Wen Junhui (Jun) (Seventeen) imagine 1

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!!WARNING: mention of dead and a tragedy (plane crash) DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED OR UNCOMFORTABLE BY THIS TOPIC thank you

"Today, the 7th may 2020 a tragic event occured and took the lives of over 200 passangers in a plane crash between kyoto, japan and seoul, south korea. The arrival time of the plane should be 2:37 am but it never came that far. We currently are not informed about further details of the plane crash but it is estimated that the plane had a malfunctional engine and therefore exploded with the result of crashing into the middle of the sea of japan. Only few witnesses from an island nearby reported a big explosion and fire coming from the plane at around 1:12 am. Further information coming in the evening."

Fingers shaking, breath hitching you pressed the red off-button on the remote control of the small TV in front of you. It cant be. No, it is just impossible that Jun was in that plane. Still with every single body part shaking out unbelievable fear, you made your way quickly over to your bedroom just to grab your phone to check if you had any calls or messages from your boyfriend but nothing. Not even a single 'hi' or 'love you'.

Since Seventeen was in Japan for a few concerts until yesterday, they had scheduled a flight back to Seoul at night. Jun did indeed text you the time he would arrive but that was the last thing you have heard of him. With a very uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomage you compared his given time with the one in the news. 2:37 am. No... Nononono

Everything just stoped at that moment for you. All the lights seemed to fade into a terrifying black. The dull sound in your ears got even louder and all you could hear was your racing heartbeat and heavy breathing, which were undoubtly signs of a nearing panic attack.

You wanted to cry but there was a gigantic lump in your throat stopping you from doing so. It felt like someone just took everyone from you. It was like this big horrifying cloud of darkness took all your happiness and with it every other feeling.

Jun had always been everything for you. You even talked about a future together and having kids in the future. You talked about moving in together, buying an appartment together, later even a house near to juns old hometown in China. That cant be it. It just cant be. There was something still holding onto the idea of it all being a huge misunderstanding but you just couldnt think straight.

Without thinking about it twice you dialed your boyfriends number just to be greeted with the answering machine. Trying it again and again and even leaving messages you even tried to call a few other members but none of their phones answered. Tears slowly gathered in your eyes, on the verge of falling down. But you just couldnt believe it. There WAS hope. Jun couldnt have been in that plane. None of seventeen could have been. Thats just impossible.

Not being able to think about anything at all you grabbed your jacket, putting the next shoes on just to rush out of your flat. Keys being the only thing you can remember and not caring that you still were wearing your pajamas and that it is currently 5:28 am you just needed to go to their dorm. It only could be a big fat misunderstanding. You couldnt even imagine a life without Jun in your dreams.

Nearly running to your car your mind was only about him. He has to be okay. You have never driven that fast to anywhere but about five minutes later you sprinted out of your car, heart still racing and palms sweaty.

You wouldnt admit it but you were terrified to find this appartment empty. The fear and panic you were feeling at this moment was just overwhelming and all you needed to know was that Jun was okay.

Nearly flying up all the stairs you found yourself back in front of Seventeens dorm. You cant remember how many times you rang the bell or knocked on the door but it seemed like forever.

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