takes you home.

As the song ended, the audience cheered and clapped. I took my ear pieces out, and smiled. Ellen walked over to me.

"We'll be right back with Carter Caylen Simpson." She said. We went into commercials. They cleaned me up, and retouched my makeup again.

Before I knew it, I was sitting down with Ellen, and we were back on. "So we are here with the amazing Carter Caylen Simpson who just preformed One Last Time for us. How are you Carter?" Ellen asked me.

"I am doing great, thank you." I smiled. "That's good to hear. It's been a while since you've been on here. You were on a break, but you're back! Why did you decide it was time for a break, and why did you decide to come back?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah. I decided I needed a break because I needed to focus on being a mom to Lily, and I decided to come back because I missed work so much. I realized that I can still be a mom and come to work." I answered her.

"So, Lily is almost four years old. For those of you who didn't know, Lily isn't Carter & Bradley's real daughter. Carter met Brenda, who passed away due to cancer, and left Carter and Brad in charge of Lily," Ellen explained to people.

"How has been watching Lily? How do you feel about her turning four?" Ellen asked as pictures of Lily popped on the screen.

"Yeah, it's been very difficult. I was left in charge of her when I was only 17 years old, and Lily was literally only a few months old, so it's been difficult, but I love her to death," I said smiling.

"And as for Lily turning four, it breaks my heart to see how much she's grown up. She's growing up really fast, and it makes me feel sad. But I am very excited."

"Are you going to put her in preschool? Because it would be difficult with all the paps and things." Ellen said.

"I am. She is really excited about that. I feel like she's going to like school." I laughed.


I am finally done with all of my interviews for the day. I am back at home with Lily, laying down with Lily.

She's watching tv, and I am on my phone. Lily smiled as Bradley and the boys appeared on tv. "Look, daddy!" She said pointing. I laughed and smiled.

"Yeah, that's daddy and all your uncles." I told her. I smiled as Lily layed her head on my chest.

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