Baby Shopping.

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Carter's p.o.v

Today me, Lily, & Brad are going baby shopping for the twins, who we have named Madison May, and Mason Tyler.

We are in the car, and almost to the baby shop. We had to bring one of Frankie's big ram trucks, as we are buying cribs and things like that.

I smiled as we made it, and pulled up. I got Lily out, and Bradley held her. We walked in. "Hello, how can we help you?" A nice lady who looked 40 asked.

"We are here to get cribs and all that good stuff for twins." I smiled. "What are the genders?" She kindly smiled as she made our way over to us. "Boy and girl." Bradley smiled.

"Ah, congratulations! Let's get some girl things first, let's start with a crib." Annie, said. That was her name, I believe. At least that's what her name tag said.

"Look, this one's cute." Bradley said pointing to one with little pink monkey's on it. "I don't like monkeys." I laughed.

"This one is so cute." I said pointing to the a light pink one with butterflies. "And it comes with a matching baby carrier." Annie explained.

"I really like it." I said as I looked at Brad. "I like it too." Bradley smiled. we looked at the other ones, and it wasn't as pretty. "I think we'll take the one with the butterflies on it." Bradley said.

"Alright, so we have that one. We can move it over here." Annie smiled as a young 30-40 year old man helped me move it towards to the register.


We spent more than $20,000 on furniture on both babies, and more than $1,000 on clothes for my babies.

"I can't wait to meet our little ones." I said as we got to the house. James, Tristan, & Connor were already at the house.

They were going to help us set up the nursery. We already painted one half pink, and the other blue.

They are going to help us build furniture. They unloaded the things, as me and Lily headed to the nursery.

Later today, I am taking Lily to go school shopping. Her teacher's name is Candie Anderson, and I've already talked to her.

Lily will only need to take a notebook, and colored pens, & of course a backpack.

When we were almost done building things, me and Lily left. I put her in her car seat in my Range Rover.

I got in, and we headed to the mall. "We are going to get Ms. Lily some new shoes, and new clothes, and a backpack." I smiled.

"Yay!" Lily yelled. "Are you excited, baby?" I asked her. "Yes!" She said smiling.

I laughed as we got to the mall, and headed inside. We got Lily 15 pairs of shoes, and 10 new outfits. She got a pretty Frozen backpack, and the
supplies she needed.

She goes to school tomorrow, and I'm really nervous/scared. It's going to be so weird not having my baby around all day.

"do you want to go visit mommy Brenda?" I asked her. "Yes!" she smiled.

We arrived at the cemetery with some flowers, we got there, and sat by Brenda's stone.

"Hey mommy Brenda! I miss you." Lily said smiling. "I'm having twins, a boy and a girl, Brenda. I wish you were here to meet my babies." I said smiling.


It's now 9:30, and we are on our way to drop Lily off. Kian, and my dad are already there.

We got there, and all of us walked in. "Hello, Carter." Candie said smiling. "Hey!" I said shaking her hand.

"This is my husband, dad, and friend." I smiled introducing everyone. "Nice to meet you all. Hello Lily!" Candie smiled.

"Hi." Lily smiled. "We are going to have so much fun today. Are you ready?" Candie asked her.

"Yes!" Lily smiled. We all said our goodbyes to Lily. "I'll come and pick you up soon, okay?" I said. Everyone else left, but I stayed.

"Okay, I wuv you mommy." Lily said hugging me. "I love you too." I said kissing her. "Thank you, Carter. See you soon." Candie said hugging me.

"Thank you. Bye!" I said before I left. I got in the car with Bradley, and headed home.

It's going to be weird not having Lily around all day. When I got home, I cleaned and organized Lily's room.

I also organized the Twins' room. The room is gorgeous, and I can't wait for these babies.

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