"Little Miss Perfect".

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Carter's p.o.v

It's been a day, and I am taking Lily and Kenyon to school. "Why did you and dad fight?" Lily asked me.

"We just disagreed, is all." I lightly smiled. I put one hand on my belly. I haven't started showing yet.

Kian and Selena are also expecting. It seems like me and Selena are always pregnant together.

This is our second time being pregnant together, and I loved every minute the first time.

Being able to talk to someone who understands you, and knows how you feel.

"I'm sorry you kids heard. I really didn't mean to shout, I was just a bit angry." I told Lily.

"It's okay, mom." She smiled. I nodded and made my way to their school. "Carter, I was wondering if you could talk to one of my teachers since my mom can't." Kenyon said.

"Of course." I smiled. He smiled at me, and we got to their school. I got out with them.

"Hi Mrs. Simpson!" Colton called. "I thought I told you to call me Carter," I said.

"But, hello." I smiled. Violet gave me a hug. "I'll see you kids later. Let's go Kenyon." I said looking at Kenyon.

He nodded and lead me to his class. It was English. Me and his teacher talked for a few minutes.

Kenyon needs to get his grade up. I promised the teacher we would work hard to do that.

I then went home. Madison is filming for most of the day, and Mason is at a photoshoot with Bradley.

I am still not talking to Bradley. I have a check up ultrasound next week, and I hope Bradley will come even though we aren't on the best of terms.

I cleaned the house up a bit. I finished, and I began playing the piano. How I miss being in the music industry.

I would do anything to be able to sing and travel again. I just think it would be difficult with 3 kids, and 1 on the way.

I laughed at myself, and played the piano for a bit. I put my hand on my belly and smiled.

"I can't wait to meet you, little stinker." I said talking to myself.


It's been a few months. I am 6 months pregnant. A few months ago, I had an ultrasound.

They told Bradley and I that our baby wouldn't live very long. They don't know why, but that's why they told us.

They told me to abort, but I couldn't. I can't just take a life away. That is my child.

Even if my baby doesn't live very long, I will give it a chance at life. I couldn't live with myself if I had gotten an abortion.

Bradley agrees with me 100%. Madison has been so busy, filming. Her show comes out in only a few more months.

Mason is giving the modeling thing a break for now and focusing on school. He wants to live a normal childhood.

Lily and Kenyon are still together, stronger than ever. Kenyon's mom is doing so much better.

She's still at the hospital a lot, but she's getting better. Bradley and I find out today the gender of the baby.

Mason is coming along. He didn't feel well today, so he stayed home from school. I am letting him come with us.

"What do you think it's gonna be?" I asked Mason. "hopefully a girl. I want another sister." He told me.

I was a bit taken back by his answer, but smiled. "Oh, that's lovely." I smiled. We finally got to the doctor's office.


"It's a girl!" The doctor told as she showed us on a screen. She had pulled out an entire projector.

"Look at your sister, Mas." Bradley told Mason as he pointed to the big screen. My heart melted as I saw Mason tearing up a bit.

"Why are you crying, bud?" I asked him, slightly laughing. "I'm just so excited for my baby sister. I don't even care that I'll probably be the only boy forever." He said.

I smiled at him, and they got me cleaned up. The doctor gave us some pictures to keep.

"How about we celebrate with some frozen yogurt?" Brad asked us as we got in our Range Rover. "Yes!" Mason yelled.

I laughed and saw that both Madison and Lily texted me.

From: My baby Lils
Did you guys find out yet? What is the gender?!

From: Mads
I am at Sabrina's house. We are hanging out with Peyton and Corey. Could you pick me up about midnight? Also, what are you having? Boy or girl?😁

To: My baby Lils
We sure did! 😁 you're having a new baby sister.💕

To: Mads
Yeah, just text me when you wanna come home. And a girl, it's a girl.

I locked my phone and saw that were almost to the frozen yogurt place. I smiled as I saw my baby boy in the back, smiling from ear to ear.

"We are here, people." Bradley laughed. We got out, and walked in. "They have strawberry lemonade!" I said as I walked over to the machines and got myself a cup.

I put some of that in, and got some gummy bears and pecans. Bradley payed and we sat down.

"How's school going for you, buddy?" Bradley asked Mason. Mason, who was on his phone, locked his phone and looked up.

"Pretty good. I'm getting better at math, actually. I also wanted to ask you guys something." He said looking at the both of us.

"Okay, shoot." I smiled as I ate some frozen yogurt. "I was wondering if I could play football? Try outs are in two days," he said looked at Bradley and I.

"I really want to join the team." I looked at Bradley, as he smiled. "I think it would be a great idea."


Me and Bradley dropped Mason off at my dads. We are going baby shopping and Mason didn't want to come.

We decided on using Madison's old crib and baby carrier. We remodeled the old nursery, that we thought we wouldn't no longer.

We spent about 3 hours shopping, when we decided it was time to go. "Well look who it is. If it isn't little miss perfect, Carter Caylen Simpson." I turned around, annoyed and also curious.


A/N: who do you think it is? Vote/comment. :-)

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