Miss my little princess.

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Carter's p.o.v

December 22nd.

It's now morning. Mary, Brenda, && Natalie are out shopping for Brenda.

Peter is out. My dad, Brad, && I are at the house watching Lily. She is currently in my arms.

We are watching tv. "I'm so glad we brought them home." Brad said, referring to Lily and Brenda.

"Me too, Lily is super adorable." I smiled. "She is." Dad agreed with me.

"Christmas is in like 3 days. I'm so excited." I said. We pretty much stayed up all night picking people to send the signed stuff too.

"I am too!" My dad said. "So am I. Everything is different this time around. I'm so glad I brought you guys to meet my family," Brad said.

He looked at me and smiled. "They love you guys so much." He said. I smiled.

"I love your family a lot. I wish I would've gotten to know them sooner, but everything is perfect." I smiled.

"Thanks for inviting us out here, Brad. It was really nice of you." Dad said. Bradley smiled at him.

"You're welcome, Jc." He said. Dad grabbed Lily and headed upstairs. I went through my phone.

I found a picture of Vega and I and posted it.

'@CarterCaylen: miss my little princess.😩 see you soon, bby.😘 #missingmyvega'

I locked my phone and layed on Brad's back. "I love you, princess." Brad said.

"And I love you, prince." I smirked. He pulled me off of him and layed me back down next to him.

We were both facing each other. We looked into each other's eyes. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone." He said.

He kissed me and I obviously kissed back. "Who knew that we would be together because of a tweet I sent you?" Brad laughed.

"I sure didn't." I giggled. "Well, you'll always be my Woman Crush Wednesday." Bradley smirked.

I playfully hit his arm and laughed. "in that case, you'll always be my Man Crush Monday." I said kissing his cheek.

I layed closer to him, and he played with my hair. He fell asleep and I snapped a picture.

'@CarterCaylen: he fell asleep..💜 @thevampsbrad'

I locked my phone and looked at Brad. I smiled. How is it possible to love someone so much?

I am so thankful for Bradley and our relationship. I couldn't have asked for better.

He is my everything and I am truly in love with him. I don't want anyone else but Brad. Brad is my one and only.

He always will be. No matter what we go through, he'll always be my true love.

Two long hours went by, and Brad finally woke up. "Do you like to stare at me? Ya creep." He laughed.

"You're just so cute." I smirked. He sat up and kissed me. "I love you, you know that?" He asked me.

"And I love you." I said hugging him. He played with my hair. I heard baby Lily crying, so I went to see her.

Dad was asleep, and Lily was obviously hungry. I picked her up and went with her downstairs.

"Will you make a bottle?" I asked Brad. "Yeah, course." He said heading to the kitchen.

I walked around with Lily in my arms. I kissed her little forehead. "You're so cute." I said to her.

Brad soon came with the bottle and I fed Lily. "She is so cute." Brad said as we sat down.

I smiled. "I know. She's so precious." I said. "Are they not back yet?" Brad asked me.

"Nope." I said feeding Lily. She quickly finished the bottle and was asleep. I layed in her my arms.

"This is too cute. I have to take a picture!" Bradley said as he snapped a picture of Lily and I.

I just smiled. "Little love is so tired." I said smiling. "I'm gonna go put her in her swing." I said as I stood up.

I walked to the other side of the living room and put her down on her swing. I covered her up with a blanket.

I then went to sit on the couch. I went on my phone and saw that Brad posted the picture. Trevor, && Kian tweeted me.

'@thevampsbrad: Lily and @CarterCaylen 😍'

'@trevormoran: I miss you.😩 hope you're having fun!😘 I love you! @CarterCaylen'

'@kianlawley: Miss you lil shit.😣 I want you homeeee. I am so lonely! I have no one to be childish w/. I love you.😘 @CarterCaylen'

'@CarterCaylen: 💜☺️ @thevampsbrad'

'@CarterCaylen: I miss you too, Trev.😩😩😩 I am having fun, thanks.😘 love you my lil bratttt.💁💜 @trevormoran'

'@CarterCaylen: awe Kiks, I'll be home soon!💜 I have no one who gets my jokes.😣😂 love you soo much! 💋 @kianlawley'

I put my phone away and watched tv until everyone got back and we ate dinner.

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