My Poor Paris

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Carter's p.o.v

It's been a few weeks, and Joseph has been an absolute joy. Sam is such an amazing dad.

It made me fall in love with him all over again. Mason and Chloe had their precious babies.

I love being a grandma so much. It's so amazing. Chloe and Mason have been having problems.

I really hope they get through them. They are such an amazing couple. I love them together.

Lily is coming over later today since Luke is away. "Momma I'm here!" I heard a voice say.

Paris, Casey, June & King ran over to her, hugging her legs. "Oh my! Hello!" She laughed.

She sat down, kissing my cheek. "Hey baby!" I smiled. She held Joseph. "Look at you baby." She smiled.

"Kids soon?" I asked her with a slight smirk. "Not sure. If it happens, it happens." She laughed.

"Yeah! How have you been baby?" I asked her. "I have been great, how have you been momma?" She asked me.

"Great." I smiled. "I'm so hungry!" She said. We got up, and headed to the kitchen.

I fed the kids, and put Joseph down for a nap. "Where's Sam?" Lily asked. "He's upstairs sleeping. He hasn't been feeling well." I said.

"Oh, poor thing!" She said. "Right?" I asked her. "So Kylie is launching her LipKits soon. I've seen you use them! What's your favorite so far?" She asked me.

"I really like Candy K and Dolce K." I said. "Those are beautiful. She sent me a box to try, and i love True Brown K." Lily told me.

"You look very beautiful in it." I smiled. "Thank you momma!" She said. "Kylie is such a beauty."


Madison Beer is back and has been causing so much drama. She did so many hurtful things to Chloe.

Chloe, Madison (May), Kylie, and I are on our way to Madison's house. I don't know what Chloe is gonna do, but I'm scared.

As soon as we got out of the car, she attacked Madison. She kicked her, and before we knew it, Chloe was banging Madison's head against the concrete.

"CHLOE!" Kylie yelled. "GET OFF OF HER! YOU'RE GONNA KILL HER!" I yelled running to her and getting Chloe off of Madison.

Madison was bleeding severely. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled. I held Madison on my lap.

She was awake, sort of. "Please stay with us!" Kylie said. We called an ambulance, and we got her to the hospital.

I went home, and had to cancel mine and Sam's trip to Dubai with the kids because all of the kids got sick.


"She might not make it, Mr. Simpson & Mrs. Caylen. She's very ill." The doctor told us.

I looked at Paris, and fell to the ground. My heart stopped, I didn't know what was going on.

Bradley picked me up and hugged me as tight as he could. The tears couldn't stop. "Please save her, please." I begged the doctor.

"I promise I will do anything and everything I can." He said. I called everyone else, and told them what was going on.

"We need to be strong for her." Bradley said comforting me. I sat down in a chair, and picked Paris up.

I laid her in my arms and kissed her forehead. "Momma? You okay?" She asked me.

I smiled at her. "Yes baby. I just got an ouchy." I lied to her. "Where? I can kiss it better!" She told me.

"My cheek." I told her. She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Daddy, I love you!" She told Bradley.

"I love you too princess." He told her. Soon, everyone started coming. "Bro bro!" Paris said kissing Mason.

After an hour, it was just Brad, Mason, and I. Paris was asleep. The doctor came in and told us she was having heart issues.

"We are doing everything we can to save her." He told us. My faith is being so tested right now. I can't lose Paris.

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