Nakamoto Yuta (NCT) imagine 3 (Osaka Pt. 2)

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I felt his steady slow breathing against my chest and started slowly forgetting everything around and just focused on yuta. And before i could even notice, i dozed off and thrifted into dreamland, just hiw Yuta did at the exact same time.

And so we both fell asleep.

I suddenly i woke up with a start from the bed when i heard a phone rang multiple times right next to my ear. With yuta growning still in my arms, i tried to find the noice making phone. After finding it, i realized it was yutas phone and quickly handed it to him as it was his mother calling.

He tiredly gumbled something but i didnt understand any clear word. But he was hella cute. He said something in japanese but since i could only understand a few words, it didnt helped me at all to understood everything.

When he hung up he looked at his clock and sighted a bit. "that was my mom. I think we slept a bit too long." he giggled lightly and same did i when he showed me what time it was: 6:32 pm

We quickly stood up besides having all wobbly legs and puffy eyes and went to call a taxi to drive us to yutas parents home. The house, where he grew up and where little fetus yuta used to play with all his friends and his two sisters.

We drove a bit otside from osaka where there was a bit more nature and trees all around. While driving, yuta showed me everything and promised me to go back there tomorrow when it wouldnt be so dark.

When we arrived, yuta took my hand into his with a big smile and dragged me towards the wooden door with him. My hand clinged into his strongly and he hissed a bit. "y/n relax. They love you already." he tried to calm me down and i nodded. "i knoww but its just different and your sisters are also there."

He pressed his soft lips onto the back of my and and smiled at me encouraging. "dont worry about them so much. Momoko is also learning korean so you can talk to her more." i nodded and fiddled with Yutas bracelet out of nervousness.

He finally rang the bell and not even a few seconds later, a middle aged woman, who resembled my boyfriend so much, opened the doir with a bright smile and hugged us both very tight.

"mom im sorry we came a bit late but we fell asleep accidently." he said in japanese but i just understood 'mom' so yes, my japanese was really bad. She just brushed it off and pushed us both in with a warm smile after giving us hugs.

"how was your flight?" she asked me in broken english and i nodded smiling with the answer 'good, good, thank you'. Since his parents couldnt speak any korean and just broken english, yuta did some translations so that there wont be any language barriers.

She told yuta something again and looked at me with a proud smile patting my shoulder. I just smiled because i still couldnt understand anything. My nervousness was killing me.

Yuta on the other hand just giggled silently and took my hand in his to go in the livingroom where his father and one of his sisters were. I think it was his younger sister. She looked so much like yuta and really adorable with her 18 years.

They greeted us both and my boyfriend introduced me to his little sister, whose smile was just as bright as yutas.

And the whole following evening, we talked and talked and laughed and laughed. It was just so good to be here and so nice to know that yuta has such a loving and caring family waiting for him in japan to let him fulfill his dreams. They treated me just like family and soon we all got really close. Me and momoko, his older sister, could even talk in korean pretty well because she studied it for about four years already.

She told me many embarrasing and funny stories of her brother i didnt know and let me laugh so hard everytime she got to a new point. Yuta on the other hand just denied everything and clinged onto me like a slot while telling me not to believe her a single thing.

Around midnight, we said goodbye and promised to go visit them once more before we leave and we promised we will before we went back to the hotel with a taxi. We were both so tired that we just fell onto the bed literally and fell asleep arm in arm.

 We were both so tired that we just fell onto the bed literally and fell asleep arm in arm

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part two of the osaka serie is oouutt and i love yuta just wanna say that😍♥️😂

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part two of the osaka serie is oouutt and i love yuta just wanna say that😍♥️😂

There will be probably a next part

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