Happier Than Ever.

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Carter's p.o.v

Lily is still away with Kenyon and his family. Madison is traveling for her show, which is amazing by the way.

She is coming home tomorrow and we are having the barbecue. My dad is coming along with Kian and Selena.

Tristan, James his girlfriend and daughter, Connor and his daughter are coming as well, and I am beyond excited.

James' girlfriend's name is Kelly and she is gorgeous. James' daughter is named Michelle and is 5 years old.

Connor's daughter recently turned 2 years old, and her name is Phoebe. It's just me, Paris, Mason, & Bradley.

"Let's go!" I said. We got all the things outside on our deck, and the guys started coming in.

"hi daddy." I smiled hugging my dad. "Hey baby doll. I've missed you. You look beautiful." He smiled.

"I've missed you too, dad. Thanks." I smiled. "Hey Carter!" Kelly smiled as she walked over to me.

"hello K. How have you been? It's been a while." I smiled as I hugged her.

Bradley got a bounce house for the kids. "I do reckon it's been a while! I've been great, and yourself?" She asked.

"Same." I smiled. We ate some watermelon. "Aunt Cawter." Michelle smiled as she walked over to me.

"Hello baby." I smiled picking her up, and kissing her cheek.


"That was so much fun. I love having our friends and family over." Bradley smiled as we put Paris in her bed.

We walked over to our room. "Me too. It was a lot of fun." I smiled. I miss being at my dad's, I miss Ricky, Connor & Trevor so much.

I rarely see Connor, Trevor, or Ricky. And when I do, it's always just for a quick minute.

"Mom! Uncle Frankie is at the door!" I heard Mason yell. Frankie? What is he doing here?

I walked downstairs, and saw my brother standing there. "Hey!" He smiled as I ran to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I hugged him tight. "Just wanted to visit my baby sister and her family." He smiled.

"Hey Frankie! Nice to see ya!" Bradley said coming downstairs with Paris in his arms.

"Nice to see you too. Oh my god, is this my baby niece?" He asked as he walked over to Bradley.

"Sure is." I smiled. Bradley let Frankie hold Paris. Paris was just looking up at her uncle Frankie.

"Aren't you just the cutest?" He asked as he looked at Paris. "Hey! I thought I was the cutest." Mason teased.

"Oh, shut up attention whore." Frankie joked. We laughed as we walked to the living room and sat down.

"How has life been treating you?" I asked Frankie. "Pretty good, how about you guys?" He asked.

"We've been alright. Madison has been traveling a lot since her show is out." Bradley said.

"Her show is amazing! Like gurllllllll. That's MY niece." He said proudly.

"She is an amazing young woman. Madison is very smart for her age, and very mature." I smiled.

"Where's Lily?" Frankie asked. Mason was now holding his baby sister.

"She's in Hawaii with her boyfriend and his family." Bradley answered. "Ah, Hawaii? Sweet." Frankie smiled.

"Yeah, I just miss her a lot." I laughed. "I would miss her too. Is her boyfriend nice?" My brother asked.

"He is the nicest kid ever." Mason answered. Frankie didn't stay long, as he had some work to do.

"Paris needs a diaper change." Mason said, as he handed me Paris. I went upstairs to change her, and give her a bath.

"You're all clean now." I smiled as I wrapped her up in her towel and changed her.

"She smells amazing." Bradley said as he laid next to her on the bed. "It's baby lotion. You want some?" I teased.

"Yes, actually." He laughed. I cleaned the room up a bit, and saw that Paris was asleep in her dad's arms.

"Do you ever want more kids?" Bradley asked me. "Of course. I love kids." I smiled.

"Wait... So we can have more kids?" Bradley asked confused. "Well, yeah, but I want Paris to be a bit older." I laughed.

"Yeah." Bradley smiled. He wrapped an arm around me, and pulled me closer to him. "Do you want more kids?" I asked him.

"I want one more. I feel like 5 is enough." He laughed. "Yeah, 5 is enough." I said with a light laugh.

"I miss my Madi." Bradley said as he picked Paris up and put her in her swing.

"I miss her too, but I am so damn proud of my baby." I smiled widely. "I am too. She is so amazing. I have been watching her show over and over again." He laughed.

"I have too. It sucks having her travel so much, but this makes her happy, and I'm happy for her." I said.

"So do you think she likes that guy... What's his name? He plays Lucas on the show." Bradley said.

"Peyton Meyer?" I laughed. He nodded. "Yeah, that kid. Do you think she likes him?"

"I'm not sure, but I think that would be the cutest thing ever if she does. He is super nice." I said.

"I just don't want my baby being hurt. She's my princess, and I'll probably kill Peyton if he ever hurts her." Bradley said as he kissed my cheek.

"You will not be killing anyone, Brad." I laughed. "When are we picking her up from the airport?" Bradley asked me as he got up and took his shirt off.

"Next week, I think. Then Lily leaves Hawaii tomorrow and she'll be going to Spain." I answered.

Bradley put a white shirt on, and took his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers, and he jumped in bed.

"Not having the kids around as much sucks. Mason feels lonely, and it sucks seeing him mope around. He misses his sisters." Bradley explained to me.

"Yeah, I know. Madison will be back soon. It's crazy to think about how time has gone by. We have 4 kids, & we're happily married." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"And I am happier than ever." He smiled kissing my cheek.

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