Hong Jisoo (Joshua) (Seventeen) imagine 1

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Going to prom with your boyfriend was a lot different than you thought it was. Lets say it like this.

You actually never went to prom before because you were just single like a pringle and didnt really see a reason to spend prom alone with other lonely single pringles. For you, prom always was for the couples,even though there probably werent many or they just took ANYONE who wasnt already taken.

So it just happened that you never went to a prom or homecoming or anykind of ball. It wasnt your cup of tea. But ever since you met Joshua, everything changed. Joshua Hong, your man. The sweetest and most caring man you knew. Whose kisses are sweeter than honey and whose hugs were warmer than boiling water.

He just changed everything for you. And ever since you both started dating about over two years ago, you finally decided to take the last chance and go to prom with your boyfriend.

He wasnt really a fan of these kind of happenings but little did you know, Joshua would do everything if you just asked for it. He was so in love with you, not even his members thought that he would be THAT over the place just for a girl. All he saw were hearts. And so did you. He was like an angel, like a light in your dull life and with him, everything was fun. Everything seemed perfect.

So there you were on this friday afternoon. Infront of the schools gymnasium. You wore a long flowy orange dress out of a silky material and Joshua decided to match you with an orange shirt. So you both were ready to go.

But once you entered the battlefield, you wanted to sink into the floor because of how many gazes you two attracted. You werent sure if it was just your mind because Joshua seemed to totally not notice all the interested looks he seemed to get. All he could look at was you. For him, there couldnt be a more beautiful girl than you in this room, yeah in this world even.

"Josh... Why did we come here again? I think i just changed my mind..." you held onto his hand tightly. His thumb drew small circles all around your hand. "Huh? Why honey? Dont you feel good?" he sounded a bit worried and his hand immediatley went to your forehead to check your trmperature.

You shook your head and swallowed hard as you dragged him to the furthest corner of the room. "Its just... These gazes. They dont make me feel really comfortable...You know." a smile appeared on his lips and he gently took your head into his hand to caress your cheek and look lovingly at you.

"Honey, there is no need to be nervous. Im here with you so you are the safest human in the world right now. Just let them stare then, okay?" taking a deep breath you nodded with a small smile as your hand wandered to his hair to pull him lightly down to you in order to reach his level. Your lips pressed against each other for a few seconds after you decided to get yourself a table finally.

"Oh my... Y/n damn. Where did you get such a handsome and angelic man?! Is there like a website like rent a man ? Cause i would have needed it." Hayeong, one of your classmates with whom you sat on the same table decided to talk to you and well... About Joshua? You smiled slightly and shook your head. "Ah no no, Joshua is my boyfriend actually. I just asked him to come with me since its our last prom." you tried to explain but her face fell into shock.

"Your boyfriend?! Since... Since when do you have a boyfriend? I mean i dont even have one. How did you manage to have such a charming boyfriend?" you could hear the tiniest bit of jealousy dripping off her statement but you just nodded while taking Joshuas hand under the table, since he was currently talking to someone as well.

"Yeah... I mean we just found each other i guess." you shrugged with a small smile trying to secretly get Josh to talk to you again so that you could skip that awkward moment.

"I bet you two just got together, am i right? Theres no way you could have hide such a beautiful boyfriend from everyone." all these compliments towards your boyfriend slowly seemed to stink a lot toxic. She was not really interested in you obviously, but your boyfriend was her target.

"No actually we are a couple for nearly two years already." her smile fell a bit deeper once again and just nodded. "Wow then congrats i guess. You are kinda... cute together." she muttered but everyone could see that she did not mean it by heart. And this place was full of these people.

After a while, Joshua wanted to dance with you at least once. And since dancing was not really your strength you just let him lead you and sling your arms around his neck, swaying with the romantic music, enjoying the time with just us two.

"Joshie?" you murmured against his jacket to get his attention. A 'mhh' came back not a second after. "Can we go home and cuddle? Oh and get some real food on the way?" a laugh came from him and his hands carressed your back. "You want to get out of here this early? Even though its your last prom?" you nodded with a hum. "I cant stand these people here. They are really just salty at me for having such a handsome boyfriend. And the food is not really my style." his arms sneaked a bit tighter around your waist and you finally looked up to him to see a big smile on his face.

"What a pity then that im only yours." he laughed along you. "Lets go. I still have some coupons left for this kbbq place you love..." with an enthusiastic nod you took his hand and dragged him out if the gym. "You dont even need to ask twice."

So you two spend the rest of the night different than planned but defenitely way better. And after eating you went to his house to just cuddle and watch some movie you two wanted to see and finally fell asleep in each others arms with this warm feeling around your heart, only he could be the source of.

 And after eating you went to his house to just cuddle and watch some movie you two wanted to see and finally fell asleep in each others arms with this warm feeling around your heart, only he could be the source of

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Hiii im back with this joshua imagine cause i love him so much and i wanted to post about him hdhd

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Hiii im back with this joshua imagine cause i love him so much and i wanted to post about him hdhd

What are your favorite seventeen songs at the moment?

-->sooo there are many but i really am a sucker rn for swimming fool, highlight, fear, dont wanna cry, my i and the8's chinese version of clap👏

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