Lee Eunhyuk (Super Junior) imagine 1

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Requested by cookiesnclifford

Everything was black. Just small rays of light were shining through a thing that seemed like a curtain in front of a window. The ground felt soft, maybe even too soft. Eunhyuk was sitting on the ground all alone. Nothing around him. Just he all by himself.

"Honey..." the soft voice of his girlfriend called out for him desperately, sounding weak and helpless. "y/n? Where are you?" his tender voice halled through the empty room but he still couldnt see anything. Worry and sorrow rised inside of him when he didnt get an answer.

"y/n? Yeobo..." he asked again now trying to stand up but failed. The ground was literally pulling him down, not allowing him to search for his girlfriend. Still no answer. "Y/nnn" he tried screaming but nothing came out of his mouth. His hands frudtratedly wandered to his troath but nothing helped. It was like he was put on mute.

Suddenly there was a horrible shrill scream and Eunhyuk knew exactly from whom it was: y/n. Then he saw it. A man all in white was standing in front of him. It was Lee Sooman. CEO of SM Entertainment and the devil himself. He had an evil smirk on the lips and waved with something in his hands. Eunhyuks breath hitched when he saw ehat it was. A gun. A real gun shining metalic and dangerously in the dark.

He wanted to run. But he couldnt. It was like he was inprisoned. Then he saw y/n. Standing next to him. Je wanted to grab her and hold her small body in his arms securely. But he couldnt.

Suddenly the man in white held the gun right onto y/ns head and before he could do anything, there was a loud 'pang' and a shrill scream after. Then there was a horrible silence. Eunhyuk was like frozen. He couldnt move a single muscle. He couldnt breath. His girlfriend layed now infront of him, dead, with a big blood lack around her.

Then it clicked. He lost everything. Everything he had. He screamed his soul out... But he couldnt. He tried to grab and hug and save his girlfriend but... He couldnt. He cried and cried and his soul was teared apart. His heart couldnt stand this absolute horrible inner pain. It was destroying him from the inside. It hurt so freaking much.

"y/nnnn" he cried one last time but suddenly the scene he had in front of him was slowly changing into the worried face of his girlfriend. "Eunhyuk... Yeobo... Wake up, please." she begged him with her soft voice he loved. "y/n" he sighted overly happy, hugging her with all his emotions overflowing. "y/n" a sob escaped his mouth and just now he realised he was crying.

He quickly tried removing all his tears with the long sleeve of his shirt but he couldnt help but feel so relieved seeing her alive. "Baby... Did you had a nightmare?" she whispered pressing small kisses on the side of his face which made the idol feel a lot better. His heart was still racing and the adrenaline pumping through his veins but it slowly calmed down. He just nodded simply facing her finally. He still held her close to him and didnt even let her go a bit. She pressed small sweet kissed under his eyes so that his tears disappeared.

"You screamed and cried... I was so worried." she told him quietly ehile carefully carrassing his face. His puffly cheeks and eyes made him look so vulnerable but adorable at the same time. His brown hair hanging messily on his forehead, covered in sweat.

" i... I dreamt about you. And it was horrible. I am just so glad you are here. It was judt a dream..." y/n nodded and moved closer with her face to her boyfriends. "i love you. Never be worried, i will always be at your side, okay?" Eunhyuk nodded with a small smile and then their lips lightly touched and both of them felt so connected and loved. They felt that they werent alone. Never. As long as they had each other.

 As long as they had each other

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Sooo i hope you like it hehe♥️

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Sooo i hope you like it hehe♥️

I actually wrote a similar imagine once for heechul and hani cause they are my baes but they were in my natuve language so i hope this still does it😄

Who is your bias in Super Junior?

-->Sooo my biases are Yesung and Heechul cause i love them haha😂

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