Tony Yu (PDX101) imagine 1

813 13 11

Requested by LeeArim

Being Lee Arim wasnt always easy but somehow she managed to get a good grip on it... At least she thought so. May 27th was the day that broke her down innerly but it was also the day she found my true happiness in person.

May 27th. A nice day with sunny weather but lots and lots of coming trouble. That day Arim decided to go visit the local shopping centre to just have some well decerved fun after all the hard work and stress she had to go through in university. She could have go swimming with her other friends but she was more in the mood to go on a shopping spree with her big brother. Just some nice quality time under siblings. But could she know that it would be everything but a nice day.

With shopping bags in their hands full of clothes of the other shops they already went to, Arims brother Midam suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Yah Arim wait a second... I just remembered that i need to buy that one book for my economy class. Oh im so lucky i remembered or i would be dead by tomorrow." Arim giggled nooding, following her brother into the next bookstore. Midam was always like that, doing his tasks just before they were due.

"You know if i were you i would probbaly buy it earlier." she just heard him sight and mumbling an 'i know i know'.

As they both went through the doors of the bookstore Arim immediately spotted Tony at the cashier spot scanning books for customers to buy. A frown appeared on her face. Of course he had to work here. When it came to Tony there were always a big ladder of feelings and emotions building up in her. On one hand was Tony an absolute sweetheart from what the girl had seen in the past. Holding the door open for his mom or giving his little sisters big hugs before school begins. He defenitely had a big heart and there were moments Arims heart would just go soft in one second. But on the other hand was he an absolute jerk. Always teasing her and stealing her chair. Things like that happened on daily basis. It was not like Arim wanted that but she was just so confused about that boy, she couldnt tell whats going on with him. He was a big question mark for her.

But she shouldnt beat her head against a wall just because of that one boy named Tony. Shehad a great boyfriend who she deeply loved. Kim Yohan. The total heartdrop. Why he decided to date a girl like her instead of all those gorgeous mannequin girls was still a big mystery for her but she had nothing to complain about. Yohan defenitely was another number and she knew that.

"Hey Arim isnt that-... YO WTF?!" Midam suddenly screamed and drew all the attention to them. But Midams gaze was only focused on one person... Or probably two. Arims eyes wandered further and stopped at a kissing couple. "YOHAN?!" her shrill voice was heard through the whole store and that was the moment Yohans eyes met hers.

"You damn- how could you...?" she just whispered, tears burning in her eyes as she stormed out of the shop. She should have known. He was too good looking. He was too popular. He was just on another level. But now he had sunken to the negative thousand floor for her. He was gone. Cheating behind her back. Great.

Many people had pitied or weird looks for her but all she cared about as she sat down on the floor in an edge, was the pain Yohan just let her feel. This deep pain that tried to rip her heart in two pieces. The tears just kept and kept on flowing and flowing.

Suddenly there was a big hand on her shoulder and the person in front of her kneed down to her level just to pull the girl into a tight embrace. Honestly Arim didnt care who this person was at the moment. She was just so glad that there was someone she could hold on and rndure the pain she was feeling in her whole body.

Little did she know, it was Tony. The one and only Tony. He had been watching the whole scene from behind the cashier aisle and he was disguisted by Yohan. He was angry and sad at the same time. HOW in the world does he even dare to hurt a precious human like Arim? She deserved so much better than seeing her boyfriend cheating with a random popular girl right in front of her eyes.

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