Optional Bias imagine 2

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Is it possible to love someone the opposite from you? Is it possible that two different worlds could collide and create something so beautiful? Is it possible that he will ever love you when you are so different to him?

"Sure opposites can date, why not?"

"No no i think we are more attracted to people similar to ourselves. I've read this once in a study."

"I dont think so. Opposites attract each other even more because they have something you dont and vise versa."

Opinion after opinion was hitting you after you just asked one simple question: Can opposite people date?

It wasnt that you really wanted to know because you are already in a relationship, no. It was more out of frustration. Longing for this one person you knew you wouldnt be together with him at anytime.

You were just so attracted to him for the longest time, it was abnormal. But everytime you thought about him, you ended up gushing about his broad shoulders, his handsome face, his friendly personality and just everything else that came to your mind. And especially the brief encounters and looks you exchanged with him in the past. Every little moment was already securely saved and stored deep in your brain.

But obviously this could always just be a one sided crush. You were just the opposite from his personality. Quiet, reserved, you rather thought than make something happen, shy with strangers and of course bad at talking. He was everything you could never be. And that is what you admired the most.

At this moment you just wanted to embrace him and sling your arms around his waist, him holding you tight, laughing sweetly along with each other.

It was even hard to talk to him. Because all you wanted to do was to make no mistakes in front of him. And somehow you always stiffen up in his presence and talk weirdly. And that was a reflex. You couldnt change that easily but you wish. He probably even think you hate him. And you just wish for him to see how much you like him. But again... Its not that easy.

"I think everyone should date when they love each other. No matter if their personalities are similar or different to each other. Heck, even people from the same gender can date so why do you even ask such a question? Love has no barriers and will never have. Because your heart tells you what to do."

It was really easy to say but in real life? It felt like you could never ever in a million years make the first move and the worst thing was to imagine you being alone forever. When you would keep acting around boys you like even a tiny bit, then how in the world will your future look like?

But then everytime he looks at you, your brain seems to shut down and nothing seems to work anymore. All you could do is look away. But then you see him laughing with others and just ask yourself why are you not able to do the same?! What is wrong with me?!

But in reality, absolutely nothing is wrong with you, you know that. You two were and will probabky always be opposite to each other. But that still doesnt mean that you couldnt love each other.

Because sometimes strength lays in differences, not in similarities and you just need a small push from others into the right direction.


"Hey y/n, y/f/n told me you want me to teach you how to play the drums..."

... Or not.

 Or not

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Sooo this one was on my mind cause hehsj im an awkward bean and dont know what to do in my life😂

Have you once had a crush on somebody who is the total opposite from you?

-->hell YES or i wouldnt have written this😂

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