Little house party.

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Carter's p.o.v

It has been three days. We are in New York. We have been here since last night. We have the day off today, which I am super glad about. Kylie is still here, and it's been so much fun.

"I think I'm just gonna have a lazy day." I told Kylie as I sat on the bed of our hotel room. "Me too." She said. I grabbed my phone and Facetimed my dad.

His face popped up on the screen. "Hey, daddy!" I said smiling.

"Hey baby! How are you?" He asked me.

"Feeling a bit jet lagged, that's all. How about you?" I asked him.

"Tired. I just got back from Florida for a couple of meetings." He said.

I nodded. Dad and I Facetimed for about three hours before he had to go. I took so many screen shots. i posted one.

'@CarterCaylen: FaceTimed my daddy💕 I miss you😢 @jccaylen'

I then locked my phone and Scooter came in. "have you written any songs?" He asked me. "Two, Shower and Piano." I said smiling. "Great. Keep it up." He told me. I then got a text from Selena and Justin.

From: 🌺Selena🌺

Hey hottie with a body😉 I miss you sooooo much!😣 we need to hang out when you get back! I love you gorgeous!💕

From: Justin Biebs😈

Carter! Hope this little tour is going well! It's only the fourth day, I believe, from what I've heard you guys are doing great👍 keep it up! I will actually see you in two days!

To: 🌺Selena🌺

Hey gorgeous!😘 I miss you too! I should be back in a couple of weeks, but I'll let you know.☺️ I love you Sel💜

To: Justin Biebs😈

Thanks Justin! It has been so much fun getting to meet the fans, they make my heart melt.😌 thank you for this wonderful opportunity. It honestly means so much to me. I'll see you soon.☺️

I went on Twitter and saw that my dad, Selena, Justin, Luke and Calum tweeted me. Justin, Luke && Calum tweeted pictures of us together. Like one of Justin and I, Luke and I, and finally Calum and I.

'@jccaylen: I miss you baby.😫 I'll see you soon. Keep up the good work.😘 I love you. @CarterCaylen'

'@selenagomez: I miss you baby love.😢💜 I'll see you soon, okay?😘 proud of you!!😌 @CarterCaylen'

'@justinbieber: proud of you, Caylen 😉 keep up the good work. Stay humble, always. @CarterCaylen'

'@lukehemmings: miss my best friend so much!😓 I love you Carter xxx @CarterCaylen'

'@calumhood: one of my truest friends!👍 @CarterCaylen'

'@CarterCaylen: daddddddd! I miss you😞 I love you. <3 @jccaylen'

'@CarterCaylen: you know it! We gotta do something fun.😃 thanks Selly😌 I love you sooooo much! @selenagomez'

'@CarterCaylen: thank you Biebs.😏💜 @justinbieber'

'@CarterCaylen: I miss you too Lukey!!! So much! Hope you are doing better. <3 ily💕 @lukehemmings'

'@CarterCaylen: awe, shucks.😉 I love you Cal☺️ @calumhood'

I locked my phone and watched tv. Kylie fell asleep, and Brad came in. We went into the little living room of the hotel room. "Do you know what we do tomorrow?" Brad asked me. "Not sure. But I did hear scooter say we have to be up early." I replied to him.


We are back in LA. We finished the promotional tour a few days ago. Tonight at midnight, The Vamps' EP 'Somebody To You' drops worldwide, as well as the song.

I am beyond excited. I have den tweeting basically all day.

'@CarterCaylen: tonight at midnight👍😉 #somebodytoyou'

'@CarterCaylen: BUY SOMEBODY TO YOU TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. @thevamps #buyit #somebodytoyou'

I locked my phone. We are having a party at the O2L house tonight. I am so excited for this. 5sos, 1D, obviously the Vamps and so many more people are coming. The Kardashians and Jenners are coming as well.

We are setting everything up. "You can go start getting ready." Dad said. I nodded and went up to my room. I had taken a shower earlier today. I changed into a crop top and some high waisted shorts. I put my timberland boots on.

I then did my hair. I simply straightened it. I then did my makeup and I was done. I heard people, which meant the party was started. i grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I saw that Selena and Justin were here, along with a whole bunch of dad and the guys' friends. (O2l)

"Hey baby!" Selena said hugging me. "You look gorgeous." I said smiling. It was true. Selena always looks beautifully gorgeous. She's just so perfect. Ugh. "Thank you! As do you!" She said smiling. "Hey Justin!" I said hugging him. "Are you excited for the song?" He asked me as the music blared.

"Yes! Super!" I said as we walked to the backyard. There was already at least 90 people here. "CARTER!" I heard my name being called, and it was Brad. Brad, James, Tristan and Connor walked towards me.

"Hey." Brad said kissing me. "Are you guys excited?" I asked them. "Super." Connor said smiling.


It's now 2 more minutes to midnight. Everyone is on their phones waiting for Somebody To You. Brad is close to drunk. He's has too many drinks.

He's trying to act as sober as possible, but he's almost drunk. "5,4,3,2,1! BUY THE SHIT OUT OF SOMEBODY TO YOU!" I heard dad yell. I laughed and went on Twitter while everyone else went and bought somebody to you on iTunes.

'@CarterCaylen: SOMEBODY TO YOU IS OUT ON ITUNES NOW! GO GET IT!!! @thevamps'

I locked my phone and we enjoyed the party for an hour more, and then everyone started to leave. Some people couldn't leave with their cars, so they called taxis'

Kian, Dad and Sam were completely drunk. As well as Luke and Brad. Brad kissed me. "You know I love you?" He slurred. "Yes, Brad. I love you too." I said as I walked with him upstairs to my room.

"No, seriously. I really love youuuu. You mean soo much to me, babe. I don't want to fuck our relationship up. You mean too much to me. I can't lose you ever. I would die." He said as we reached my room. "You won't lose me. I love you." I said opening my room door.

"Come on, let's lay you down." I said. I walked over to my bed and opened the covers up. I sat Brad down, and took his shoes off. I put him in the bed, which was a huge struggle, and kissed his forehead.

"Don't get out of bed, ok? I have to go check on my dad." I said. "Okay, babyyyyyy. Hurry back." Brad said. Connor and Ricky were putting my dad in his room. I went and saw Selena and Justin asleep on the floor.

"Carter! Khloe and I are leaving." Kylie said hugging me. "Congrats baby." Khloe said hugging me. "I love you guys!" I said before they left. I quickly went up to my room, and saw that Brad was almost asleep. I quickly changed and crawled into bed with Brad.

"Goodnight, babe. I love you." I said as Brad wrapped his arms around win.

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