Midnight trips to Denny's.

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Carter's p.o.v

It's been 2 months, meaning I am 5 months pregnant. This whole pregnancy has been a whole new experience.

In a few minutes, we are going to find out the gender of my baby. "Lily, get your shoes on." I said as I headed to her room.

"Why?" She asked as she stood up. She had toys all over the floor. "We are going to see if you're gonna have a brother or sister." I said smiling.

Lily quickly grabbed her shoes. She put them on, and I tied them for her. "Can I touch your belly?" Lily asked.

"Go ahead." I smiled. She put her little hand on my belly, and the baby started to kick.

Lily looked amused. Looked at me, and laughed. "The baby is moving, babe." I smiled at her.


"Mrs. Simpson, you are not having a baby. You are having two!" The doctor said as he showed me in the screen.

"Oh my god. Twins!" Bradley cheered. "Would you guys like to know the gender?" The doctor asked us.

We both nodded. "Alright, let's see. The first one, is a girl!" He said smiling.

"You're gonna have a sister, Lily!" I said smiling. "And the other one is a boy." The doctor smiled.

I looked at Bradley, who had tears in his eyes. I started tearing up as well. "Congrats you two! I'll be right back with the pictures." The doctor said before leaving.

Bradley helped me get cleaned up, and I say up. "I can't believe we're having twins." He said kissing me.

"We're gonna have twins baby." I told Lily. "what are twins?" She asked. "Two babies." Brad said.

"Two? Wow!!" She said as she put her hand on my belly. I smiled and the doctor came in.

"Here are your pictures. I'll you next month." The doctor said as I got ready to leave.

"Wow, twins." I said smiling. "We should go tell Carol." Bradley said. I nodded and he drove towards the orphanage.

When we got there, there were paps waiting outside. We got out, and Bradley carried Lily.

We walked inside, and Carol was in her office. "Hey, how are you?" She asked looking up, and standing up.

She hugged Brad, Lily, & I. "Great. How are you?" I asked her. "Amazing. How is your baby?" She asked as she put her hand on my belly.

"Actually, we're having two babies." Bradley smiled. "two babies?" Carol gasped, putting her hand on her mouth.

"Oh my god! Congrats!" She said hugging us. "Thank you carol." I smiled.


Everyone knows that we are having twins now. I am at home, laying on the couch with Lily.

Frankie is away doing appearances and stuff. He isn't coming home until next month.

Lily goes to school next week, and it's really upsetting, but then again I am super excited for her.

She really wants to go to school, and that makes me happy. I hated school as a little girl.

I sneezed, and I think I peed myself. "Carter, did you just pee?" Brad asked me.

"Probably." I laughed. "That is so gross." Bradley said as he walked into the kitchen.

Most of the day, I kept sneezing and peeing. "At midnight me and Selena are going to Denny's. Is that okay?" I asked Brad.

"You don't have to ask. I'm okay with it. I'll watch Lily for you." Bradley said. It's almost midnight.

I changed, and headed to Lily's room. I changed her, and put her to bed. "Night momma." She said hugging me.

"Goodnight, baby. I love you." I said kissing her. "I wuv you too." she smiled. She went to sleep, and she fell asleep.

I got ready to leave. When I got there, Selena was already sitting down in a booth.

"Hey Carter! How are you!" She asked me as she hugged me. "I'm good, how are you? it's been a while!" I said hugging her.

"Yes yes it has! I'm going AWESOME! Wait, shhhh, I should be quieter." She laughed.

"People are laughing, Selena! Shhh! Haha." I laughed as we sat down. "I'm sorry." She giggled.

"What are you gonna order? I'm probably gonna order the whole damn place. I'm so hungry." I laughed.

"You're a hungry butterfly. Don't ask why I called you that. But I am going to order the Chicken Deluxe Salad." She smiled.

"Haha! I want a country fried steak. Did you see how that waiter looked at me? What the fuck? He keeps looking at me Selena. What a creep." I said looking at the waiter.

"What a creep!" Selena said as she looked. "Should I stare back at him?" I laughed.

"Follow my lead, C!" Selena said as she smiled. "Okay." I simply said.

"Hey waiter! Ummm yeah, this lovely woman here is my wife," Selena said as the waiter approached us.

"Yes, please stop staring." We were both trying to hold back a laugh. "Yeah, we are madly in love with each other." I said as serious as I could.

Selena grabbed my hand. "Now please get us our food! My wife here is pregnant!" Selena yelled.

The waiter gave us a weird look. "He's probably wondering how I'm pregnant." I laughed.

"Oh my god!" Selena said panicking. "What?" I asked frightened. she stopped panicking. "Here it is!" She said pulling her M.A.C lipstick out.

"You scared me, you little shit!" I said. "I'm a little shit, and kian is ass wipe! What a good couple!" Selena laughed.

"Haha, yes!" I said. I sneezed, and me and Selena looked at each other. "Don't tell me you," Selena said leaning over the table and whispering in my ear. "Peed."

"I did... I just peed myself, Sel!" I said laughing at little. "Do you want me to call Brad?" She asked.

"No, he'll just yell at me." I laughed. "Kian, Jc?" She asked. "It's okay, I didn't pee that much." I said.

"Oh okay, phew!" She said as our food came. We ate and then talked for a little, and decided to each go home.

I got Bradley and Lily some things. Apparently, Lily couldn't sleep after I left, so she watched Frozen with Brad.

I got home, and Lily ran to me. "Mommy!" She said as I set everything down on the table, and picked her up.

"Hey baby. You couldn't sleep?" I asked her as I grabbed the things off the table, and headed to the living room.

Bradley was sitting on the couch, watching Frozen. I sat down next to him. "Hey baby." He said kissing me.

"Hey." I smiled as I a handed him what he had asked for. Lily sat on my lap. "Be careful, you don't want to kick your brother and sister." Bradley said.

I gave Lily what she asked for, and she watched the movie, which was almost over.

"I'm so tired." I said as I layed my head on Bradley's. "Me too, baby." He said putting his hand on my stomach.

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