Lee Seokmin (DK) (Seventeen) imagine 2

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Today was Saturday. Finally. And that meant your boyfriend finally had gotten a day off from work. His free time he deserved so much. And all he wanted to do, was spending time with you. So here you were, cuddling like there was no tomorrow.

He decided to spend the day and night over at your appartment and you couldnt complain. Because all you wanted to do was just be with your sunshine. You both cooked together, watched some old movies from when you both were young and swelled in nostalgia with endearing smiles.

As the evening rolled in, you and Dokyeom still layed in your bed, talking about everything and everyone. The warm blanket covering you both and kept the warmth from escaping. Your legs playfully entangled with each other, occasionally tickeling the other one with their feet which most of the times ended in a mutual tickle fight and eventually in a hot make out session.

And in the next moment, you were laying with your head on his wide chest, just covered in a plain black shirt, as he wore this color so often lately. His hands stroking lovingly every inch of your body, fingers entangled in your silky hair as he was massaging your scalp just to hear relaxed happy sights from your side.

"Seokmin?" your voice just barely a whisper as your hands clinged absently to the fabric of his shirt. A soft yet quiet hum from him signalized that he was listening to everything you said. "How many children do you want to have? I mean... In the future?" your question let his ears peak up attentively and a bright smile replaced his relaxed expression.

"Children you say? Mhh... how about five? That would be so adorable, just imagine it y/n... Little mes and yous running around in their small diapers and their pacifiers in their mouths." Seokmin turned to face you, your faces just inches away. You couldnt hide your love drunken smile after he kept telling you about your possible future together.

Your hands sneaking up to his face to cup the soft cheeks of his, caressing the slightly puffy bags under his eyes and drawing small circles onto his skin. "Youre right... This would be adorable... Just think how less sleep we will get with five kids damn" you slightly joked before pressing a light kiss onto one of his cheeks with an overly happy smile. Everyone could see you two were deeply in love with each other. So deep that you didnt even notice others around you in public. All you could see was him and his amazingly bright smile, which appeared magically every single time he saw you.

He laughed out loudly with his usually bright laugh and shook his head in the process. "Sunshine, you wont be able to tease me about it when it will become reality. Cause i am only planning having children and become a family with you and only you. You cant stand against my charms y/n, i know that." he pecked your lips quickly, leaving you yearning for more of his touches and kisses.

Leaning slightly forward while playfully rolling your eyes, you tried to steal another kiss from him but he slickly turned his head so that your lips only could meet his cheek. With another loud laugh he provocatively made a kiss mouth, leaning closer to you again. But before your lips could reach his in a second attempt, still longing for the touch of his lips, his cheek once again make contact with your lips.

A visible pout formed on your lips and you let out a desperate whine, sounding just too cute to exist for Dokyeom. He laughed softly this time while his hands cupped your cheeks in a comforting manner. He loved to play around with you jokingly but he could never do it longer than a minute before he would turn soft like butter again.

"Im sorry sweety but this just showed that you really cant resist my charms." he smiled like a ray of pure sunshine and all he wanted to do was just kiss you finally. And before you could respond in any way, his lips already pressed gently onto yours, leaving you with nothing but the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in your stomache, never stopping to fly when you are around him.

"I think you are right. I could never resist your charms anyways Mr. Sexy." You went for a light kiss again, him humming happily into it with his arms sneaking around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.

You snuggled your head after a while back into his chest, his arms still embracing you tightly. "But... Lets try having one child at first before we even can handle five at once." you half jokingly noted with rush of warmth, excitement and total 1000000% real love for this amazing human flowing through your veins.

You heard him chuckle and pressing a short kiss onto your hair. "Sure sweety... Just tell me where to start" With a giggle you layed your lips on his exposed colarbone just to look up to him a few seconds after.



"I love you."

"How could i not love you sunshine?"

"How could i not love you sunshine?"

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Ahhh hello hello i thought since i havent posted something in a while i would update one that i wrote about two weeks ago maybe and idk i was just vibiinggg😂

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Ahhh hello hello i thought since i havent posted something in a while i would update one that i wrote about two weeks ago maybe and idk i was just vibiinggg😂

Are you panicked because of the coronavirus? Are there any cases or news in your country?

--> so personally i am not really worried at all to be honest because i just think media hypes up this whole topic a lot more and panick a whole lot of people unnecesarrily. But of course we still should be careful!!! So in my country there are a few cases but yet still no deaths luckily. But just a reminder when you are in one of the risky areas: Please stay safe and healthy and dont worry EVEN if you get infected! Fighting! Also huge respect to all the medical staff who fight against the virus👏👏

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