Park Minkyun (MK) (ONF) imagine 1 [PART I]

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The dumb base of the pop music from the next room bashed against the seemingly paper thin walls, people screaming in the hallway and random couples accidentaly rushing into your room while being glued to each others lips. A usual friday night on campus. This time, your glorious roommate Chinha decided to throw a party at your appartement since it was quiet spacious and therefore 'great for inviting some friends over' in her exact words.

These kind of parties on the other hand were never exactly your cup of tea. And on top of that, you still had one exam left for this semester and by chance this exam was tomorrow. Luck wasnt defenitely on your side for not granting you even a tiny bit of sleep, even though you were out and about for this day. You just needed some last rest since you have stayed up studying for this exam the last nights. Not even the strongest coffee could help in this situation. You felt like your eye bags were as deep as the niagra fall at this point.

One gaze at your phone told you the bitter time of 2:07 am. With a deep sight and the realization that you would never find any sleep in this house in the near future, you took your phone scrolling through your contact list.

"Maybe i should go sleep somewhere else..." you muttered rather tired to yourself. There werent many people possible for staying over. Unfortunately a lot of them were already at this exact party so they were no help at all.

Unconciously your mind travelled to Minkyun. Would it be weird asking him if you could sleep over? You could bet he was already sound asleep and that you would just steal his precious sleep. But just the mere thought of his presence near you, sleeping over at HIS appartment and just hearing his voice, let your heart begin to race again. Your whole body seemed to be even more awake while thinking of this special boy.

You two werent dating in particular if you could call it like that. But you would be lying if you said there was nothing between you. You had a major crush on him and you were pretty sure he had a tiny crush on you as well. You two loved hanging out together, playing with each others hand or hair while chilling on the couch and 'accidently' made out with each other once at a party. To sum it up, your relationship at the moment was confusing. Very confusing. But nonetheless, he was the boy you fell for head over heels.

Your finger was over the call button of his number, still torn between calling or not calling. In the end your heart and the need of sleep won over your last braincell and you pressed the green call button.

At first there was no reaction at the first few rings but just before you wanted to give up, a tired 'hello' echoed through your phone. You immediately smiled at his adorable sleepy voice but could also punch you in the face for waking him up.

"Minkyun? Did i wake you up? Im so sorry..." you muttered hugging your pillow. "No- i mean yes kinda... But i dont mind because its you. Whats the matter?" his words let your smile grow even more while you unconciously played with the edge of the pillow. Even now your cheeks probably heated up slightly.

"My roommate is having a party in our appartment but it is too loud here. And you know i have my last exam tomorrow. I am probably so sleep deprived right now." you sighted into the phone, hearing Minkyuns groan on the other side. "She really did this to you? Cant you just change roommate?" he joked slightly but still sounded dissatisfied. "I wish i could..." your voice trailed off, thinking of how to ask him not too directly but failed anyways.

"Can i... can i maybe come over and sleep at your appartement? I have nowhere else to go." you bit your lip nervously, still playing with the pillow. "Of course you can. Should i pick you up? It is already too dark out there to walk alone." he immediately suggested which made you blush. This was more than you expected. "Really? You would do that? You dont have to i can just-" he interrupted you insisting on his offer. In the end you could not say no to him in any way. So you decided to meet at your appartment complex door and walk the 10 minutes across the campus together to his appartment, which he shared with his roommates Changyoon and Jaeyoung. They were always pretty nice to you but they usually found a reason to tease you and Minkyun all the time.

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