Park Minkyun (MK) (ONF) imagine 1 [PART II]

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You would love to say that you felt energetic and full of motivation for your exam when you woke up the next morning but that would probably be a lie. Waking up was never your favorite part of sleeping and defenitely not the easiest one. Especially when you were wrapped up comfortably in Minkyuns arms, your head on his chest, arms around his torso and legs interwined with each other. You didnt know how or when you two ended up being that cuddled up together but you didnt have anything in the slightest against it. The undeniable intimate proximity to the boy besides you was driving you crazy already, not wanting to let go off him any time soon. You were probably more comfortable than you should have been for sleeping in a boys room.

However this lovely moment would have been probably more romantic and comfortable if Changyoon, one of his roommates, wouldnt have bursted into the room seemingly unsuspecting that there was a girl sleeping in the same bed as his friend. He was searching unbothered for something inside Minkyuns drawers and desk, quietly humming a song in the meantime.

You both still in your peacefully sleeping worlds being cuddled against each other shockingly woke up in a sudden as you heard a small scream from Changyoon the moment he finally saw the scene in front of him. Both of your heads snapped up in a split second hearts racing from the sudden shock.

"Not nooow Changyoon go awaaayy..." Minkyun whined still sleepy waving his hand in some random uncontrolled directions. "But... Yeah i should-" he mumbled confused while hurrying out with closing the door abruptly. Minkyun besides you let out a deep sight while yawning right after it. Still with drowsy and puffy eyes you looked up to him from his chest and couldnt help but smile at this adorable action.

"Good morning..." you mumbled while still admiring his all natural handsome morning face with slightly puffy eyes. He was the cutest thing in the world and you could not stress enough how amazing waking up next to him would be. All you wanted to do so impulsively was pressing a soft kiss onto his lips and cheeks, seeing his charming dimples appear once again. But you decided that would be a bit too straight forward. You would take one step at a time, no matter how adorable he might be looking right after waking up.

Immediately his heart melting smile greeted you back and all you could see was dimples and hearts. It was overwhelming. Your emotions never seemed to stop rushing through you when he was around. "Good morning..." he mumbled back in his deep soft morning voice, which you swear let him be 100 times more attractive than he already was. Your heart beat so loud that even he would hear it from the other side of the room.

"Im sorry about Changyoon. He always comes and takes my stuff without asking or knocking." he excused his friend while his one hand on your back steadily kept drawing little circles and patting it softly, almost letting you loose focus. Almost.

"Its fine. I dont mind people seeing us together." you unconciously flirted with the boy once again as if last night wasnt already enough. He was already whipped for everything you did it was like heaven for him. "Me neither..." he whispered, eyes wandering around your unique facial features, admiring their beauty and asking himself how he got so lucky.

It was obvious that you both finally wanted to take a step further in this 'relationship' and let out any kind of affection, verbal or physical. And it was also obvious that you both wanted to kiss each other so bad. The invisible string between you two pulling you closer and closer together until...

Until you remembered for what you had needed sleep in the first line: your exam. Starting at 9:00 am. As you took a look besides Minkyun at his clock on the wall, you nearly fell over the bed if it wasnt for two strong hands holding and stopping you from falling. "Shit... Nononono" you cursed unintentionally your eyes widening and heart racing. This time it was because of nervousness and stress. 8:46 on the minute exact. You scrambled panickly out of the bed and Minkyuns arms, even though you would have wanted to stay there forever.

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