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Carter's p.o.v

It's been a week. I have been in the media nonstop, because of two things. Kendall Jenner and I, and I forgot to cover some I my cuts up with makeup, and they were visible when I was on the red carpet and when I was performing && receiving my award.

I clicked on an article about Kendall and I.

'Did Kendall Jenner and Carter Caylen end their fued?

Just last week, Kendall Jenner and Carter Caylen were presenting an award together, for a popular award show, the AMA's.

A few months back, Carter Caylen violently attacked Kendall Jenner, who was flirting with Bradley Simpson, who is Carter's boyfriend.

It was surprising to see the two girls together on stage presenting! Do you think that they made up, or do you think it's an act? How does Bradley feel about this? Let us know in the comments below!'

I laughed and tweeted the article.

'@CarterCaylen: naw, we really made up. All love here.💜 @kendalljenner *link*'

I put my phone down. I feel bad for my fans. They didn't need to find out this way. I feel really bad.

I wish I could've told them MY way. Not media's way. I went on Twitter and made a twitlong.

'@CarterCaylen: hello loves. There have been pictures and people talking about the cuts that were visible on my arms/wrists. They are NOT fake, they are real. I didn't want to tell you guys because I don't want to be a bad role model. You're supposed to look up to me for the good that I do, not the bad things I do. I don't you guys to think that since I self harm, you should too. Don't. I was going through a hard time, and it was my only escape, other than music. I know I should've asked for someone's help, but I couldn't. I wish that I would've been able to tell you guys in a more calm, peaceful way and not how media says things. I am trying my hardest to stop for YOU guys. I love you all so much and I hope that as I recover, you're there for me.'

I locked my phone and went to the living room. "How are you feeling?" Trevor asked me as I sat on the couch.

"I'm fine." I smiled. I'm really not, but I don't want people to give me pity. I don't need that.

I wasn't doing what I did for attention. I really wasn't. I was doing it because it made me happy.

Obviously it was wrong, and I know that. I should've done something else. I hurt so many people, not just myself.

I am disappointed in myself because I have fans who look up to me. That's not who I want them to look up to for.

"I'm gonna go see Brad." I said getting up. I went upstairs and changed into a crop top, some joggers and brad's sweater.

I put my purple vans on and grabbed my purse and phone. "Dad, can I use your car?" I asked. "yeah, where are you going?" He asked as he tossed me the keys.

"I'm gonna go see Brad." I said. "Okay, be safe." I nodded and went downstairs and opened the garage. I got in the car and buckled up before I turned it on.

I shut the garage and I drove towards The Vamps' LA house. I was being followed by paps and fans, and I tried my hardest to ignore it.

When I got to the gate, I rolled my window down. "Hello Ms. Caylen, here to see Brad?" The security guard asked me.

"Yeah." I smiled. He opened the gates and let me in. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I said before driving into the house.

I parked my car and got out. I knocked on the door and James answered. "Hey! Come in, Brad's in his room." He said.

"Thanks!" I said before heading upstairs to Brad's room. He was on his phone, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

He turned around and smiled. "Hey baby." He said. I sat on his lap. "I missed you." I told him. "I missed you too." He smiled.

He kissed my cheek, and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I simply replied. I hugged him and cried on his shoulder. "Don't cry, baby. It'll be okay, I promise." He said comforting me.

"I know it's hard, but you will get through it. I will be here every step of the way, baby." He said rubbing my back.

"I am just emotionally drained. I just want to cry and cry." I said. "Baby, don't. You're strong." He said.

I smiled and kissed Brad. "I love you so much, you don't even know." I told him. "And I love you, Carter. Always." He said smiling.

Bradley is honestly the love of my life. No matter what we've gone through, he's always been there.

He makes me so happy, and no one even knows how happy he makes me. I love him more than anything. That will never change.

I hope that we will always be together, through thick and thin. Hopefully one day, we'll be married.

I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. Bradley is my everything.

"Let's take a picture." He said. I laughed and nodded. We both did the kissy face. I took my phone out and took a picture as well.

'@thevampsbrad: You're the love of my life.😍 @CarterCaylen'

'@CarterCaylen: I have never met anyone like you. You're my everything.💗 I love you, life mate.😚 @thevampsbrad'

"One day, I want to be married to you. I want to have kids with you. Live in our own house, raise our little children. Be a cute family." Brad said. He paused, and looked at me.

"Travel the world with you, and see all these beautiful places, together." He said. I smiled and kissed him.

"Me too, Brad. Me too." I said smiling widely. "Soon." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Yes, very soon." He said playing with my hair. I heard multiple cameras go off and I turned. It was Connor, James, && Tristan.

"That moment was too cute! I had to record." Tristan said. "I had to take pictures!" James laughed. "Same!" Connor said.

"You guys are relationship goals." Connor said putting his hand over his heart, and acting like a teenage girl. I laughed and smiled.

"You guys are weird." I laughed. I saw that they posted pictures of us, and Tristan uploaded the video.

'@thevampsconnor: couldn't be happier for these two. I love them both. #relationshipgoals @CarterCaylen @thevampsbrad'

'@thevampsjames: my mates are too cute together. They bring out the cute/soft side of me.😏 @CarterCaylen @thevampsbrad'

'@thevampstristan: they were talking about their future and it was just too cute.😭😭 #futuregoals @CarterCaylen @thevampsbrad'

I just smiled and locked my phone. The guys went to their rooms. Brad kissed my cheek, and played with my hair.

I know that everything has been crazy with the media, but Bradley makes everything okay.

I know that I WILL be okay, and that I'll have him by my side. I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than him. He's my everything.

He's the one I want to be with, for sure. I saw that Kendall tweeted me.

'@kendalljenner: don't know why people think it's an act. We seriously made up, it's in the past. Love you, Carter.😚 like you said, all love here.💗 @CarterCaylen'

I smiled. Everything will be okay, eventually.

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