Choi Jongho (Ateez) imagine 1 (2/2)

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After that incident, i was more than confused and concerned about my mental health. I just couldnt tell if this was real or not. It seemed like the reality but everything was different. And it couldnt be reality when i saw myself. Thats why i just decided not to tell anyone about this. It was so weird to think back.

So i just kept living my life like normal, trying not to think about all of this. But the kiss and this Jongho always stayed in my mind, no matter how hard i tried to forget. I tried to make some researches but that turned out just even weirder. From travel in the past or future to travelling to another universe. Oh and soulmate connections were also in this article but what the hell was i even thinking.

So that was that. And on one friday, the weirdest of all happened. Me and my brother decided to go eat something at a restaurant to just catch up a bit after he also moved out to Seoul to study at university. I havent seen him for a long time now and i was glad to spend some time with my little brother.

He told me that he and his girlfriend Eunji finally moved together since she moved also to Seoul. It was really fun liatening to all his stories and somehow i admired him for having his life so well under control. Meanwhile there was me, still thinking about that imaginary boy. And since i really needed to tell someone at least, i told him about the incident. His theory was also rather the future or another universe. He always believed in things like that.

"Thats crazy y/n. It really would just make sense when you travelled to another universe since you didnt look any oldrr than now from what you told me. And maybe you just had a boyfriend in this other universe." he tried composing some stories. I let out a deep sight and rolled my eyes. "I dont know Taejin. This all seems so unbelievable. How and why?" he shrugged with his shoulders and took a sip out of his soju bottle.

"Taejin? Y/n? No waayy its you isnt it?" suddenly a all to known voice rang through my ears and let me look up to the person infron of our table. "Yunho?! Bro what are you doing here?" Taejin nearly jumped up and hugged the tall boy in front of us brotherly. "What are YOU doing here? I thought you still live in Gwangju..." they laughed as they had a bit of small talk until this big giant came to me and gave me a squeezing hug. It was so nice seeing him. Yunho was our old neighbour in Gwangju. His parents house is still next to ours and that made us all old childhood friends. From going to school together to playing hide and seek in the forest or making lemonade to sell it infront of our houses. So many nice memories.

"Aw Y/n you actually look like a woman now not a girl. I always knew you would be that old cat lady." he laughed as i hit him playfully on his arm. "haha very funny. And i always thought you would end up working on that farm across the street." he laughed even louder and patted my head since i was like more than a head smaller than him. He always did that. "Still feisty as always. Hey, why dont we catch up a bit? Im here with my friends back there. You mind if we join you?" he asked us and pointed to three other boys with masks on at the door.

"Yeah sure. We have more than enough space here anyways." Taejin agreed and no moment later yunho disappearded and came back with his three friends in tow. My anxiety rising as they all seemed like handsome boys. Yunho sat down next to Taejin just like another guy and the other two sat next to me. Somehow the presence of the boy next to me seemed to tighten me a bit up. There was something about him even though he was still wearing his mask.

As they took their jackets and stuff off, i couldnt dare to look at the boy besides me. I knew this scent of his from somewhere but i couldnt tell from where. It was so odd. "So these are my old neighbours and friends Taejin and y/n and these are my friends Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho." Yunho introduced us all to each other. As i heard the name Jongho, my brain was puzzled. Jongho. That guy. I turned my head finally to look at the boy next to me and it took my breath away. It was him. It was the exact guy who kissed me, hugged me and said he was my boyfriend. So he was real. But that was impossible.

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